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Transport Canada

Directive No. (required)

Revision (required)

TITLE (required)

Policy Objective (required section)

  • a succinct statement and rationale of the policy objective(s)

Background (optional section)

  • a summary of the background, including a description of the issue and its context, that has brought about the need for a policy

Policy Statement (required section)

  • a succinct statement outlining Civil Aviation’s position (i.e.commitment, contribution, participation, endorsement, support)

Application (required section)

  • a statement describing to whom or what the policy applies directly
  • optional statement describing those to whom the policy does not apply (if required for continuity, clarity)

Definition(s) (optional section)

  • of any terms central to the directive -- i.e. for the purpose of this directive, an annual plan means ...
  • if there are several definitions, this can be done in an accompanying appendix

(Optional sections -- as required)


  • define and describe any requirements that must be undertaken or conditions that must be met -- i.e. the plan must identify each of the following elements ...


  • describe the requirement and frequency of follow up reports -- i.e. a report will be provided to CAMX on a quarterly basis

Further information (required section)

  • OPI name, title

Effective date: (required section)

Expiry date: (required section)

  • This may include the non-expiring option, if so, it must be stated in this section.
  • Note: It is recommended that all directives "expire" one year after the effective date as all directives will be reviewed one year after the effective date.

(required section)

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Last updated: 2003-04-19 Top of Page Important Notices