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Transport Canada
Table of Contents
Part I - General
Part II - Glossary
Part III - Phrase Vocabulary For External Communication
Part IV - Phrase Vocabulary For On-Board Communication

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Marine Safety Publications
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1. Warnings

1.1 You are running into danger.

(Shallow water ahead of you)

(Submerged wreck ahead of you)

(Risk of collision imminent)

(Fog bank ahead of you)

(Bridge will not open)

( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .).

1.2 Dangerous obstruction/wreck reported at . . .

1.3 Unknown object(s) in position . . .

1.4 Floating ice in position . . .

(Considered hazardous to navigation).

1.5 Mine(s) reported in position . . .

1.6 Navigation is closed (prohibited) in area . . .

1.7 There has been a collision in position . . .

(keep clear)

(stand by to give assistance).

1.8 It is dangerous to . . .


(remain in present position)

(alter course to starboard)

(alter course to port)

(approach close to my vessel)

(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ).

1.9 Vessel . . . is aground in position . . .

1.10 Vessel . . . is on fire in position . . .

1.11 Large vessel leaving. Keep clear of approach channel.

1.12 Go to Emergency Anchorage.

1.13 Your navigation lights are not visible.

1.14 You are running aground.

1.15 Keep clear . . .

(I am jettisoning dangerous cargo)

(vessel is leaking inflammable cargo in position . . .)

(vessel is leaking noxious cargo in position . . .)

(vessel is leaking poisonous cargo in position . . .)

(you are crossing my nets)

(I have a long tow)

(you are heading towards my tow)

(you are heading towards a towing line)

(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )

2. Assistance ^

2.1 I need help . . .

(I am sinking)

(I am on fire)

(I have been in collision)

(I am aground)

(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )

2.2 I am on fire and have dangerous cargo on board.

2.3 I am on fire . . .

(in the engine-room)

(in the hold)

(in the cargo tanks)

(in the accommodation)

(in the living spaces)

(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .)

2.4 I have lost a man overboard (at . . . ). Help with search and rescue.

2.5 What is your position?

What is the position of the vessel in distress?

2.6 What assistance is required?

2.7 I require . . .

(a lifeboat)

(a helicopter)

(medical assistance*)

(fire-fighting assistance)

(a tug)


(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )

2.8 I am coming to your assistance.

2.9 I expect to reach you at . . . hours.

*Note: Further messages should be made using the Medical Section of the International Code of Signals.

2.10 Send a . . .



2.11 l am sending a boat to you.

I am sending a raft to you.

2.12 Make a lee for. . .

(my vessel)

(the boat)

(the raft).

2.13 I will make a lee for . . .

(your vessel)

(the boat)

(the raft).

2.14 I cannot send a . . .



2.15 I will attempt rescue by Breeches-buoy.

2.16 Is it safe to fire a rocket?

2.17 It is safe to fire a rocket.

It is not safe to fire a rocket.

2.18 Take command of search and rescue.

2.19 I am in command of search and rescue.

Vessel . . . is in command of search and rescue.

2.20 Assistance is not required. You may proceed.

Assistance is no longer required. You may proceed.

2.21 You must keep radio silence in this area unless you have messages about the casualty.

Note: Further messages should be made using the International Code of Signals and/or the Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual (MERSAR).


3. Anchoring ^

3.1 I am at anchor (at. . . ).

3.2 I am heaving up anchor.

3.3 My anchor is clear of the bottom.

3.4 You may anchor . . .

(at . . . hours)

(in . . . position)

(until pilot arrives)

(until tug(s) arrive(s))

(until there is sufficient depth of water)

(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..).

You must anchor

(at . . . hours)

(in . . . position)

(until pilot arrives)

(until tug(s) arrive(s))

(until there is sufficient water)

(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ).

3.5 Do not anchor (in position . . . ).

3.6 Anchoring is prohibited.

3.7 I will anchor (at . . . ).

3.8 Vessel . . . is at anchor (at . . . ).

3.9 Are you dragging anchor?

Are you dredging anchor?

3.10 My anchor is dragging.

Your anchor is dragging.

3.11 Do not dredge anchor.

3.12 You must heave up anchor.

3.13 You must shorten your cable to . . . shackles.

3.14 My anchor is foul.

3.15 You are obstructing . . .

(the fairway)

(other traffic).

