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Annex 5 - Directive on Call for Proposals - Process to select Sponsor






CFP Identifier


Please note:   The closing date for receiving applications and proposals is (time of day and date), at the following address:  (ServiceCanada Centre office address for submission of applications and proposals).

Proposals submitted after this deadline will be disqualified.

A CFP Information Session will be held (date) (time) (location).   See Section 1.2 for further details

Table of Contents


2.1 Application Eligibility
A1.  Mandate and Client Focus
A2.  Past Projects and Achievements With HRSDC / SC, Other Funders, and Related Achievements
A3.   Financial Management
B1.  Plan to manage the Project
B2.  Outcomes and Expected Results
B3.  Service Standards
B4.  Facilities
B5.  Proposal is Practical and Feasible
B6. Other Specifics to the CFP
2.4. PROPOSED HUMAN RESOURCE PLAN (Section C of Assessment Grid) (10%)
C1.   Rationale for the Number and Categories of Staff
C2.   Human Resources Policies and Procedures C3.   Experienced and Qualified Project Staff
2.5. PROPOSED COMMUNITY/LABOUR MARKET KNOWLEDGE (Section D of Assessment Grid) (10%)
D1.  Community Labour Market Needs and Priorities
D2.  Knowledge of Community Resources and Programs
2.6   BUDGET (Section E of Assessment Grid)  (20%)
E1.   Eligible and Reasonable Project Costs
E2.   Participant Costs
E.3 Staff Wage Rates
E.4 Capital Costs
E5.  Financial Management Processes and Financial Controls
E6.  Other funding partners (financial or in-kind contributions)
ANNEX 2: Articles of Agreement
ANNEX 6 – EMP 5211

Please Note: The italicized sections are for completion by the local Service Canada Centre leading the CFP.  No other information is to be added or changed.



Where multiple projects are sought under one CFP process, include details for each one separately in this section

The Government of Canada is presently accepting proposals and applications for funding from organizations interested in receiving financial assistance for the delivery of (specify activity/service i.e. an Employment Resource Centre)

The Government of Canada has identified a need for a/an (specific activity/service i.e. Employment Resource Centre- refer to EAS Program description) funded through (specify program i.e. Employment Assistanc e Services (EAS) Program). Specific details of this Call for Proposals (CFP) include:

The expected outcomes for this project are:
Insert targets and expected outcomes for the project, based on local/regional Business Plan. These must link to your local/regional Business Plan. Some examples are;

The Government of Canada is under no obligation to accept any of the applications for funding. The Government of Canada reserves the right to sign contribution agreements containing terms and conditions with more than one applicant to deliver these activities.



For a description of the Program / Service Offering, its objectives, related activities and services as well as the eligible clientele please refer to the following:
(Insert the appropriate program description, i.e. EAS, Community Coordinator TWS/SE/SDEB, Youth etc. which can be found on the internal gs & cs site.) 

If for a Community Coordinator, also insert the following: 
A Community Coordinator is a contribution recipient that under an employment benefit receives funding to carry out a project.  The Community Coordinator will then enter into its own agreement with eligible insured participants and employers in support of activities, which will further the objectives of the employment benefit. 

The Terms and Conditions for this program may be found at:  
Youth Strategy:)


An information session is being held to review this CFP process and to answer questions. This in-person session and/or conference call will provide:

The information session (remove word “session” and insert “conference call” if applicable) will be held (insert date, time, location, how to register, who and how many can participate).

The questions and answers will be shared with all applicants throughout the process by posting them on the Service Canada web site at (insert specific regional page on National CFP site):

Please note:


Proposals must meet the content and format requirements set out in the Guide for Applicants.

  1. Application must be received no later than the stated closing date and time for this CFP
  2. The format requirements for the proposal are:

    • maximum of 40 pages excluding the title page, the index, mandatory forms, and the budget (information contained on pages 41 onward will not be read or assessed)
    • printed on 8.5” X 11 paper, single sided, and single spaced
    • font size of the proposal must be no smaller than Arial 12 points

      The application package must include the following completed mandatory forms

    • Application for Funding Form – EMP 5209 (02-03) E
    • Forecast of Cash Flow Form – EMP 5216 (01-03) E 
    • Budget (must include all information as described in the Guide for Applicants– Section 2.6 )
      Access to above forms is at the following site:
    • Four paper copies of your completed application package
    • An electronic version of your proposal on a clearly labelled disk (diskette or CD-ROM) and preferably in Rich Text Format
  3. Applicants must provide the names of 3 references who can attest to the following criteria related to the organization
    • Mandate
    • Experience in dealing with the client group (s) and providing the activities/services targeted by this CFP
    • Capacity and skills to provide the activities/services outlined in this CFP
    • Organizational and financial stability
    • Working relationship with other agencies in the community that provide similar or related services
    Please note: a minimum of 1 reference will be contacted to confirm the provided information, and these references will be used to verify the information pertaining to section A of the assessment grid. In addition, if you have had funding from another organization, but do not use them as a reference, the CFP Committee may contact that organization to verify your experience.
  4. An application package must be completed, signed by the legally authorized representative of the organization, and received by Service Canada prior to the closing time and date of the CFP. Please note that no additional documents will be accepted after the deadline unless requested by Service Canada.

