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Business Resources


Business Counseling

  • Enterprise Network
    New Brunswick 's network of 15 Community Economic Development Agencies.

Business Links

    New Brunswick's focus on exploring new and innovative approaches to doing business and providing electronic service within New Brunswick, throughout Canada and around the world.
  • Industry Canada
    Program areas include developing industry and technology capability, fostering scientific research, setting telecommunications policy, promoting investment and trade, promoting tourism and small business development, and setting rules and services that support the effective operation of the marketplace.
  • Standards Council of Canada
    The Council is a federal Crown corporation with the mandate to promote efficient and effective standardization. Standardization is the development and application of standards -- publications that establish accepted practices, technical requirements and terminologies for products, services and systems. Standards help to ensure better, safer and more efficient methods and products, and are an essential element of technology, innovation and trade.
  • Statistics Canada
    Produces statistics that help Canadians better understand their country – its population, resources, economy, society and culture.
    A resource produced by Industry Canada that houses an abundance of business tools.   These tools provide information on a range of topics including trade, investment, business support and financing. Other sources of information include guides for business related challenges/issues and a listing of Industry Canada 's services.

Business Planners

  • Interactive Business Planner (IBP) - Canadian Business Service Centres
    The IBP is the first business planning software product designed specifically to operate on the World Wide Web. The IBP uses the capabilities of the Internet to assist entrepreneurs in preparing three-year business plans for their new or existing business.
  • Interactive Export Planner - Team Canada
    This online tool assists in preparing an export plan or an export-focused business plan for a new or existing business.
  • Performance Plus - Industry Canada
  • Performance Plus is an online performance benchmarking tool. It provides detailed financial and employment data on more than 600 business sectors across Canada, including more than 30 performance benchmarks to help small businesses determine how they measure up against their competitors.


  • Financial Ratio Calculators - Business Development Bank of Canada
    Ratios are a way of evaluating the performance of your business and identifying places where potential problems may exist. Each ratio informs you about factors such as the earning power, solvency, efficiency and debt load of your business.
  • Lease or Buy Calculator - Industry Canada
    This tool is designed to help you decide whether to lease or buy business equipment. The calculator helps you compare both the cost of leasing and the cost of buying by displaying the comparative costs of both options while taking into consideration the tax implications and the time value of money.
  • SME Financial Service Charges Calculator - Industry Canada
    This Calculator is designed to help small businesses easily compare the monthly cost of most business accounts offered by the major financial institutions in Canada.
  • Tables on Diskette (TOD) - Canada Customs and Revenue Agency
    TOD is a stand-alone computer program that calculates payroll deductions for all pay periods, provinces and territories (except Quebec).


  • SourceNB
    A free e-marketplace that matches products and services with thousands of business opportunities posted by domestic and foreign corporations and governments.

Intellectual Property

  • Canadian Patent Database - Canadian Intellectual Property Office
    This database provides you with access to more than 75 years of patent descriptions and images. You can search, retrieve and study more than 1.4 million patent documents.
  • Canadian Trademark Database - Canadian Intellectual Property Office
  • This database is comprised of all active and many inactive marks that were either applied for or registered pursuant to the current Trademarks Act or former trademark legislation.
  • Newly Upgraded Automated Name Search (NUANS) - Industry Canada NUANS is a computerized search system that compares a proposed corporate name or trademark with databases of existing corporate bodies and trademarks. This comparison determines the similarity that exists between the proposed name/mark and existing names in the database, and produces a listing of names that are found to be most similar.

Labour and Training Resources

  • Department of Training and Employment Development
    The Department of Training and Employment Development offers programs that help employers hire more employees, train existing employees, hire undergraduates and arrange for co-op student placements. Some services are also offered for self-employment.
  • New Brunswick's Network of Community Colleges
    The New Brunswick Community College (NBCC) network is composed of 11 campuses, five of which are designated as francophone, and six as anglophone. Administered by the Department of Training and Employment Development, NBCC provides 120 different training programs. These programs combine traditional teaching methods with the latest technological advances, such as multimedia. Many of the programs offered by the network are co-operative in nature, meaning that period of classroom time alternate with paid internships in the workplace. This approach provides students with the opportunity to put into practice the theory they have learned. New Brunswick Centres of Excellence

    A New Brunswick Internet Recruitment Advertising Service

NB Suppliers

Online Business Services


Business New Brunswick
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