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The Canadian Wildlife Service Acid Rain Program

As part of the federal government's Long Range Transport of Air Pollutants (LRTAP) Program, the Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) initiated a research program in 1980 to assess the impacts of acid rain on wildlife and their habitats in eastern Canada. Its objectives were to determine which species and habitats were most at risk from acidification, and to establish cause-and-effect relationships between acid rain and biological changes, chiefly in bird communities.

In Ontario, the program focussed on the chemical and biological effects of acid rain on small lakes and wetlands in the boreal shield ecozone of central and north-eastern Ontario. From the outset, the Ontario program has taken an integrated, whole ecosystem approach, by collecting and analyzing data on water chemistry, watershed characteristics, and the structure and biodiversity of aquatic food chains, with particular attention paid to organisms at the top of these food chains, notably waterfowl and loons. Research through the 1980s led to the development of the Acid Rain Biomonitoring Program in 1987, which continues today. The mandate of the program is to verify the progress of acid rain control measures in Canada and the U.S., and to determine if these measures will provide the necessary environmental protection to support the recovery of healthy biological communities in aquatic ecosystems in eastern Canada.

Various LRTAP Project and Information Holdings for Biomonitoring and Research Programs, contained in WILDSPACETM, are listed below and linked to metadata descriptions:

Acid Rain Biomonitoring in Ontario's Lakes

The CWS (Ontario Region) Acid Rain Biomonitoring Program stands alone as the only broad-scale biological effects monitoring program in Canada whose focus is acid-sensitive aquatic ecosystems. Its goal is to verify that acid rain control programs in Canada and the United States are protecting aquatic ecosystems important for wildlife by integrating biological and physical/chemical monitoring data from freshwater lakes and wetlands to assess both the degree of environmental improvement achieved in these habitats and the adequacy of control programs.

Why do we need to monitor biological systems? The adequacy of acid rain control programs must be measured in terms of the capacity of aquatic habitats to sustain healthy populations of plants and animals, both fish and wildlife, and cannot simply be assessed in terms of measured reductions in acidic deposition or improvements in water quality. Biological monitoring is necessary to confirm that steps taken to protect and improve damaged ecosystems are having an effect.

Our approach is to undertake sufficient regional monitoring so that chemical and biological trends may be resolved from normal variation. Collect long-term ecological data to evaluate (at several spatial and temporal scales) the recovery of acid-sensitive lakes and wetlands that are expected to respond to reduced acid deposition.

Study Areas and Characteristics: Monitoring studies are targeted in three distinct regions in the Boreal Shield Ecozone of Ontario (Algoma, Muskoka, and Sudbury) that differ in historical effects of, and in anticipated responses to, sulphur and nitrogen deposition (see study sites). Collectively, nearly 600 water bodies are monitored. These lakes and wetlands tend to be small (less than 20 hectares in size, often headwaters), cover a broad pH range, are often fishless (about 40%), and include extremely damaged lakes near Sudbury (see chart). Monitoring the recovery of acidic and damaged lakes in the Sudbury area following recent, significant reductions in local smelter emissions (copper and nickel refining), provides a unique natural experiment to study the recovery of biotic communities following reversal of acidification at a much more accelerated rate than expected elsewhere in eastern Canada.

Canadian Lakes Loon Survey (CLLS): Loons are an excellent indicator of how lakes are recovering or suffering from acid rain, because acid rain causes significant declines in the populations of fish, on which they prey. Since two adult loons require more than 180 kilograms of fish during the summer to raise one chick, breeding success is lower on acid lakes where young may starve from lack of food. Acid rain also leaches toxic metals, such as mercury, from soils and sediments. These metals can bioaccumulate in the food chain and affect reproduction.

For the past 20 years, surveyors with the CLLS - a volunteer-based program supported by Environment Canada and other partners, and administered by Bird Studies Canada - have monitored the breeding success of loons on up to 800 lakes annually across Canada. In Ontario, about 1,600 lakes have been surveyed through the CLLS; these lakes are typically large (over 40 hectares in size), and clear, with most above pH 6.

Study Components: The CWS (Ontario Region) Acid Rain Biomonitoring Program is made up of four main components: (1) water chemistry monitoring, (2) water bird monitoring, (3) aquatic food chain monitoring, and (4) predictive modelling (see chart). The first three components are directed at establishing whether there are changes occurring in lake chemistries in response to reduced sulphate deposition (i.e. chemical recovery), and if corresponding changes are occurring in aquatic food chains and top predators (i.e., biological recovery). Monitoring, therefore, provides real measures of regional biological change over time in response to emission controls. Using these data, biological models (fourth component) are developed, validated and tested to assess regional impacts, evaluate critical loads, and predict the response of biota to future emission reduction scenarios. Modelling, therefore, uses real data to predict responses in other areas, to assess impacts, and evaluate critical loads (see chart).