Please refer to Annexes 3,  4 and 5 for further guidance on completing the proposal, the application and the budget template.


Applications and proposals, legally signed, must be received by (time and date) at (specific physical address of Service Canada Office). Please note that proposals submitted after this deadline will be disqualified.

Faxed or e-mailed applications and proposals will not be accepted.

All applicants will receive an acknowledgement of receipt of their application and proposal within 7 days of receipt (as per office date stamp).

In addition, those applications that do not meet the Application Eligibility criteria as listed in the accompanying Assessment Grid, questions 1 to 6, will not be considered further. Applicants not meeting the Application Eligibility criteria will be notified within 7 days of this determination.


The Assessment Grid, which is provided in this package, will be the tool used to assess all proposals. The assessment process ensures that proposals are evaluated objectively against the same parameters and criteria.

All proposals that meet the Application Eligibility criteria will be assessed against the categories listed below to determine which proposal best meets the identified need. A mandatory passing mark of 60% is required for each of the categories. If a proposal does not meet the pass mark in any one category, the application will not be assessed further.

Each proposal will be assessed against the following 5 categories of the assessment grid:

  1. Organizational Experience
  2. Proposed Service Delivery Approach and Activities
  3. Proposed Human Resource Plan
  4. Proposed Community/Labour Market Knowledge
  5. Budget

Please note:


Applications and proposals not meeting the Application Eligibility requirements outlined in Section 1.3, above, will be disqualified and applicants will be advised within seven days from the determination of disqualification.

In the event that the existing incumbent applicant’s proposal is not ranked highest in the assessment, the incumbent will be notified by the Service Canada Manager or Service Strategy Director via telephone.  This will be followed by a letter with the completed Assessment Grid.

Once the highest ranked applicant (s) has been identified, they will be notified of the results by a telephone call followed by a letter. In instances where the incumbent's proposal is not ranked highest, notification to the highest ranked applicant (s) will occur following the process outlined in the preceding paragraph

All other assessed applicants will be sent a letter with the completed Assessment Grid. This will be done within 10 days after the highest ranked applicant (s) is identified. Once an agreement is signed, the name of the highest ranked applicant(s) will be posted on the CFP web site:

All applicants will be offered a feedback session on their own proposal.

The time line for Service Canada to complete the CFP process is 90 calendar days after the closing date that was indicated on the Public Notice for this CFP.

The highest ranked applicant will be subject to standard Service Canada agreement procedures, including a second assessment that will ensure adherence to terms and conditions, and value for money.

The highest ranked applicant (s) may be asked for further information to support budget details to proceed to an agreement, and they will be expected to produce this information as quickly as possible upon notification of results, in keeping with the 90 day timeline, to ensure no gaps of service to the target client group.

Attached in Annex 6 is EMP 5211 , which will be used to assess and prepare the proposal of the highest ranked applicant (s) for an agreement with Service Canada.


Decisions on the outcomes of the CFP process are final and applicants have no right of appeal. However, if for some reason, applicants feel that the CFP process was not fair, open and transparent; they may file a complaint with the Fairness Advisor.

A key element of Service Canada accountability and client service is the creation of the position of Fairness Advisor and the establishment of an office to support this function: The Office of the Fairness Advisor. This initiative will provide a mechanism for service delivery partner organizations to voice their comments, complaints, and suggestions for improvement, concerning the processes related to the delivery of grants and contributions by Service Canada. The Office will be a key point of contact to enable dialogue and feedback on issues of fairness, integrity and respect for the rules and to recommend solutions in a timely manner, thereby helping Service Canada continue improving its relationship with its community partners and through them, improving the delivery of services to Canadians.

The Advisor will be responsible to ensure that current practices related to the administration of grants and contributions (Gs and Cs) are implemented in a fair, open, transparent way and that the Terms and Conditions and related rules have been followed. In addition, complaints regarding Departmental adherence to published standards of service, quality, and performance will be assessed.

The Fairness Advisor will also have a capacity to engage in dialogue with community delivery partners, to help identify continuous improvement to the service delivery relationship and to advise on development and implementation of new practices which would enhance fairness

Acting as an independent and objective fact-finder, the Fairness Advisor will work for the timely resolution of complaints.