3.16 You must anchor in a different position . . .

3.17 You must anchor clear of the fairway.

3.18 What is the anchor position for me?

3.19 You are at anchor in the wrong position.

3.20 I have slipped my anchor (and cable) (and buoyed it) in position . . .I have lost my anchor (and cable) (and buoyed it) in position . . .

4. Arrival, Berthing and Departure ^

4.1 Where do you come from?

What was your last port of call?

4.2 From what direction are you approaching?

4.3 What is your ETA (at . . . )?

What is your ETD (from . . . )?

4.4 My ETA (at . . . ) is . . . hours.

My ETD (from . . . ) is . . . hours.

4.5 Do not pass receiving point . . . until . . . hours.

4.6 What is your destination?

4.7 My destination is . . .

4.8 What are my berthing instructions?

What are my docking instructions?

4.9 Your berth is clear (at . . . hours).

Your berth will be clear (at . . . hours).

4.10 You will berth at . . .

You will dock at . . .

4.11 May I enter?

4.12 You may enter (at . . . hours).

4.13 May I proceed?

4.14 You may proceed (at . . . hours).

4.15 Is there any other traffic?

4.16 There is a vessel turning at . . .

There is a vessel manoeuvring at . . .

4.17 Vessel . . . will turn at . . .

4.18 Vessel . . . will leave . . .at . . . hours.

4.19 Vessel . . . is leaving . . .

4.20 Vessel . . . has left . . .

4.21 Vessel . . . has entered the fairway at . . .

4.22 Your orders are to . . .

Your orders are changed to . . .

4.23 Vessel . . .inward in position . . .

Vessel . . .outward in position . . .

4.24 Are you underway?

4.25 I am underway.

4.26 I am ready to get underway.

4.27 I am not ready to get underway.

4.28 You must get underway.

4.29 I am making way through the water.

4.30 I have steerage way.

I do not have steerage way.

4.31 Vessel in position (make fast).

4.32 Move ahead (. . . feet/metres).

Move astern (. . . feet/metres).

5. Course ^

5.1 What is your course?

5.2 My course is . . .

5.3 Your course is correct.

5.4 What course do you advise?

5.5 Advise you make course . . .

5.6 Advise you keep your present course.

5.7 You are steering a dangerous course . . . 
- to be followed by indication of danger or advice
for further action

5.8 I am keeping my present course.

5.9 I cannot keep my present course.

5.10 I am altering course to . . .

5.11 I am altering course to . . .



5.12 Advise you alter course to . . . (at . . .).

6. Draught and Air Draught ^

6.1 What is your draught?

6.2 My draught is . . .

6.3 What is your draught forward?

What is your draught aft?

6.4 My draught forward is . . .

My draught aft is . . .

6.5 Vessel . . . is of deep draught.

6.6 Do you have any list?

6.7 I have a list to port of . . . degrees.

I have a list to starboard of . . . degrees.

6.8 Maximum permitted draught is . . .

6.9 What is your freeboard?

6.10 My freeboard is . . .

6.11 What is your air draught?

6.12 My air draught is . . .

6.13 Are you trimmed by the head/stern?

6.14 Are you on even keel?

6.15 What is your maximum draught now?

Note 1: When necessary it must be specified whether salt or fresh water draught is given.

Note 2: Air draught is the highest point of the vessel’s structure above the waterline.

7 a) Fairway Navigation ^

7.1 There is a vessel entering the fairway (at . . .).

7.2 There is a vessel leaving the fairway (at . . .).

7.3 I will proceed by . . . the fairway.

I will proceed by . . . route.

7.4 Proceed by . . . fairway.

Proceed by . . . route.

7.5 I will turn to port (left) before anchoring at . . .

I will turn to starboard (right) before anchoring at . . .

I will turn to port (left) before berthing at . . .

I will turn to starboard (right) before berthing at . . .

7.6 I am proceeding at reduced speed.

7.7 I am crossing the fairway from . . . to . . .

7.8 I am passing . . .

7.9 Buoy (name) . . . distance ahead.

Buoy (number) . . . distance ahead.

Other mark (name) . . . distance ahead.

Other mark (number) . . . distance ahead.

7.10 I am stopped (at . . . ).

7.11 The vessel ahead of you is stopping.

The vessel ahead of you is turning.

The vessel ahead of you is . . .

The vessel astern of you is stopping.

The vessel astern of you is turning.