1. Water Chemistry Monitoring (See water chemistry)


  • to establish annual chemical conditions and detect temporal trends in the chemistry of small lakes and wetlands (<20 ha in size, minimum 0.4 ha), that are important habitat for wildlife, in three acid-sensitive regions of Ontario that are expected to vary in their response to sulphur emission reductions
  • to determine the nature, rate and extent of short-term chemical recovery in damaged Sudbury area lakes, where improvement is expected to occur more rapidly than elsewhere in eastern Canada due to historical damage and rapid local emission reductions

Location and Sample Size (See chart)

  • Algoma (224 lakes), Muskoka (219 lakes), Sudbury (141 lakes)
  • Directed sampling of 50 large lakes (> 20 ha) surveyed for fish-eating birds in the Sudbury and Muskoka-Haliburton areas
  • Sample for 22 chemical parameters (pH, alkalinity, conductivity, base cations (Ca, Mg, Na, K), anions (SO4, Cl, SiO2), nutrients (TP, TN), dissolved organic carbon and trace metals (Al, Fe, Mn, Cu, Ni)


  • sample all 62 core food chain lakes and 50 fish-eating bird lakes each year
  • sample other biomonitoring lakes on a 3 year, rotational basis (Algoma - 88 annually of 224 total; Muskoka - 86 of 219 total; Sudbury 93 of 141 total)
  • sampling is conducted by helicopter at the time of autumn turnover (early October)
  • data undergoes a rigorous testing procedure, including ion balancing and outlier analysis
  • use customized software to conduct conservative, non-parametric statistical trend analyses


For the three study areas pooled, trend analyses on chemical data collected between 1988 - 1997 suggests that about 70% of the lakes have shown no significant change in acidity status (pH or alkalinity), while 25-30% of the lakes have shown some significant improvements, and a few lakes have gotten worse (see table). Half of the lakes have exhibited significant declines in base cation (especially calcium and magnesium) and 40% have exhibited significant declines in sulphate. It is this decline in base cations that is thought to have offset the reduction in sulphate, thereby minimizing the anticipated improvements in pH or ANC. Since 1983 at Sudbury, 47% have decreased in sulphate, 42% in base cations, and 16% have increased in pH (see Trends in Acidity Status and Recent pH Changes in CWS Biomonitoring Lakes). Climatic variability arising from drought conditions in 1986 and 1987 followed by wet years in 1988 and 1989 derailed chemical recovery in many lakes. Note that there has been little change in nutrient - related parameters, such as total phosphorus or dissolved organic carbon.

2. Water Bird Monitoring (See surveys)


Location and Sample Size (See chart)

  • wetland-specific breeding pair and brood surveys (by helicopter): Algoma (224 lakes), Muskoka (219 lakes), Sudbury (141 lakes)
  • site-specific monitoring of the use of duck boxes by cavity-nesting waterfowl on Sudbury lakes (n=75)
  • Monitoring of fish-eating birds across 50 larger lakes in Sudbury (n=15), Killarney Provincial Park (n=10) and Muskoka-Haliburton (n=25)
  • linked to continental waterfowl population surveys through other CWS (Ontario Region) programs such as the Black Duck Joint Venture; annual surveys conducted throughout central and northeastern Ontario cooperatively with acid rain monitoring


  • 2-year rotational basis; survey lakes (by helicopter) in May for evidence of breeding (nesting habitat suitability); return in July and survey for broods (survival suitability)
  • each year, conduct 3 ground surveys (first weeks of July, August and September) to locate nests, and count breeding pairs and young of fish-eating birds


  • to date, 3,815 lake-years of records suggest an overall higher production of water bird young from mid and high pH lakes, and that habitat use differs among guilds. Piscivore indicated breeding pairs and broods show proportionatly higher use of high pH lakes, whereas dabblers show a relatively uniform distribution of habitat use across the pH range, perhaps with slightly higher use of mid-pH lakes. Diving ducks show a distribution skewed opposite to piscivores, that is, higher use of low pH lakes (below pH 5.5) by nesting pairs, with broods showing a more uniform distribution. The realtively higher occurrence of common goldeneys on low pH lakes near Sudbury has a strong influence on the patterns exhibited here (see chart).
  • CLLS results show that between 1981 and 1997, the proportion of successfully breeding loons in Ontario has declined and that the rate of decline was more extreme on lakes with high acid levels than on well-buffered lakes - especially in recent years.
  • larger, higher pH lakes are more likely to support pairs and broods than smaller or more acidic lakes
  • evidence of recent (1985-1996) piscivore population increases near Sudbury supports model predictions for that area (see chart)
  • both pH and lake size have a strong effect on the occurrence of fish, which in turn directly influences nesting habitat suitability for fish-eating birds (see chart)

