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Background Information

The Capacity Joint Table
The Capacity Joint Table (CJT) was established to improve understanding of the challenges facing the sector and to develop ways of strengthening the sector’s ability to meet the demands placed on it by Canadian society. The Table’s first meeting was held in October 2000; members represented federal government departments and voluntary organizations.

The Research Steering Committee
The CJT's Research Steering Committee, comprised of voluntary sector and government members, was responsible for overseeing the NSNVO project, including the Request for Proposal process. The Committee assisted the CJT in enhancing the research and information sharing capacity of all types and sizes of voluntary organizations. It also identified capacity needs and gaps and recommended appropriate research studies to address these.

The National Survey of Giving, Volunteering, and Participating Further Analysis and Dissemination Committee
The National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating (NSGVP) Further Analysis and Dissemination Committee consisted of voluntary sector and government members. The Committee was responsible for the Request for Proposal process for analysis and dissemination of the 1997 and 2000 NSGVP and the 1987 Volunteer Activity Survey results. This committee’s work ended with the completion of VSI Phase I.


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Last Updated: 2006-12-08