The Fairness Advisor will act as a champion of good service policies and practices for collaboration between Service Canada and its community partners, to bring greater transparency, consistency, respect and understanding to this critically important relationship.

Service Canada has worked in collaboration with voluntary sector stakeholders (The Service Canada/Voluntary Sector Joint Working Group) to establish the terms of reference, a mission and operating principles for the Office

If a service partner organization has gone through all normal processes for resolution of issues or concerns and feel that they are still not satisfied, they can submit a complaint to the Interim Fairness Advisors at



The purpose of this guide is to assist organizations in the preparation of a Proposal and an Application for Funding in response to a Call for Proposals. This Guide corresponds to the attached Assessment Grid. A mandatory passing mark of 60% is required for each of the categories. If a proposal does not meet the pass mark in any one category, the application will not be assessed further.

2.1 Application Eligibility

The applicant will submit a statement that demonstrates that the proposed project is eligible for consideration as outlined in the Assessment Grid under Application Eligibility. There are six application eligibility criteria.

  1. Application received prior to closing date and time
  2. Required documents submitted are complete
  3. References included with submission
  4. Application signed by legal signing authority
  5. Applicant is eligible to apply for delivery of this service/program.
    Insert Eligible Recipient categories outlined in the specific program Terms andConditions, including official language requirements where mandatory under the Official Languages and Minority Communities regulations.
  6. Executive summary provided which, demonstrates the project meets the CFP requirements, including clients identified and range of funding and location(s) of service This summary is to be included in the 40 page limit for the complete proposal.

If any of the eligibility requirements is not met, the application will be disqualified.


Please ensure that all of the following criteria are addressed in your proposal.

2.2 ORGANIZATIONAL EXPERIENCE (Section A of Assessment Grid) (30%)

This category is being assessed by evaluating the following criteria:

  1. The organization’s mandate and client focus
  2. Past projects and achievements with this department, other departments and other funders
  3. Financial management

These criteria are to be addressed in section 7 and 8 of your proposal.

A1. Mandate and Client Focus

In this section, provide details that clearly demonstrate that the applicant has previous experience, background and expertise in providing the activities/services to the targeted client group identified in this CFP. The proposal has to demonstrate that the applicant has the experience to deliver the activities required under this CFP, how this experience was acquired, that the applicant can demonstrate understanding of the needs of the targeted client group(s), that there is an appropriate and stable governance structure, and that the applicant’s organization is financially stable.

A2. Past Projects and Achievements With HRSDC / SC, Other Funders, and Related Achievements

Describe and demonstrate the organiation's previous experience:

Please note that Service Canada may consult other federal government departments to confirm past achievements and to ensure that the proposed activities are not a duplication of existing services.

A3. Financial Management

In this section the proposal needs to provide details and demonstrate experience in successfully administering and managing funding from HRSDC, other government departments, charitable organizations, and/or private sector partners. Details provided are to also clearly describe the applicant’s financial controls and bookkeeping practices that were in place for these projects and demonstrate that these were suitable for these projects.


This category is being assessed by evaluating the following criteria:

  1. Plan to manage the project
  2. Plan to monitor achievement of outcomes and results
  3. Service standards in place
  4. Suitability of facilities for staff and clients
  5. Practical and feasible proposal that meets the objectives and funding priorities of the program
  6. SCC to Insert additional assessment factors specific to the activity outlined in the CFP

These criteria are to be addressed in Section 3 and 6 of your proposal. Factor B5 will be assessed against your overall proposal.

B1. Plan to manage the Project

Provide details on how the organization plans to manage the proposed project. Please include in the proposal, a detailed implementation plan/workflow with clear, achievable objectives and activities including plans for client intake, with appropriate and realistic milestones, from project start date to project completion. The implementation plan will also indicate how the applicant will monitor project achievements and make adjustments if required. The proposal will also indicate the applicant’s capacity to provide the service in both official languages where required.

B2. Outcomes and Expected Results

The proposal will state the expected results (within the parameters outlined in the Call for Proposals) and include plans and activities on how these results will be achieved. Success includes client satisfaction with the services received.  It should demonstrate that the applicant has an appropriate system to measure, monitor, and report participant progress and project success, including a plan to review and adjust activities if targets are not being met, mid-point reviews, etc.

Some examples may include:

B3. Service Standards

The proposal will show that the organization has clear and appropriate service standards related to the quality and speed of service (e.g. wait time to access the program, management of wait list, processing of payments), complaint mechanism, etc.

B4. Facilities

This section will include a brief description of how the proposed premises are appropriate in terms of space and accessibility for clients and employees. This includes location and square footage (space for offices, meeting rooms, access for people with disabilities, adequate space to ensure privacy for individual client session if required, central location, proximity to bus routes, etc).

