Press Releases

August 21, 2002 - Algonquins Return Quarter Tosses by Nault Aide During Ottawa Demonstration (PDF)

August 15, 2002 - Nault flees from Algonquins as Aide tosses coin at crowd (PDF) and Video footage

Nov. 13, 2001 Logging Crisis Worsens With Fed Hardline 

Logging Companies Meet With Barriere Lake Over Fed Stand-0ff

Oct. 5, 2001 Arrests Looming as Algonquins Move Protest to Parliament Hill

Oct. 3, 2001 Chief Mathew Coon Come calls on Feds to Honour Obilgations to Algonquins

Sept. 26. 2001 Algonquin Demonstration Wakes Up Indian Affairs

Sept. 24, 2001 Algonquins Set Up Protest Camp in Ottawa Rain

Sept. 21, 2001 Logging Companies Back Alqonquins in Dispute

Sept. 18, 2001 Algonquin Meet with Quebec Deputy Minsiter in Hopes of Avoiding Crisis

Sept 10, 2001 No Show By Feds Raises Stakes in Stand-off

Sept. 6, 2001 Chief McBride Calls for Emergency Meeting

Aug. 15, 2001 Domtar's Intervention Welcomed

Aug. 9, 2001 Complete Shutdown of Logging Begins

June 19, 2001 Algonquin Trial Raises Concerns Over Forestry

June 13, 2001 Algonquins Present Forest Plan to Quebec

Above: Barriere Lake elders and child waiting for Nault August 15, 2002

Above: Hector Jerome of Barriere Lake speaking to the press outside National Press Gallery August 15, 2002

Waiting for Minister
Above:Women waiting for meeting with the Minister

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