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Just for Newcomers to Canada:

  1. Resettlement Assistance Program
    The Resettlement Assistance Program helps refugees and protected persons resettle in Canada by providing them with financial assistance to cover the costs of accommodations, essential clothing, household effects and other living expenses.

Newcomers to Canada can also receive:

  1. Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program - RRAP for Homeowners
    The Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program for Homeowners provides funding to low-income persons who own and occupy substandard housing so that they can repair the housing to ensure that it meets the minimum federal health and safety standards.
  2. Home Buyers' Plan
    The Home Buyers' Plan allows eligible individuals to withdraw up to $20,000 tax free from their registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs) to purchase or build a qualifying home.
  3. GST/HST New Housing Rebate
    The GST/HST New Housing Rebate program provides a rebate on part of the GST or the federal part of the HST paid on the construction or purchase of most newly constructed or substantially renovated houses used as a primary place of residence.
  4. ENERGY STAR Initiative
    The ENERGY STAR Initiative provides information on provincial, territorial and private sector incentives and rebates to encourage consumers to purchase energy efficient products identified by the ENERGY STAR symbol.
  5. Mortgage Loan Insurance
    The Mortgage Loan Insurance program provides insurance on loans granted by approved lenders for the purchase, construction, renovation, or refinancing of single-family homes or multiple rental housing. The program also grants a 10% refund on its mortgage loan insurance premium when a borrower buys or builds an energy-efficient home or makes energy-saving renovations to an existing home.
  6. Emergency Repair Program
    The Emergency Repair Program provides funding to low-income homeowners and tenants in rural areas so that they can make emergency repairs to their homes in order to make them fit for habitation.

See all Housing programs and services.