B5. Proposal is Practical and Feasible

The proposed plan for activities and the budget, as written, can realistically support and successfully achieve program objectives.

The proposal has to provide clear evidence that the applicant understands the program criteria and Service Canada funding priorities and has an appropriate plan to handle clients who do not meet the eligibility criteria. Overall, the proposal has to demonstrate that it meets the objectives and terms and conditions of the program. (Reference:
Note: Youth Programs not included on this site.

B6. Other Specifics to the CFP

This section to be completed by the CFP Committee to include criteria related to the specific CFP.
Some examples may include:

2.4. PROPOSED HUMAN RESOURCE PLAN (Section C of Assessment Grid) (10%)

This category is being assessed by evaluating the following criteria:

  1. Rationale for the number of and categories of staff
  2. Human resource policies in place for the project
  3. Experienced/Qualified Project Staff

These criteria are to be addressed in Section 7 of your proposal.

C1. Rationale for the Number and Categories of Staff

Identify and provide a rationale for the number and categories of positions and staff dedicated to direct delivery of the project (management, officers, administrative and technical support personnel) with clear roles and responsibilities based on the scope of your work/service delivery model.  Include number of hours and wages for each position.

C2. Human Resources Policies and Procedures

Outline and succintly describe the Human Resources Policies and Procedures in place for the project (related to employee pay and benefits, leave, staffing, staff evaluation, professional development, travel, employment equity, accommodation for persons with disabilities, conflict of interest, union concurrency etc.).

Do not include Human Resources Policy documentation as they will count towards the 40 page maximum.

C3. Experienced and Qualified Project Staff

Indicate and demonstrate that the organization employs experienced and qualified staff with the appropriate job-related and language skills (English and/or French as required) for the delivery of the project or demonstrate that the organization has in place a recruitment plan and an appropriate orientation for new staff.

2.5. PROPOSED COMMUNITY/LABOUR MARKET KNOWLEDGE (Section D of Assessment Grid) (10%)

This category is being assessed by evaluating the following criteria:

  1. How the proposed project links to labour market needs and priorities of the community to be served
  2. Plan to integrate service with existing resources and programs in the community.

CFP Committee to insert links to SC Business Plan if available, LMI sites, other appropriate sites for local labour market.

These criteria are to be addressed in Section 7 of your proposal.

D1. Community Labour Market Needs and Priorities

The proposal is to provide a description of how the proposed project will link to labour market needs and priorities of the community to be served and how the mandate of the organization relates directly to the client groups and activities targeted by this CFP (e.g. geographic, specific target group, socio-economic and labour market factors; any relevant community planning/consultation process carried out.)

D2. Knowledge of Community Resources and Programs

The proposal is to demonstrate that the applicant has a suitable plan to integrate service with existing resources and programs in the community. The applicant needs to demonstrate their knowledge of the community network of programs and services in order to be able to refer clients appropriately.

2.6 BUDGET (Section E of Assessment Grid) (20%)

This category is being assessed by evaluating the following criteria:

  1. Eligible and Reasonable Project Costs
  2. Reasonable Participant Costs
  3. Acceptable Staff Wage Rates
  4. Relevant and Reasonable Capital Costs
  5. Sound Administrative and Financial Management Processes
  6. Other partner(s) contribution(s)

Note: Fee for Participating in a Project: Applicants shall not request the payment of any charge or fee from participants for their participation in the project.

Budget requirements can be found in the Project Applicant Instruction Sheet for Contribution Programs Delivered by Service Canada located at:

This link provides information on eligible costs, costing options, and the appropriate budget format.   All budgets must follow these requirements.  Additional guidance on following the budget requirements is available in the Grants and Contributions Change Agenda:  Administrative Changes e-learning, available at:

These criteria are to be addressed in Section 7 of your proposal and the Budget Template.

E1. Eligible and Reasonable Project Costs

A detailed budget including rationale must be completed and submitted with the proposal. The mandatory information that is required on the budget is located at: For a form that can be filled and completed electronically please contact: SCC to provide contact information to obtain electronic form.

Applicants must also complete the Forecast of Cash Flow form (EMP 5216 (01-03) E and submit it with the application package. It is important that the global monthly breakdown of the budget reflect as closely as possible the sponsor’s projected financial requirements and any explanations as needed (without use of abbreviations). This form is available at:

Applicants who intend to use a subcontractor or subcontractors to perform specific duties or activities must specifically identify the related costs. If an applicant intends to have portions of the proposed activities completed by an independent party, prior approval by Service Canada officials is required if the amount is $25,000 or more. The approval process for the above-mentioned activity will require at least three bids and the applicant must select the one offering the best value (or lowest costs). Such subcontracting arrangements must be with an arms-length organization.

