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Resources for Accountability and Financial Management in the Voluntary Sector

Resources for Accountability and Financial Management in the Voluntary Sector provides medium-sized organizations with resources, including website links, to advance their financial management knowledge and skills as well as enhance their accountability. The project was commissioned by the Voluntary Sector-only Working Group on Financing and funded by the Government of Canada through the Capacity Joint Table of the Voluntary Sector Initiative.

The Capacity Joint Table Advisory Committee is working to help voluntary organizations access and manage financial resources to attain their goals while maintaining accountability to stakeholders. This work complements the Voluntary Sector Initiative’s A Code of Good Practices on Funding, which builds on An Accord Between the Government of Canada and the Voluntary Sector. Resources for Accountability and Financial Management is one of the three projects on financial capacity that the Advisory Committee is overseeing; the other two are Sources and Mechanisms of Funding and Inventory of Effective Practices in Financing and Resourcing of Voluntary Sector Organizations.


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Last Updated: 2006-12-08
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