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The First Nation Profile Site is a user friendly site which allows quick and easy access to current national First Nation community profiles. The site extracts information from a number of databases at the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND). Profiles include information of general interest about the First Nation, the First Nation's government, Tribal Councils, Representative First Nation and Inuit Political Organizations, and reserves.



As a means of improving access to timely information on First Communities, this site has been developed by the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND). The Department collects a great deal of information about First Nation communities; this site is a means of making most often requested information readily available.

How to Use the Site 

To search: 

  1. From the Table of Contents menu on the Home Page, select search for: “First Nation”; “Tribal Council”; “Representative First Nation and Inuit Political Organizations” or “Reserve”.
  2. There are a variety of methods to search for a specific “First Nation”, “Tribal Council”, “Representative First Nation and Inuit Political Organizations” or “Reserve”:

    i) Type in the Name in the text box titled "Name". Note, you can use the "%" key as a wild card before and after any text that you know is in the name of the First Nation. Press the "Search" button to initiate the Search.

    ii) Type in the Number in the text box title “Name”. Press the "Search" button to initiate the Search.

    iii) Use the Province drop down list box to select the name of a Province. Press the "Search" button to initiate a search of all First Nations within that Province. The Province search can be used in conjunction with the "Name" to look for a specific combination of Province and First Nation name. (This search is not available for “Tribal Councils” or “Representative First Nation and Inuit Political Organizations”).

    iv) Use the Region drop down list box to select the name of a departmental administrative Region. Press the "Search" button to initiate a search of all First Nations within that Region. The Region search can be used in conjunction the "Name" to look for a specific combination of Region and First Nation name. (This search is not available for “Reserves” or “Representative First Nation and Inuit Political Organizations”).

    v) Select a letter of the alphabet to see a list of the all the “First Nations”, “Tribal Councils”, “Representative First Nation and Inuit Political Organizations” or “Reserves” whose name starts with that letter.

    vi) Click on a Province from the map of Canada to view information within that Province. The name of the Province you are pointing at is shown at the bottom of the screen. Clicking on a Province initiates the Search. Using the map to search overrides any of the information entered in the look up text boxes. (This search is not available for “Representative First Nation and Inuit Political Organizations”).
  3. The resulting page(s) provides links to the detailed information for the above search criteria. Click on the specific “First Nation”, “Tribal Council”, “Representative First Nation and Inuit Political Organizations” or “Reserve” to see detailed information.
  4. From the Table of Contents menu on the Home Page, select “First Nation”:

    i) The resulting page "First Nation Detail" presents the available summary level information about a First Nation Community.

    ii) To obtain additional information on the First Nation Community, click on: the "Reserves/Settlements" button to see information on reserves or settlements associated with that First Nation, the "Governance" button to see information on the First Nations Band Officials, the "Census Statistics" button to see information on Highest Level of Schooling, the “Geography” button to obtain the geographic details of a First Nation, or the "General Information" button to see other general information about the community.

    iii) To print the complete set of information about a First Nation Community, press the "Complete Profile" button on the "First Nation Detail" page. This consolidates all of the information available about a First Nation Community onto a single text page that can be printed from your Browser.
  5. From the Table of Contents menu on the Home Page, select “Tribal Council”:

    i) On the resulting page "Search by Tribal Council", initiate a search by any of the methods in Section 1, and the “List of Tribal Councils” is displayed. Click on a Tribal Council; the resulting page will display “Tribal Council Details” and the “List of First Nations in that Tribal Council”.
  6. From the Table of Contents menu on the Home Page, select “Reserve”:

    i) On the resulting page "Search by Reserve", initiate a search by any of the methods in Section 1, and the resulting page “List of “List of Reserve” is displayed. Click on a Reserve; the resulting page will display “Reserve Details” and the “List of First Nations on this reserve”.
  7. From the Table of Contents menu on the Home Page, select “Representative First Nation and Inuit Political Organizations” :

    i) On the resulting page "Search by Political Organization", initiate a search by any of the methods in Section 1, and the resulting page “List of “List of Political Organizations” is displayed. Click on an Political Organization; the resulting page will display “Representative First Nation and Inuit Political Organizations Detail” .

    What is a Community Profile ? 

    A Community Profile is a collection of information that describes a First Nation community. In addition to general information such as name and address, the following information sets can currently be obtained through this First Nation Profile Site:

    Census Statistics
    Registered Populatoin
    Federal Funding
    Tribal Council Contact Information
    Representative First Nation and Inuit Political Organizations Information

    The information presented here is consolidated from a number of administrative systems used to collect information for the ongoing administrative and statutory activities of the department.

    These community profiles are a means of making the most often requested information readily available.

    Frequently Asked Questions 

    Q. How current is the information contained in the Community Profiles?

    A. The majority of the information in the profiles is updated daily, including the First Nation's and Tribal Council's name, address, Reserve/Settlement information, and Governance details. Population statistics are updated monthly. Geography information and Federal Funding Information are updated annually and Census information is updated once every five years.

    Q. How accurate is the information contained in the Community Profiles?

    A. The information contained in the Community Profiles is extracted from the authoritative source system used for the ongoing operations of the department. Currently, this includes information taken from the Band Classification Manual, Band Governance Management System, Census, Indian Lands Registry System, the Transfer Payment System and the Indian Register System.


    To look up the definition or source for a piece of information, click on a category of information below:


    Her Majesty in right of Canada, 1997-2004. This database is composed of information provided by, or obtained from, individuals, corporations and other databases and may be subject to copyright. The Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND) assumes no responsibility, in whole or in part, for the accuracy or reliability of the data set out herein. Copying of these databases, in whole or in part, for the resale or any other commercial purpose without consent, is strictly prohibited.

    Information contained in this database is from non-federal sources and is posted in the language(s) in which it was submitted, and subject to change. In no event is the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development responsible for misdirected, lost or inaccurate submissions.