E2. Participant Costs

E.3 Staff Wage Rates

E.4 Capital Costs

Provide details for:

E5. Financial Management Processes and Financial Controls

Please describe the financial management processes in place to manage the project budget including a description of financial controls in place and how they are applied e.g. bookkeeping procedures, the signing authorities, and audits.

E6. Other funding partners (financial or in-kind contributions)

Please note that applicants must detail monetary and/or in-kind contributions from other sources that reflect a commitment to the success of the project.
This section will include a description of:


The Contribution Agreement

Following the assessment, the highest ranked applicant will be approached to negotiate an agreement. Should the highest ranked applicant be unable to enter into an agreement, the next highest applicant will be approached.

Once the proposal(s) is/are approved, it becomes the subject of a formal contribution agreement or a grant between the Government of Canada and the applicant.

Project activities must not commence until an agreement is signed by the applicant and the Government of Canada. Cost incurred prior to both parties signing the contribution agreement will not be reimbursed.

Articles of Agreement
The sponsor that signs a contribution agreement will have to comply to with the articles of agreement. These can be found at in Annex 2. They may be shared with your legal and financial advisors for review.

Ongoing Monitoring and Follow-up

Once a contribution is signed, contribution recipients will be instructed to submit both financial and progress reports to assess the project’s effectiveness. Contribution recipients will also be required to provide reports on participant results following the project’s completion.

Union Concurrence

If applicable, written evidence of union concurrence with the proposed activities will be sought.

Amounts Owing in Default to the Government of Canada
This information is to be provided in accordance with the Treasury Board Policy on Transfer Payments (pursuant to section 7 of the Financial Administration Act.



Grants and Contributions Change Agenda: Administrative Changes e-learning

Transfer Payment Policy

Financial Administration Act

Terms and Conditions for of Employment  Benefits and Support Measuress Assistance Services

Terms and Conditions for Youth Employment Strategy

Description of programs

Project Applicant Instruction Sheet for Contribution Programs Delivered by Service Canada uctionsheet.shtml

Standard Eligible Cost Listing

Labour Market Information

ANNEX 2:  Articles of Agreement

(Insert appropriate articles of agreement, which can be found on the Grants and Contributions Intranet site)




Your application for funding will consist of 4 documents:

  1. the EMP 5209  – Application for Funding Form
  2. the proposal – the detailed description of your proposed project.   The required elements of the Proposal Description are explained in detail starting in Section 2, of this document.  For more complex proposals, it is recommended you include an executive summary of your proposal (Please refer to section 1.3. ii) for details on format and length requirements)
  3. the Budget Template
  4. a Forecast of Cashflow (EMP 5216)


Please note that no expenditures can be reimbursed for activities outside the start and end dates of the agreement funding period.

As an applicant, it is important for you to understand what program staff must consider before they can recommend your application for funding.

Service Canada requires that a criteria-based assessment process be used when assessing proposals.   A Program Officer must be confident that all “key” points in your proposal have been addressed prior to recommending your application for funding.

While Service Canada is assessing your application or proposal for funding, you may be contacted for additional information or clarification. If you have any questions about the terms and conditions of the contribution funding agreement at any time during the process, it is your responsibility to contact HRSDC for clarification.

Conflict of Interest

All potential or actual conflicts of interest, must be disclosed in the proposal.  During the operation of the project, any conflict of interest that may arise must be disclosed to Service Canada and resolved to the satisfaction of Service Canada.


Section 1: Applicant Information

Program under which you are applying
Write in the program option which applies to your proposal.   

Name of Applicant
The name that your company or organization commonly uses. 

Legal Name of Applicant (if different)
This is the legal name under which the organization is incorporated. 
(i.e..   0145632 Ontario Inc.)

Mailing Address, Telephone, Fax and E-mail Address
The address to which all correspondence and cheques will be forwarded.

Location of Activity
Provide the address for the physical location/site where the project activity will be taking place, if different from the mailing address above.  If the activities will take place at a number of sites throughout the community then all should be indicated in the proposal.

Name, Title, and E-mail of Contact Person
Specify the name and telephone number of the person with whom HRSDC will follow-up with on any outstanding items and will negotiate with on the proposal.

Language of Correspondence
Check the language of your preference (both written and spoken)

Organization established:
If organization is incorporated, use the date of incorporation. If not incorporated, use the date the organization was established.

Organization Type
See the EMP 5209 – Application for Funding Form for the list. Select the organization type that best describes your organization.

Major Product/Service
Briefly describe the main business line, product or service of your organization.

Number of Employees
Indicate the total number of employees that normally work for your organization.

