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The Voluntary Sector Initiative Reports

About VSI | Govt.-Sector Relationship | Funding | Policy Development | IM-IT | Regulations
Sector Identity | Working & Volunteering | Research on the Sector


About the VSI

A Shared Journey: Midterm Reflections on the Voluntary Sector Initiative
HTML | PDF (135 KB)

Voluntary Sector Task Force Final Report
HTML | PDF (109 KB)

Voluntary Sector Initiative Secretariat Final Report
HTML | PDF (144 KB)

Building Capacity in the Voluntary Sector: Resources from the Capacity Joint Table - September 2003
HTML | PDF (32 KB)

Building on Strength: Improving Governance and Accountability in Canada's Voluntary Sector
HTML | PDF (440 KB)

Building A Stronger Voluntary Sector
PDF (534 KB)

Research Project on Visible Minority Communities in Canada
HTML | PDF (84 KB)

Partnering for the Benefit of Canadians: Government of Canada - Voluntary Sector Initiative (June,2000)

Working Together : A Government of Canada/Voluntary Sector Joint Initiative: Report of the Joint Tables (August, 1999)
HTML | PDF (297 KB)

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Government - Sector Relationship

Government and Voluntary Sector Collaboration for the Benefit of Communities: Summary Report of the 1st Joint Champions Meeting
PDF (137 KB) | DOC (189 KB) | Unformatted text (133 KB)

The Journey Continues: The Second Report to Canadians on Implementing An Accord Between the Government of Canada and the Voluntary Sector
HTML | PDF (250 KB) | Unformatted text (77 KB)

The Voluntary Sector Initiative Process Evaluation - Final Evaluation Report
HTML | PDF (1480 KB)

Strengthening the Government-Sector Relationship: Report from the May 19th session, Ottawa
HTML | PDF (66 KB)  

Taking the Accord Forward: The First Report to Canadians on Implementing An Accord Between the Government of Canada and the Voluntary Sector
HTML | PDF (229 KB)

The Rubber and the Road, a Workbook for Implementing the Codes of Good Practice
HTML | PDF (160 KB)

An Accord Between the Government of Canada and the Voluntary Sector
HTML | PDF (500 KB) | Unformatted text

Joint Coordinating Committee Final Report
PDF (171 KB) | DOC (353 KB) | Unformatted text (39 KB)

Joint Accord Table Final Report
PDF (495 KB) | DOC (342 KB) | Unformatted text (86 KB)

Voluntary Sector - Federal Government Accord: Approaches to Ratification or Endorsement
by Karen Jackson
HTML | PDF (74 KB)

Building Relationships: Using Good Practices as a Catalyst
June 2002
HTML | PDF (134KB)

A Federal Government - Voluntary Sector Accord: Implications for Canada's Voluntary Sector
February 2001
HTML | Unformatted text | PDF (90KB)

A Government - Voluntary Sector Accord
by David A. Good
HTML | PDF (470 KB)

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The Capacity Joint Table Advisory Committee Final Report
PDF (310 KB) | DOC (MS Word - 165 KB) | Unformatted text (44 KB)

Resources For Accountability and Financial Management in the Voluntary Sector
HTML | PDF (495 KB) | Unformatted text (369 KB)

Funding Matters: The Impact of Canada’s New Funding Regime on Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations

Federal Funding Practices And Policies: A Treasury Board Secretariat Study (Final Report)
PDF (344 KB) | DOC (MS Word - 167 KB) | Unformatted text ( 23 KB)

Capacity Joint Table Final Report
PDF (355 KB) | DOC (MS Word - 260 KB) | Unformatted text ( 67 KB)

Setting the Agenda: Moving Forward on Financing
PDF (42 KB)

An Overview of the Funding of Canada's Voluntary Sector
HTML | PDF (195 KB)

Supporting Organizational Infrastructure In the Voluntary Sector
HTML | PDF (145 KB)

Guide to Improving Funding Practice Between the Federal Government and the Voluntary Sector (Treasury Board Secretariat)
HTML | PDF (34.7 KB)

Strategic Investment Approach

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Policy Development

Trends in Collaboration: Lessons Learned from Sectoral Involvement in Departmental Policy Development (SIDPD) and Beyond
HTML | PDF (148 KB)

Moving Policy Forward through Collaborative Practice: workshop report
HTML | PDF (59 KB)

An Evaluation of the Sectoral Involvement in Departmental Policy Development (SIDPD): Final Report
HTML | PDF (662 KB)

