Innovation Canada | Science technology magazine, project and news

Innovation Canada | Actualité en recherche et innovation technologique

INNOVATION CANADA is published by the Canada Foundation for Innovation—an independent corporation established by the Government of Canada in 1997. The CFI's goal is to strengthen the capability of Canadian universities, colleges, research hospitals, and other not-for-profit institutions to carry out world-class research and technology development. By investing in research infrastructure projects, the CFI supports research excellence, and helps strengthen research training at institutions across Canada. The CFI investment complements the support provided to Canadian university researchers by the federal granting agencies—the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council—as well as Genome Canada and the Canada Research Chairs Program. Research institutions have been extremely successful in finding other partners to support the infrastructure that the CFI funds. As a result, provincial and municipal governments, the voluntary sector and the private sector are all partners in supporting their activity. About Innovation Canada Innovation Canada is an important element of the CFI's strategy to share with Canadians the research successes that are made possible thanks to the support of a wide range of public, private, and voluntary organizations. These organizations and the CFI share the same belief in the importance of nurturing and promoting innovation to ensure Canada's place among the world's leading nations. As a Web-based magazine, Innovation Canada features research news and stories based on the infrastructure projects that receive CFI support. Available in English and French, Innovation Canada fills a unique niche by providing current and relevant university research stories written in an informative and entertaining format. Innovation Canada is also a powerful vehicle for demonstrating the highest levels of accountability and care in investing public funds-to support the development of world-class research projects at universities and research institutions. What is a research infrastructure? Research infrastructure consists of the equipment, facilities, and installations needed to undertake leading-edge research and to develop advanced technologies. A wide array of research infrastructure is found in institutions in every province. This includes: · DNA analysis equipment for cancer research. · Electronic microscopes to track toxic bacteria. · Nanoengineering research facilities for new materials and systems. · Super computers to create new media and virtual-reality environments. · Deep-sea equipment to train marine scientists and solve environmental problems. · Data centres to enable complex social sciences and population health research. How do Canadians benefit from CFI investments? While the immediate impact of the CFI is on Canadian research institutions and their researchers, the outcome on the quality of life of Canadians is significant thanks to advances in a broad range of sectors. In addition, investments made by the CFI help to keep Canada competitive in the global economy. Since its establishment, the CFI has supported well over 1,600 high-quality research infrastructure projects all across Canada. In each issue, Innovation Canada will feature a number of these projects in a wide range of disciplines and areas of importance for Canadians and people all over the world. Need more information? For more information about the CFI, please visit the Foundation's Web site at: You can also contact the CFI directly at: The Canada Foundation for Innovation Suite 450 230 Queen Street Ottawa ON K1P 5E4 Tel.: (613) 947-6496 Fax: (613) 943-0923

Welcome to, the Canada Foundation for Innovation's online magazine featuring some of the most exciting, leading-edge research taking place in universities and research institutions across the country.
Innovation Canada | E-zine in research and innovation.

Bienvenue à, le cybermagazine de la Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation qui met en valeur des projets de recherche de pointe qui sont réalisés dans les universités et autres établissements de recherche partout au Canada.
Innovation Canada | Cybermagazine en recherche et innovation.

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