Business Number
This refers to the number issued to you by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for the purposes of making and remitting employee deductions (i.e. income tax, Canada Pension Plan and Employment Insurance premiums). It consists of 15 characters (alpha and numeric).

Please provide the nine (9) digit Business Number (Registration Number) as well as the extension (Account Identifier) beginning with “RT”, if available.   An example of a Business Number with the GST/HST account number is as follows:     

123456789 RT0001

If you do not have this business number and you will be paying corporate income tax, hiring staff or changing or requesting a rebate for GST/HST under an Service Canada approved agreement, then you should make application to CRA. 

Incorporation Number
An incorporation number is the number assigned an organization that registers it as a legal entity. A business can be incorporated municipally, provincially, nationally or internationally. This number is not the same as the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Business Number.

GST/HST Number – Rebate Number and Percentage

Record the CRA rebate number and percentage of the rebate you are entitled to in this block. 

If you have not done so already, you should contact the CRA and obtain information on any potential GST/HST rebates that you are entitled to.

Signing Officers
A specimen of each legal authority signature, how many and in what combinations the signatures are required for each of the following documents.

a.     agreements,
b.     cheques,
c.     applications
d.     payment claims and reports.

Accounting Practices
Provide accounting information: 

Insurance Coverage
Include all relevant policies.

Union Concurrence
If the proposed activities will take place in a workplace that has a collective agreement in effect, union concurrence is a condition for recommending funding and must be obtained in writing (refer to guidelines specific to the program for specifics on applicability).

Section 2: Proposal Description and Budget

To ensure the proposal includes the necessary information and requirements, the elements outlined below should be included in the proposal:

Project Title
The project title will be used when referring to the proposal.    (Use only if applicable)

Duration of Activity
Provide the estimated start and end dates of the project, in the first “from” and “to” boxes.   These dates are tentative and may be subject to change during proposal assessment. 

It should be clearly identified if the dates are time sensitive.   An example of this would be if the proposed activities centred around an unchangeable date or event.

If your proposal design includes a break in the activity for longer than several weeks, then you should use the second “from” and “to” boxes to indicate the period from re-commencement of activities to the completion date of the agreement. 

Total Number of Participants
If applicable, indicate the anticipated number of participants. (For participant eligibility criteria see program specific guidelines)  Complete the Equity Group Members Targeting Plan section of the Application for Funding, if applicable.

A participant is an individual who is recruited to a project, is being served in some way by the project, for whom the project outcome is related to their own outcome, and has information gathered about them and their outcomes.

Primary Client Groups to be served
If your organization is applying for a participant-based program, and you have developed an equity target plan (i.e. you are committing to identify a specific number of participants from each of the target groups), then that should be specified here. If you currently don’t have a plan, leave this section blank.  This topic may have to be discussed further during application assessment as there may be particular participant eligibility criteria (see program specific guidelines)

Proposal Description

Your proposal should be written as a separate document, using the following headings. 

  1. Project Summary
  2. Project Objectives
  3. Proposed Activities and Timelines
  4. Description of Targeted Participants or Beneficiaries
  5. List of Partner Organizations, Contributions by Partnering Organizations
  6. Expected Results and Means by which success will be measured
  7. Applicant’s Background, Mandate and Expertise
  8. Past Projects with Service Canada, or tother funders and their achievements
  9. Evidence of Community Support
  10. Environmental Impact of Proposed Activities

See ANNEX 4 for a detailed description of the proposal requirements and content.


Provide the total budget requested:   Total costs consist of the Service Canada Contribution in addition to the Applicant and/or Partner Contributions including cash and in-kind.

To be eligible, all budget items must be directly related to the project and be reasonable.

Section 3: Declaration – Amounts Owing in Default to the Government of Canada

This refers to debts due to the Government of Canada that have no agreed-upon repayment schedule at the time of applying for funding from Service Canada.   If you are in this situation, contact your local Service Canada Centre or your Program Officer for information as to what steps have to be taken to repay the debt. Suitable arrangements for repayment must be been made prior to a further funding agreement may be signed.

If you are applying on behalf of an organization or a business, provide information on the amounts owed by the organization or the business, not on personal amounts owed by directors, business owners etc. If you are a sole proprietorship, personal debts in default to the Government of Canadamust be shown here.

Section 4: Note to Applicants Regarding Lobbyists

If the funding you are requesting exceeds $25,000 you must complete this section of the application.   In this section, declare whether the requirements concerning lobbyist registration and contingency fees have been met.