Policy Internships and Fellowships: Bridging the Policy Dialogue Between Voluntary Organizations and the Federal Government, June 2004
PDF (328 KB) | Unformatted text (195 KB)

Participating in Federal Public Policy: A Guide for the Voluntary Sector
HTML | PDF (295 KB) | Unformatted text (226 KB)

Policy Internships and Fellowships: Bridging the Policy Dialogue Between Voluntary Organizations and the Federal Government, June 2003
HTML | PDF (139 KB)

Code of Good Practice on Policy Dialogue
HTML | PDF (135 KB) | DOC (Microsoft Word - 153 KB)

Policy Grass Roots: Consultant’s Report on Eleven VSI Policy Workshops Held in All Provinces January to March 2002
PDF (50 KB)

Compendium of Exchanges and Fellowship Programs in preparation for the PIAF Roundtable Consultation
PDF (224 KB) | DOC (Microsoft Word - 225 KB)

Report To Participants Winter 2002 Consultations on Advocacy - The Sound of Citizens' Voices
HTML | PDF (18 KB)

Advocacy - The Sound of Citizens Voices
HTML | PDF (36 KB)

Regulation of Advocacy in the Voluntary Sector: Current Challenges and Some Responses
HTML | PDF (162 KB)

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Information Management - Information Technology

Technology Grantmaking Toolkit: Practical tools for technology grantmaking in Canada's voluntary sector
HTML | PDF (712 KB)

Technology Grantmaking - A Business Case for Strategic Thinking
MS Powerpoint (1,645 KB)| PDF (584 KB)
* Notes for the presentation slides are included in the downloaded PowerPoint  presentation. To view the file online simply click on the powerpoint link. To download the file, right click on the PowerPoint link and select Save Target As...This will allow you to Save the PowerPoint file to your computer. Choose "Notes Page" from the "View" pull-down menu in PowerPoint once you have downloaded the file.

Not-for-profits and Technology - A Business Case for Strategic Thinking
MS Powerpoint (1,622 Kb)| PDF (541 KB)
* Notes for the presentation slides are included in the downloaded PowerPoint  presentation. Choose "Notes Page" from the "View" pull-down menu in PowerPoint once you have downloaded the file.

Plug and Play Slides (for business cases)
MS Powerpoint (706 KB)| PDF (195 KB)
* Notes for the presentation slides are included in the downloaded PowerPoint  presentation. Choose "Notes Page" from the "View" pull-down menu in PowerPoint once you have downloaded the file.

Thinking Beyond the Box: Thinking strategically about technology grantmaking in Canada’s voluntary sector
HTML | PDF (712 KB)

Information Management and Information Technology Joint Table
Final Report
PDF (159 KB) | DOC (Microsoft Word - 115 KB) | Unformatted text (25 KB)

Strengthening Voluntary Sector Capacity Through Technology
HTML | PDF (857 KB)

Technology Needs of the Canadian Voluntary Sector - Final Report
Highlights | PDF (614 KB) | DOC (Microsoft Word - 341 KB)

  • Supporting Document 1 - Detailed Methodology Literature Scan and Examples of Websites
    PDF (461 KB) | DOC (Microsoft Word - 270 KB)
  • Supporting Document 2 - Technology Needs Analysis Survey
    PDF (400 KB) | DOC (Microsoft Word - 158 KB)
  • Supporting Document 3 - All Comments from Interviews and Survey
    PDF (375 KB) | DOC (Microsoft Word - 209 KB)
Information Management/Information Technology and the Voluntary Sector - Environmental Scan
PDF (321KB)

The Voluntary Sector: A Productive Force in the New Economy
PDF ( 235KB)

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Joint Regulatory Table Final Report
PDF (178 KB) | DOC (MS Word - 155 KB) | Unformatted text (34 KB)

Strengthening Canada's Charitable Sector: Regulatory Reform
HTML | PDF (1000 KB)

Reform of the Canada Corporations Act and Directors' Liability: Final Report
PDF (294 KB) | DOC (MS Word - 60 KB) | Unformatted text (12 KB)

Interim Report of the Joint Regulatory Table: Improving the Regulatory Environment for the Charitable Sector
PDF (352 KB)

A Study of the Liabilities Facing Directors and Officers of Non-profit Corporations in Canada

Vicarious Liability in the Non-profit Sector

Corporate and Insolvency Law Policy Information Page

Report To Participants Winter 2002 Consultations on Advocacy - The Sound of Citizens' Voices
HTML | PDF (18 KB)

Advocacy - The Sound of Citizens Voices
HTML | PDF (36 KB)

