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Disability Related Employment Supports

Disability related employment supports provide assistance to Albertans in overcoming the barriers to employment created by their disability.

Potential clients must:

What Does the Program Offer?

Disability related employment supports are offered in four areas:

Workplace Supports

Workplace supports assist Albertans to make a successful transition to the workplace or to maintain employment during a disability-related job crisis. The supports may include a job coach, job mediator, mentor, and workplace modifications. 

Job Search Supports

DRES covers goods and services that are disability related and over and above those provided by mainstream services.  This could include, for example, a sign language interpreter so that a client with a hearing impairment can attend a job search workshop.

Educational Supports

Educational support involves assistance to learners preparing for employment through post-secondary education, basic skill training, academic upgrading, or labour market programs. Support can include sign language interpreters, tutors, note takers, readers and student assistants.

Assistive Technology

Assistive technology includes the purchase and set-up of technology supports required to alleviate, reduce or remove a barrier to education, training or employment. This can include computers and software programs.

Employer inquiries are welcomed.

Document Title and Description Date
Created: 2005-11-28
Reviewed: 2006-06-30