January 28, 2002

Future Summit delegates to discuss strategic direction


Approximately 260 delegates are now registered and will explore the vision for Alberta's future in Red Deer on February 4 and 5, 2002 at the Future Summit.

The delegate list represents a cross-section of demographics, backgrounds and interests from around the province. A number of youth delegates from high schools, universities and trade apprentice groups will bring the perspective of planning for their future to the Summit.

On the afternoon of February 4, 2002, Premier Ralph Klein and the Summit co-chairs, Greg Melchin, Minister of Revenue and Doug Mitchell, Q.C., Chair of the Alberta Economic Development Authority, will set the stage for the discussions over the two days. Two guest speakers, Janet Brown of Environics West, and David Baxter of the Urban Futures Institute, will make presentations on planning for Alberta's future.

Delegates will then break off into discussion groups for one of seven themes- The Economy, The Environment, Fiscal Responsibility, Communities, Health and Wellness, Learning, and Governance. The themes were derived from the input of more than 4,300 Albertans who participated in the public consultation during the first phase of the Future Summit process.

"Most of the work at the summit will take place in the theme discussions and it will be a very intense process," Melchin said. "Delegates were asked to choose one of the seven themes they wished to participate in and within their theme, their job will be to look at the visions provided by the public consultation and begin to lay out some direction for reaching those visions."

Delegates will also be asked to move between groups on the second day and provide input to the base work of other theme groups.

"Switching discussion areas is meant to highlight the inter-connection and inter-dependency between the themes," Mitchell said. "Delegates from one theme area will look at another theme area and add another perspective to the work. Hopefully, they will also take what they saw in the other areas and bring it back to their own discussions. The goal is to create some practical strategies that can be brought forward, to flesh out the visions."

Work from the two-day summit will be gathered into a report by the co-chairs and the Summit External Advisory Committee and brought to government early this spring. More information on the Future Summit, including the full package of information provided to the delegates and an Executive Summary, is available on the web site at www.futuresummit.com.


Note to editors - A reminder that media accreditation for the Future Summit is due Friday, February 1, 2002. A media agenda for February 4 and 5, list of registered delegates and media accreditation form are also attached.

Media inquiries may be directed to:

Gordon Vincent 
Alberta Future Summit 2002 
780) 719-7279


Janice Harrington 
Alberta Future Summit 2002 
(780) 422-2126

Click here for the list of delegates.

The Agenda



Monday, February 4, 2002

11:00 a.m.

Registration and Buffet Lunch

11:30 a.m.

Co-chair Media Availability
- media centre


Official Opening and Welcome

12:10 p.m.

Premier Ralph Klein - Keynote Address

12:30 p.m.

The Landscape of the Future
Greg Melchin and Doug Mitchell, Co-Chairs
Alberta Future Summit 2002

12:45 p.m.

Plenary Presentations
• Alberta Trends and Issues
Janet Brown, Environics West
• Demographic Drivers
David Baxter, Urban Futures Incorporated
• Directions for Breakout Discussions
Doug Balsden, Lead Facilitator, Alberta Future Summit 2002

2:00 p.m.



Media Availability
David Baxter, Urban Futures Incorporated

2:30 p.m.

Breakout Discussions
• Introductions
• Agenda Overview
• Review of Assumptions
• Discussion of Plenary Presentations
• Affirmation of Vision and Values
• Discussion of Obstacles and Opportunities

5:15 p.m.

Dinner Break

6:15-8:00 p.m.

Breakout Discussions
• Development of Preliminary Directions and Strategies


Tuesday, February 5, 2002

8:30 a.m.

• Setting Up the Day - Co-chairs
• Announcements

8:45 a.m.

Interchange Session
• Information Exchange Across Themes

10:15 a.m.


10:30 a.m.

Breakout Sessions
• Delivering Strategies and Actions



1:15 p.m.

Breakout Sessions
• Roles and Responsibilities in Strategy Implementation

2:15 p.m.

Breakout Sessions
• Recommendations on Priorities

2:45 p.m.


3:00 p.m.

Plenary Report Back

4:30 p.m.



Media availability
• Co-chairs


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