Regulation of Advocacy in the Voluntary Sector: Current Challenges and Some Responses
HTML | PDF (162 KB)

"Charitable Activity" under the Canadian Income Tax Act: Definition, Process and Problems by Frances Boyle, for the Voluntary Sector Roundtable

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Sector Identity

Awareness Joint Table Final Report
PDF (160 KB) | DOC (MS Word - 170 KB) | Unformatted text (32 KB)

Positioning the Voluntary Sector in Canada: What the Elite and General Public Say (full report)
PDF (212 KB)

What Public Opinion Surveys Say About the Voluntary Sector
PDF (227 KB)

Telling Our Story: Communicating the Value of Philanthropy and the Voluntary Sector
PDF (90 KB)

Scan of Research on Public Attitudes Towards the Voluntary Sector
PDF (117 KB)

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Working and Volunteering

Learning and Leading: Transforming the Voluntary Sector through Learning and Leading
PDF (1,440 KB) | DOC (701 KB) | Unformatted text (114 KB)

Pan-Canadian Pilot Project Final Report
HTML | PDF (310KB)

Strengthening the Capacity Of Executive Directors
PDF (100 KB) | Unformatted text (83 KB)

Leadership in the Voluntary Sector: Human Resources Tools
PDF (835 KB) | Unformatted text (277 KB)

Voluntary Sector Leadership - Competencies, Examples, Current Challenges, Complexities and Learning Outcomes: Discussion Document
(765 KB) | DOC (Microsoft Word - 3,132 KB) | Unformatted text (143 KB)

What do Voluntary Sector Leaders Do?
PDF (505 KB)

National Learning Initiative Brochure
PDF (92 KB)

Developing Human Resources in the Voluntary Sector Website
HRVS Website (

National Volunteerism Initiative Joint Table Final Report
PDF (191 KB) | DOC (Microsoft Word - 222 KB) | Unformatted text (37 KB)

Canada Volunteerism Initiative - Final Report
| PDF (933 KB) | Unformatted text (Microsoft Word - 170 KB)

Human Resources Think Tank Report

Backgrounder on Trends in the Changing Workforce and Workplace
DOC (Microsoft Word - 704 KB) | PDF (292 - KB)

Backgrounder on the Literature on (Paid) Human Resources in the Canadian Voluntary Sector
DOC (Microsoft Word - 818 KB) | PDF (447 - KB)

Summary Report of Consultations on Proposals for the NVI
HTML | PDF (425KB)

Sharing Your Views on Proposals for the National Volunteerism Initiative (NVI Consultation Document)
PDF (469 KB) | Unformatted text (50 KB)

NVI Consultation Document
PDF (469 KB) | Unformatted text (50 KB)

Environmental Scan on Volunteering in Canada
HTML | PDF (275 KB) | DOC (Microsoft Word - 319 KB)

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Research on the Sector

Satellite account of nonprofit institutions and volunteering, September 2004
HTML | PDF (509 KB)

The Canadian Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector in Comparative Perspective

Cornerstones of Community: Highlights from the National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations, September 2004
PDF (871 KB)

The Capacity to Serve: A Qualitative Study of the Challenges Facing Canada's Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations
PDF (955 KB)

Final Report of the Advisory Committee for the Satellite Account of Nonprofit Institutions and Volunteering
PDF (91 KB) | DOC (Microsoft Word - 183 KB) | Unformatted text (25 KB)

Final Report of the Joint Steering Committee for the Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating
PDF (78 KB) | DOC (Microsoft Word - 70 KB) | Unformatted text (14 KB)

Motivation at the Margins: Gender Issues in the Canadian Voluntary Sector, March 2002
HTML | PDF (104 KB) | DOC (Microsoft Word - 191 KB)

Public Opinion Research on the Voluntary Sector
March 2002
HTML | PDF (66 KB)

Caught in the Middle: what small, non-profit organizations need to survive and flourish
HTML | PDF (61 KB)

Public Opinion Research on the Voluntary Sector
October 2001
HTML | PDF (66 KB)

Highlights from the National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating
August 2001
PDF (971 KB)
Read the highlights on Statistic Canada's The Daily

Working Together: A Government of Canada/Voluntary Sector Joint Initiative - Report of the Joint Tables, August, 1999.

What We Should Know About the Voluntary Sector but Don't
HTML | PDF (919 KB)

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About the VSI | Govt.-Sector Relationship | Funding | Policy | IM-IT | Regulations | Sector Identity
Working & Volunteering | Research | VSI Reports | Contact Us

Last Updated: 2006-12-08