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Leading Economy

Canada is a magnet for the best and the brightest
It is easy to think of Canada's beauty and abundance of natural resources. But today, Canada is also home to one of the most technologically advanced economies in the world. While commodities are still important to the Canadian economy, high-tech exports are leading Canada's export activities. This has enabled Canada to mesh its economy perfectly with the U.S. economy, and win large shares of U.S. technology markets.

Canada ’s products and services are in demand around the world
The label “Made in Canada” is well respected and competitive around the world. Today, Canada enjoys growing exports with the United States, Europe, Asia and the rest of the world.

Europe: Canada has strong historic ties to the European Union. Some of the most important exports are chemicals, machinery, transport equipment, computer electronics products and mining.

Asia: Canada has unique access to Asia-Pacific markets. With its geographical locations, its immigration links and active involvement in APEC to reduce trade barriers, Canada is uniquely positioned to gain from the long-term potential of Asian economies.

Despite a world slowdown, Canada’s GDP has grown over the past seven years. Canada ’s “tech” industries have been growing much faster than traditional industries. For instance, Canada’s ICT sector has grown three times as fast as the entire Canadian economy since 1997 (77% versus 26%).

Canada has built knowledge economies based on its abundant knowledge workers and technological capacity.
    • Technological Infrastructure: Canada ranked ahead of Japan and far out front of the Germany, U.K., and France. Source: World Competitive Yearbook, 2006
    • The U.S. and Canadian telecommunications and automobile industries, for instance, are virtually integrated across the Canada-U.S. border.
    • Cutting edge American producers recognize Canadian leadership in industries such as fibre optics and biotechnology.