The vessel astern of you is . . .

7.12 The vessel to port of you is stopping.

The vessel to port of you is turning.

The vessel to port of you is . . .

The vessel to starboard of you is stopping.

The vessel to starboard of you is turning.

The vessel to starboard of you is . . .

7.13 Fairway speed is . . . knots.

7.14 You must keep to the . . . side of the fairway (. . . metres/cables).

You must keep to the . . . side of the leading line (. . . metres/ cables).

7.15 You are in the centre of the fairway.

7.16 You are in the leading line.

7.17 You are . . . side of the fairway.

7.18 You must stay clear of the fairway.

7.19 Do not overtake.

7.20 Do not cross the fairway

b) Canal and Lock Operations ^

7.21 What are the details of commencement of transit.

What are the details of convoy.

What are the details of station in convoy.

7.22 You will join convoy at . . . hours.

7.23 I cannot join convoy . . .

7.24 Transit will begin at . . . hours.

7.25 Your station in convoy will be number . . .

7.26 Transit speed is . . . knots.

Convoy speed is . . . knots.

7.27 You must close up on vessel ahead of you.

7.28 Convoys will pass in area . . .

Vessels will pass in area . . .

7.29 You . . . must wait at . . .

You . . . must moor at . . .

Convoy . . . must wait at . . .

Convoy . . . must moor at . . .

7.30 What time may I enter the canal?

What time may I enter the lock?

7.31 You will enter canal at . . . hours.

You will enter lock at . . . hours.

7.32 You must wait for lock clearance at . . . (until . . . hours).

Note: See also Section 4.

8. Manoeuvring ^

The use of these messages does not relieve vessels of their obligations to comply with local bye-laws and the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.

8.1 I am altering my course to port.

I am altering my course to starboard.

8.2 I am keeping course and speed.

8.3 I am going astern.

8.4 I am not making way through the water.

8.5 What are your intentions?

8.6 Keep well clear of me.

8.7 I wish to overtake ( . . . ).

8.8 Do not overtake ( . . . ).

8.9 Ship astern . . . wishes to overtake (on your port side).

Ship astern . . . wishes to overtake (on your starboard side).

Vessel . . . wishes to overtake (on your port side).

Vessel . . . wishes to overtake (on your starboard side).

8.10 You may overtake ( . . . ).

8.11 Vessel . . . approaching an obscured area ( . . . ) approaching vessels acknowledge.

8.12 I am not under command.

8.13 I am a hampered vessel.

8.14 I am manoeuvring with difficulty. Keep clear of me.

8.15 Advise you alter course to port.

Advise you alter course to starboard.

8.16 I will alter course to port.

I will alter course to starboard.

8.17 I cannot alter course to port.

I cannot alter course to starboard.

8.18 Advise you stop engines.

8.19 I will stop engines.

8.20 Do not pass ahead of me.

Do not pass astern of me.

8.21 Do not pass on my port side.

Do not pass on my starboard side.

8.22 I . . . will overtake ( . . . ).

Vessel . . . will overtake ( . . . ).

8.23 Advise you pass ahead of me . . .

Advise you pass astern of me . . .

Advise you pass ahead of vessel . . .

Advise you pass astern of vessel . . .

8.24 I will pass ahead of you . . .

I will pass astern of you . . .

I will pass ahead of vessel . . .

I will pass astern of vessel . . .

8.25 Wait for . . . to cross ahead of you.

8.26 I will wait for . . . to cross ahead of me.

8.27 Advise you pass North of . . . vessel.

Advise you pass South of . . . vessel.

Advise you pass East of . . . vessel.

Advise you pass West of . . . vessel.

Advise you pass North of . . . mark.

Advise you pass South of . . . mark.

Advise you pass East of . . . mark.

Advise you pass West of . . . mark.

8.28 I will pass North of . . . vessel.

I will pass South of . . . vessel.

I will pass East of . . . vessel.

I will pass West of . . .vessel.

I will pass North of . . . mark.

I will pass South of . . . mark.

I will pass East of . . . mark.

I will pass West of . . . mark.

8.29 Wait for . . . to clear ( . . . mark) before entering fairway

Wait for . . . to clear ( . . . position) before entering fairway.

Wait for . . . to clear ( . . . mark) before getting underway.

Wait for . . . to clear ( . . . position) before getting underway.

Wait for . . . to clear ( . . . mark) before leaving berth.

