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Departments ·  Band Council
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·  Wejgwapniag School

Band Policies Complaint & Appeal
·  Duties of the Council
·  Economic Development
·  Release of info
·  Conflict of interest
·  Financial & budgetary
·  Policy development
·  Recreation funds
·  Staffing actions
·  Council meetings
·  Post-Secondary Policy
·  Electoral code

Articles ·  A Healing Center At Lake Saint Ann
·  My Dad Was A Migmag War Veteran
·  Carcajou wins Eastern Quebec Moinor League Football Championsahip
·  Housing for aging single band members

·  February 2005 Newsletter
·  August Newsletter
·  2 May 2004-article
·  May 2nd-issue
·  February 1st-issue
Past Issues
·  December 5th-issue
·  October 4th

·  Annual Report 2004
·  Annual Report 2003
·  G.H.C.S. Report 2003

Band Minutes ·  November 14th
·  November 10th
·  November 7th
·  October 7th
·  September 20th
·  September 15th
·  September 8th
·  August 11th
·  July 13th
·  June 20th
·  May 30th
·  May 9th

·  Past Minutes....

Gesgapegiag Band Council Mission Statement

The primary purpose of the Gesgapegiag Band Council is to represent effectively the needs and concerns of the Micmacs of Gesgapegiag Band, and to ensure fair treatment of all Gesgapegiag Band members. As the Gesgapegiag Band Council, in all our actions we will be transparent and accountable to the Gesgapegiag Band membership. The Gesgapegiag Band Council will defend and promote a Micmac worldview, Micmac language, rights and values and a positive attitude. All our actions will aim to promote and strengthen Micmac pride, dignity, respect and excellence. All this will be done taking into consideration the capacities and resources at the Band’s disposal, while respecting and protecting the cultural and physical environment.

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Contact Info
Micmacs of Gesgapegiag band
100 Boul Perron, Box 1280
Gesgapegiag, QC
G0C 1Y0

1 418 759 3441
1 418 759 5856