For further information please contact 1-800-328-6189.  Lobbyists may register online with Industry Canada free of charge at (

PLEASE NOTE that in addition to the parameters addressed in the NOTE on the application in regards to Privacy Legislation and Access to Information Act:

Section 5: Signature(s)—Required

Please Note: It is your responsibility to make sure that the required number of individuals with the appropriate authorities are signing this application. As part of your application, include any Articles of Incorporation that validate these individuals’ signing authorities. Keep in mind the authority to sign cheques on behalf of an organization is NOT necessarily the same authority to represent an organization or company in a legal contract.

Applicant Name
Print the name(s) of the individual(s) who will be signing on behalf or your organization or company.

Clearly indicate the title of the position for the person who is signing on behalf of the organization or company.

Affix the signature(s) of those signing the application.

Include the date that the signature was provided.



What is a proposal?

A proposal is an application for funding that contains all information necessary to describe project plans, staff capabilities, and funds requested. Formal proposals are officially approved and submitted by an organization.

Your proposal should be written as a separate document from the application.

Every proposal should contain clearly defined performance objectives against which benchmarks can be established to measure progress and success. As a guideline:

Proposal Required Elements

1. Project Title
If applicable, the project title will be used when referring to the proposal.

2. Executive Summary
Provide a short synopsis of the project that includes a summary (if applicable) of: the number of participants, the location, the duration, and total funding requested.

3. Proposal Objectives
The objectives of a proposal should be briefly described in terms of quantifiable and measurable goals to be achieved through this project. Described succinctly the objectives of the project (not the objectives of the organization), will provide concise and clear picture of the purpose of your proposed activity:

You may wish to include major steps or sub-objectives if your project is multi-faceted.

Provide a rationale for this project. Explain why this project is needed in the community. Your presentation should be based on current labour market information. You may wish to summarize key points: explain any specific research or consultation that was conducted prior to or in the preparation of this proposal. Include any supporting documentation in Appendices. Documentation could include consultation reports, research reports, a list of sources of Labour Market Information, etc.

As part of the rationale for the objectives, include a description of the audience the project is to serve:

4. Proposed Activities and Timelines

Describe how the project will achieve the above stated objectives and when they will be achieved. You must provide concise and clear details on the individual activities that will be part of your overall proposal.

Duration of Activity

Provide the estimated start and end dates of the project, in the first "from" and "to" boxes. These dates are tentative and may be subject to change during proposal assessment.
It should be clearly identified if the dates are time sensitive. An example of this would be if the proposed activities centred around an unchangeable date or event, such as New Year's Eve.
If your proposal design includes a break in the activity for longer than several weeks, then you should use the second "from" and "to" boxes to indicate the period from re-commencement of activities to the completion date of the agreement.

5. Description of Targeted Participants or other Beneficiaries

a. For projects with participants (programs such as Employment Assistance or Skills Development):

b. For project without participants (programs such as Labour Market Partnerships or SOLMC), explain specifically who will benefit from this project:

6. List of Partner Organizations, Contributions by Partnering Organizations

Partners are defined as active supporters of the project who will contribute time, resources and have a vested interest in the result. The proposal should identify all partners involved in the project. Partners' contributions can include: financial contribution; contribution of human resources for program delivery; joint delivery of a program or service; capital investment.

An in-kind contribution means a non-financial value added to the project. There are many kinds of in-kind contributions, including physical assets, such as land, buildings, machinery, equipment and office space, or the provision of staff, expertise or other services. The value of all in-kind contributions needs to be actual, verifiable, and be supported by financial documentation. This information must also be incorporated in the budget document. It should also include an identification of each partner's contribution and how their specific contribution will serve to achieve expected outcomes.

7. Expected Results and Means by which success will be measured

The proposal should include a description of what is expected to be achieved as a result of the project.

8. Applicant's Background, Mandate and Expertise

9.  Past Projects with HRSDC, Service Canada or other funders and their achievements

Include information about previous agreements that you have had.   Describe the activities and outcomes of those agreements (i.e. did you successfully deliver what was agreed to, what were the outcomes).  Also include information on recent agreements with other federal departments, provincial or local governments, or other organizations.  


10.  Evidence of Community Support

Provide evidence of the support that this project (not your organization) has in the community.  This would include description of linkages with other service providers and agencies in the community, businesses, and other stakeholders.

11.  Environmental Impact of Proposed Activities

Any environmental impact issues with your proposed activity must be assessed. Environmental issues are proposed activities that can have a direct impact on the environment (e.g. construction, changes in natural habitat, and changes in waterways or toxic materials). If environmental issues are present the Program Officer will consult with you to establish an action plan to deal with them. You may require the services of an independent consultant to complete an environmental assessment, which is a cost that would not be covered by Service Canada.