Wait for . . . to clear ( . . . position) before leaving berth.

8.30 I will wait for . . . to clear ( . . . mark) before entering fairway.

I will wait for . . . to clear (. . . position) before entering fairway.

I will wait for . . . to clear ( . . . mark) before getting underway

I will wait for . . . to clear ( . . . position) before getting underway

I will wait for . . . to clear ( . . . mark) before leaving berth.

I will wait for . . . to clear ( . . . position) before leaving berth.

9. Pilotage ^

9.1 I require a pilot.

9.2 Do you require a pilot?

9.3 Is the pilot boat on station?

9.4 At what position can I take pilot?

9.5 You can take pilot at point . . . (at . . . hours).

You can take pilot near . . . (at . . . hours).

9.6 At what time will the pilot be available?

9.7 Must I take a pilot?

9.8 You may navigate by yourself or wait for pilot at . . .

9.9 Pilot is coming to you.

9.10 Pilot boat is approaching your vessel.

9.11 You must rig pilot ladder on port side.

You must rig pilot ladder on starboard side.

9.12 Pilot ladder is rigged on port side.

Pilot ladder is rigged on starboard side.

9.13 Pilotage suspended for all vessels.

Pilotage suspended for small vessels.

Pilotage resumed for all vessels.

Pilotage resumed for small vessels.

9.14 You must rig gangway combined with pilot ladder.

9.15 Have a heaving line ready at pilot ladder.

9.16 Put lights on at pilot ladder position.

9.17 Give a slight heel to port/starboard.

9.18 Lower/lift up the pilot ladder/hoist.

9.19 Make a lee on the port/starboard side.

9.20 Stop the engines until the pilot boat is clear.

9.21 Keep the pilot boat on the port/starboard side.

9.22 Stop where you are and wait for the pilot.

9.23 The pilot will board you in . . . minutes/hours.

10. Position ^

10.1 What is your position?

10.2 What is my position?

10.3 My position is . . .

Your position is . . .

10.4 Your position is . . . degrees . . . miles from . . .

10.5 You are passing . . .

10.6 You are entering area . . .

10.7 What is your present position, course and speed?

10.8 My present position, course and speed is . . .

10.9 What is the course to . . . ?

10.10 The course to . . . is . . .

10.11 What is the course to reach you?

10.12 The course to reach me is . . .

10.13 Do not arrive at . . . before . . . hours.

10.14 Do not arrive at . . . after . . . hours.

10.15 Say again your position for identification.

10.16 Has your position been obtained by radar?

Has your position been obtained by decca?

Has your position been obtained by astronomical observation?

Has your position been obtained by . . . ?

10.17 My position has been obtained by radar.

My position has been obtained by decca.

My position has been obtained by astronomical observation.

My position has been obtained by . . .

11. Radar - Ship-to-Ship/Shore-to-Ship/Ship-to-Shore ^

11.1 Is your radar working?

11.2 My radar is working.

My radar is not working.

11.3 I do not have radar.

11.4 I have located you on my radar,* (your position is . . . degrees . . . miles from . . . ).

* This message may only be used when the vessel is positively identified.

11.5 I cannot locate you on my radar.

11.6 You must alter course for identification.

You must alter speed for identification.

11.7 l have altered course to . . . for identification.

I have altered speed to . . . for identification.

11.8 I have lost radar contact.

11.9 Have you altered course?

11.10 Report your position for identification.

11.11 Vessel ahead of you is on the same course.

11.12 You are getting closer to the vessel(s) ahead.

11.13 Your position is . . .

11.14 My position is . . .

11.15 What range scale are you using?

11.16 I am using . . . mile range scale.

11.17 Advise you change to larger range scale.

Advise you change to smaller range scale.

11.18 I require shore-based radar assistance.

11.19 Is shore-based radar assistance available?

11.20 Shore-based radar assistance is available.

Shore-based radar assistance is not available.

11.21 I am at way point . . ., course . . ., speed . . .

I am at reporting point . . ., course . . ., speed . . .

I am at C. I. P. . . ., course. . ., speed . . .

I am approaching way point . . ., course . . ., speed . . .

I am approaching reporting point . . ., course . . ., speed . . .

I am approaching C.I.P. . . ., course. . ., speed . . .

