Why choose Québec
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Why choose Québec

Is Québec made for you? Are you made for Québec? Nothing is better than forming your own opinion by taking an exploratory trip here. If that is not possible, consult as many sources of information as possible. An immigration project must be well documented and planned. The more you know about Québec, the more you will be able to make informed decisions and the best choice for you!

Do you have a taste for Québec?

On average, Québec welcomes nearly 45,000 immigrants a year who come from about 100 countries and participate actively in its economic, social and cultural development.

If you are someone with a taste for Québec, here are various themes to explore:

Portrait of the territory
Location and characteristics, population centres, climate, environment.

Society and values
Population characteristics and demographics, democracy and fundamental values, individual rights and responsibilities, political and legal systems, immigration and pluralism, French language, historical overview, religious diversity.

Quality of life
Cost of living, security, education, culture, sports and recreation.

Economy and employment
Economic portrait, current labour market, employment outlook.

Regions to settle in

Daily life
Health, family, education, housing, family and the status of women, transportation, personal finance, police service, legal system, communication and recreation

Québec in pictures

Expressions québécoises

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Last modification : 2006-08-15
Portail du gouvernement du Québec