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Employment Insurance Regulations - Part I - Unemployment Benefits

Current EI (Main) Regulations



Work-force Reduction Process

51. (1) Subject to the Act and these Regulations, but notwithstanding section 30 of the Act, a claimant who has left employment in accordance with an employer work-force reduction process that preserves the employment of co-workers may be paid benefits where

(a) the claimant accepted an offer to leave that employment voluntarily; and

(b) the employer has confirmed that the claimant's leaving resulted in the actual preservation of the employment of a co-worker whose employment would otherwise have been terminated in the course of the work-force reduction process.

     (2)  For the purposes of subsection (1), an employer work-force reduction process is a process

(a) that is initiated by the employer;

(b) that has as its objective a permanent reduction in the overall number of employees;

(c) that offers employees the option to leave employment voluntarily; and

(d) the elements of which, including the elements described in paragraphs (a) to (c), are documented by the employer.

Prescribed Circumstances for the Purposes of Subparagraph 29(c)(xiv) of the Act

51.1 For the purposes of subparagraph 29(c)(xiv) of the Act, other reasonable circumstances include

(a) circumstances in which a claimant has an obligation to accompany to another residence a person with whom the claimant has been cohabiting in a conjugal relationship for a period of less than one year and where

(i) the claimant or that person has had a child during that period or has adopted a child during that period,

(ii) the claimant or that person is expecting the birth of a child, or

(iii) a child has been placed with the claimant or that person during that period for the purpose of adoption; and

(b) circumstances in which a claimant has an obligation to care for a member of their immediate family within the meaning of subsection 55(2).

SOR/2001-290, s.2