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On the Move - Keeping Canadians Safe
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The safety of Canada's transportation system
Safety and security
Travel by air
Travel by rail
Travel by water
Travel by road
Transporting dangerous goods
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Transport Canada

Cars and trucks travelling along a highway; VIA Rail passenger train

Information about the safety of Canada's transportation system

We depend on our transportation system for everything from the food in our supermarkets to medication in our hospitals to getting to work and visiting family and friends. We need a safe, efficient and sustainable transportation system to link our communities and to connect us with our trading partners.

Helping to maintain and improve the safety and security of our transportation system is Transport Canada's top priority. Working with its partners, Transport Canada promotes safety in three main ways: rulemaking, oversight and outreach. Through its rulemaking efforts Transport Canada establishes and implements laws, regulations, standards and policies. Oversight activities include: issuing licences, certificates, registrations and permits; monitoring compliance with rules through audits, inspections and surveillance; and taking appropriate enforcement action when rules are broken. Outreach activities include efforts to promote, educate and increase awareness of safety and security issues.

This brochure looks at Canada's transportation safety record and what Transport Canada does to help make our transportation system one of the safest in the world.

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Last updated: 2004-08-24 Top of Page Important Notices