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Kindergarten to Grade 9: Health and Life Skills

 An important aim of the Health and Life Skills Kindergarten to Grade 9 Program of Studies in Alberta is to help students make well-informed and healthy choices about the food they eat. The resources below are designed to support the Wellness- Personal Health outcomes, specifically W-K.5 to W-9.5.
These lessons are relevant to the study of foods at a variety of grade levels depending on your classroom situation.

"A Taste of Alberta" introduces students to the similarities and differences between Alberta food products and those from other parts of the world.
"Grow A Snack" guides students in growing their own healthy "snack".
"How We Make Cheese" helps students gain a clearer understanding of dairy products.
"Who's Been Making My Porridge?" In this activity, children examine grain products that they eat every day.
"Stocking The Cupboard And The Fridge" encourages students to examine common garden products used in their homes.
"Agriculture A La Carte" guides student in thinking about the diverse food choices available to them.
"Wheat to Bread" In three separate tasks, the children take a closer look at bread.
"Field To Table" and "International Supper" help students understand where in the world their food originates.
"Eat Like A Brazilian" , "Bake A Merry Christmas" and "Tis The Season" In these activities, students gain an appreciation of the cultural nature of food.
"The Human Incinerator" Students identify all the food and non-food substances that they ingest in a week and trace them back to their original sources.
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Brent Andressen.
This document is maintained by Charles Young.
This information published to the web on July 21, 2003.
Last Reviewed/Revised on October 8, 2003.

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