This document details specific requirements for information / justification in the budget template. These details are necessary to complete the assessment of your proposal and ensure that requested amounts are eligible, reasonable, and meet Service Canada requirements. Not all budget elements are listed here, and any further requirement for information will be outlined in the Applicants' package, at the Information Session, and / or will be communicated to you if you are chosen as the highest ranked applicant.

1 A 1) Staff Wages

Project Staff

Includes the wages for all staff working directly on the project (e.g. Coordinator, Project Manager, Administrative Assistant).

As part of your proposal you should include information about the skills and experience that staff should have, as well as the duties you would expect them to perform. Provide detail in your proposal for each position: the number of hours to be worked per week, and the hourly rate.

List the title of the position(s) that you would like to include as part of your application.

Indicate the number of weeks each position will be required for in the project

Indicate the gross salary for each position.

Multiply the number of weeks by the cost per week to show a total gross wage for that position.

Project Staff MERCs

MERC stands for Mandatory-Employment Related Costs. All employers, are required to remit employee and employer premiums for Employment Insurance (EI), Canada Pension Plan (CPP) or QPP, Vacation Pay, Health or Education Tax and Workers Compensation, to Canada and Customs Revenue Agency. Service Canada reimburses for only the employer's share of these mandatory costs. Calculate the employer's share of these costs and record it here.

Non-Mandatory Employment Related Costs (also called supplementary or extended benefits): include additional benefits in an established employee benefit package, along with specific details. Some examples of extended benefits are medical and dental coverage. The information provided must include information outlining what these non-MERC benefits are, the costs involved, and what portion Service Canada is being asked to cover. In addition, include any additional workers compensation premiums you would pay as a result of hiring project staff. It is your responsibility as an employer to make sure that adequate coverage is in place for employee workers compensation.

1 A 2) Professional Fees

These are fees charged by an individual, company or organization providing support to the delivery of the proposed activities. Provide a rationale why this expense is essential to the success of the project. An example is a consultant who you contract to deliver a portion of the proposed activities.

@ Contracting for Goods or Services and the Use of Subcontractors

If you plan to:

Service Canada must also be made aware of any non arms-length company situations where subcontracts may be awarded to businesses related to your organization, or businesses in which a member or members of the board of directors of your organization had a financial interest.

A contract for goods and / or services under a contribution agreement of $25,000 or over must be approved by Service Canada and submitted for a competitive process involving a minimum of three bids. In the situation where a contract for goods and services is below the $25,000 threshold, the principles of accountability, fairness, best value for money must still be conformed to.

Instances may arise where you determine, for reasons of cost effectiveness or expertise, that you subcontract activities to an entity that can aid you in achieving the project objectives.

There may be cases where, sole sourcing is appropriate, or where less than three bids or proposals are actually received in response to a competitive process.

In order for an exception to be made you will need to elaborate on the circumstances that justify an exception for your proposal.

1 A 3) Travel Costs

Detail the nature of the project related travel costs: the frequency of anticipated travel, cost estimates and a rationale why this travel is essential to the success of the project.

1 A 4) Capital Assets

Capital costs are defined as purchased items (individually or like-items as a group) that have a value in excess of $1000 and would have long term value beyond the duration of the agreement. Examples of capital costs would be the purchase of computers, equipment, office furniture.

Unless otherwise specified (see program specific guidelines), assistance provided for capital purchases must be on a "cost-shared basis." This means that whenever Service Canada contributes to capital costs the recipient of the contribution, and/or other parties, share these costs with Service Canada.

When applying for capital costs:

1. State why the capital purchases are essential to the achievement of objectives.
2. Justify purchase over lease. Service Canada will want to consider the lowest cost option. Include quotes or estimates that will show that purchasing in the long run will be a better value.
3. Provide an outline as to how you plan to dispose of the assets after the project has completed; the available options are:

If capital costs are approved as part of your agreement, the Program Officer will discuss this matter with you in greater detail during application assessment.

It is important to remember that final disposal of capital assets will be approved by Service Canada when the project ends.

1 A 6) Other activity related direct project costs

A number of costs items may be claimed under 1A6). Please provide relevant details regarding these costs in your proposal, particularily:

This includes costs of water, hydro, etc. costs if not built in to the rent.

This includes facility rental that is required for the project. Include total square footage of the additional space as well as the cost per square foot.

1 B. Participant Related Direct Project Costs

Participants Wages

Please see the program specific guidelines for further information. If applicable, for programs where there will be participants on this project who will be paid wages (as opposed to stipends, etc), the gross wages for these participants are recorded here. (e.g. Targeted Wage Subsidies agreements)

Project Participants' MERCs-See "Project Staff MERCs", above, for details.

Participant Tuition Costs and Other Participant Related Project Costs - where required please provide specific details

ANNEX 6 - EMP 5211

Insert EMP 5211, available on the Grants and Contributions Intranet site