Government InfoPEI Business Employment Visiting the Island



Provincial Hosting Grant

Where can I find information about the Provincial Hosting Grant?

Provincial Hosting Grant Criteria


The Provincial Hosting Grant is available for providing financial assistance to:

  1. organizations holding national meetings, international and regional meetings, conventions and events; and
  2. provincial departments hosting conferences.

In general terms, the policy regarding assistance for hosted conferences, meetings and special events is applied as follows:

  1. The conference, meeting or special event must be one time only and held in the shoulder/off-tourism season, that is any month other than July and August.
  2. Financial assistance is provided to provincial organizations hosting regional, national and international events. Regional events must have a minimum of 100 out-of province registered delegates.
  3. Events that qualify for assistance through programs of other government departments will not normally be considered for funding assistance under the hosting program. In the case of major cultural or sporting events with demonstrated benefits to the province exceptions may be considered.
  4. If approved, the funding must be used for the purpose of assisting in the cost of an opening reception, brunch or closing banquet with the requirement that the applicant must provide a verification of the cost from the establishment where the event was held.
  5. Requests for assistance for hosting events will be considered only for national or regional events sanctioned by the appropriate national sport governing body.
  6. The hosting grant subsidization will be limited to $10.00 (ten dollars) per registered delegate to a maximum of $3,500.00.

  1. Requests for assistance are submitted on the Hosting Grants Application for Funding Assistance Form available from Tourism PEI.
  2. Once the completed application and supplementary information has been received, the Grants Coordinator will review and assess each application on an individual basis. If the request meets the funding criteria, a commitment for assistance is extended subject to receipt of official numbers of delegates and verification of costs from the establishment where the event was held.


Provincial Hosting Grants - Application For Funding Assistance

*Printable version of this form [9 KB PDF File]



Shaw Building

O'Keefe, Stephanie (Secretary) Province of PEI

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