3. Food Chain Monitoring Program (See program)


  • to detect changes in the status, composition and abundance of aquatic macroinvertebrates, fish and amphibians (major waterfowl and loon prey) in response to changes in the chemistry of small lakes and wetlands in three acid-sensitive regions of Ontario


  • there are several reasons why chemical data alone are inadequate to assess environmental improvements; for example, biological response lag times (hysteresis), variable dose/response thresholds or recovery pathways, predator/prey interactions (e.g. fish/invertebrates) during recovery and interactions with other stressors (surprises which derail recovery). There is a need for better understanding of how recovery processes will permeate food webs to reach top predators (fish, birds, mammals, etc.) in acidified systems, and of the geographical scale of recovery required to increase populations in dispersed organisms, such as birds.

Location and Sample Size

  • Algoma (20), Muskoka (20) and Sudbury (22) food chain lakes were chosen to represent the range of pH and fish status (presence/absence) in small lakes (2-10 ha) that are typical breeding habitat for waterfowl across this region
  • 41 samples are collected per lake (See chart)

Approach (See table)

  • use standardized protocols and identification procedures to sample selected lakes at each study site during June on a 3 year, rotational basis
  • sample in mid-June to coincide with period of maximum brood activity on boreal lakes
  • sample principle prey items of local waterbirds (macroinvertebrates, small fish and amphibians) from the littoral zones of selected lakes. Sampling methods include sweeps (primarily for nekton), hoops (for trichopterans), benthic drags (odonates, trichopterans, molluscs), funnel traps (for leeches) and minnow traps (for small fish and amphibians, as well as large nekton like belostomatids).
  • survey indicator species recovery (leeches) on 40 lakes at Sudbury
  • all specimens are submitted for identification to established taxonomic authorities (experts) using recognized identification keys; representative samples of each species are maintained in a reference collection, and remaining samples are archived and stored for easy reference


  • more than 10,000 fish (mostly small, non-game species) and 30,000 invertebrates sampled to date, representing > 250 species
  • results demonstrate that presence and/or type of fish community in lakes will in part dictate the configuration of the recovering macroinvertebrate communitiy (i.e. in addition to lake chemistry), and hence the quality of the lake for various water birds
  • clear evidence of reduced biodiversity with decreasing pH; evidence of reduced nutritional quality (lower Ca levels) of invertebrate prey from more acidic lakes; no evidence of substantive recovery of damaged lakes since 1987, even in the Sudbury area where some chemical improvements have been detected in certain lakes

4. Predictive Modelling (See WILDSPACE and WARMS)


  • to acquire, verify and assess quality of data, and to incorporate those data into existing databases, interpret trends, and use existing information to make predictions (i.e. modelling) about the eventual status of ecological components of aquatic ecosystems in eastern Canada under various emission scenarios

Location and Sample Size

  • CWS wildlife models are based on data collected from Ontario (see chart)
  • CWS data have been used to develop fish models for eastern Canada
  • chemical and physical data collected for > 5,000 lakes in eastern Canada


  • use standardized and verified QA/QC protocols for checking of annual chemical and biological data; verify physical data against new GIS databases for lake attributes
  • use custom-designed software, the WILDSPACETM Decision Support System (See Decision Support System 1, 2, 3), and the Waterfowl Acidification Response Modelling System ("WARMS") (See WARMS 1, 2, 3) to predict chemical and biological effects of legislated and suggested emission reduction scenarios in Ontario and elsewhere in eastern Canada
  • use models to assess regional critical loads in eastern Canada


  • For pH, most chemical changes where current lake pHs are between 5 to 6, with lakes pH < 5 or pH > 7 staying about the same. Recommended further 75% emission reduction from 2010 targets should result in over 80% of eastern Canada supporting lakes with pH above 6 (i.e. above critical load levels).
  • Once steady-state conditions are achieved following the 2010 emission levels, no change in nesting habitat suitability is predicted for most (73%) of eastern Canada, but small to large improvements will occur in central Ontario and Quebec, notably near Sudbury and Rouyn-Noranda.
  • Collectively, the projected changes in pH and changes in habitat suitability confirm that each emission scenario results in some improvements to the chemical conditions and nesting habitat suitability of water bodies in eastern Canada. A large proportion of the land mass will not change, either because lakes in certain areas are well-buffered, or do not receive enough deposition to cause chemical deterioration. As well, for nesting piscivores, many lakes will not change in suitability simply because they have characteristics that make them unsuitable for nesting (e.g. too small, too shallow), irrespective of lake chemistry.





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