What's New

December 14 , 2006

The winners of the Canada-Japan Literary Awards have been announced. Visit the Canada Council for the Arts for information.

December 12 , 2006

The government of Japan has issued a policy statement on the issue of the abduction of Japanese citizens by North Korea. To view the video please click here. To read the policy paper, please click here.

December 7 , 2006

Speech by Mr. Taro Aso, Minister for Foreign Affairs on the Occasion of the Japan Institute of International Affairs Seminar "Arc of Freedom and Prosperity: Japan's Expanding Diplomatic Horizons"

November 16, 2006

Japan's message to Canada: You're No. 1 with us
Read Ambassador Sadaaki Numata's article published on the Globe and Mail's web site.

September 22, 2006

The Embassy of Japan's School Visit program is now booking visits to schools in the Ottawa Carleton region. Please check our School Visit page for detailed information.