11.22 I will stop at position . . . at . . . hours.

11.23 You are in the fairway.

11.24 Vessel on opposite course passing your port side.

Vessel on opposite course passing your starboard side.

11.25 Vessel is miles/metres ahead on port bow.

Vessel is miles/metres ahead on starboard bow.

11.26 Vessel ahead of you is on opposite course.

11.27 Vessel following will overtake you on port side.

Vessel following will overtake you on starboard side.

11.28 You are leaving my screen.

11.29 Do you want navigational assistance to reach the inshore pilot station?

11.30 I want navigational assistance to reach the inshore pilot station.

11.31 You are approaching - starboard/port limit of fairway
- radar reference line of fairway

11.32 Your position is buoy number . . . distance: . . . metres PORT/STARBOARD from reference line.

11.33 Your position is buoy number . . . distance: . . . metres PORT/STARBOARD from reference line . . . track . . . parallel with reference line.

11.34 Your position is buoy number . . . distance: . . . metres PORT/STARBOARD from reference line . . . track . . . closing reference line.

11.35 Your position is buoy number . . . distance: . . . metres PORT/STARBOARD from reference line . . . track . . . diverging from reference line.

11.36 Your position is distance . . . metres from intersection of reference line . . . and reference line . . .

11.37 Your position is distance . . . metres from intersection of reference line . . . and reference line . . . and distance . . . metres PORT/STARBOARD from reference line . . .

11.38 My radar has become inoperative.

12. Navigational Warnings ^

12.1 There is a dangerous wreck in position . . . (marked by . . .

showing . . . ).

There is a dangerous rock in position . . . (marked by . . .

showing . . . ).

There is a dangerous shoal in position . . . (marked by . . .

showing . . . ).

12.2 There is a drifting mine reported in position . . .

12.3 There is a gas leakage (from fractured pipeline) in position . . .

12.4 There is a slick of oil in position . . . (extending . . . )

12.5 There are pipelaying operations in position . . .

There are cable-laying operations in position . . .

12.6 There are salvage operations in position . . .

There are oil clearance operations in position . . .

12.7 There are tankers transferring . . . in position . . .

12.8 There are current meters moored in position . . .

There are oceanographic instruments moored in position . . .

12.9 There is a derelict adrift in position . . . (at . . . hours).

12.10 There is a vessel with a difficult tow on passage from . . . to . . .

12.11 There is a drilling rig . . . (name) established in position . . .

There is an off-shore installation . . . (name) established in

position . . .

12.12 There is a . . . buoy in position . . . unlit.

There is another mark in position . . . unlit.

There is a . . . buoy in position . . . off station.

There is another mark in position . . . off station.

12.13 There is a . . . buoy (showing . . . ) established in position.

There is another mark (showing . . . ) established in position.

12.14 There is a . . . light in position . . . now showing . . .

There is a buoy in position . . . now showing . . .

There is another mark in position . . . now showing . . .

12.15 There is a vessel carrying out hydrographic survey in position . . .

There is a vessel carrying out seismic survey in position . . .

There is a vessel carrying out hydrographic survey in area . . .

There is a vessel carrying out seismic survey in area . . .

12.16 Abnormally low tides expected in . . . at . . . hours.

Abnormally low tides expected in . . . around . . . hours.

12.17 Decca Chain . . . red transmissions interrupted at . . ., check all lane numbers.

Decca Chain . . . green transmissions interrupted at . . ., check all lane numbers.

Decca Chain . . . purple transmissions interrupted at . . ., check all lane numbers.

12.18 Vessels must keep clear of this area.

Vessels must keep clear of area indicated.

Vessels must avoid this area.

Vessels must avoid area indicated.

12.19 Vessels are advised to keep clear of this area.

Vessels are advised to avoid this area.

12.20 Vessels must navigate with caution.

12.21 There is a vessel not under command in position . . .

There is a vessel not under command in area . . .

12.22 There is a hampered vessel in position . . .

There is a hampered vessel in area . . .

12.23 Radio beacon service . . . has been discontinued.

12.24 Advise you keep clear of sea area . . . search and rescue in operation.

12.25 Route . . . has been suspended.

Traffic lane . . . has been suspended.

Route . . . has been discontinued.

Traffic lane . . . has been discontinued.

Route . . . has been diverted.

Traffic lane . . . has been diverted.

13. Routeing ^

13.1 May I enter traffic lane?

May I enter route?

13.2 You may enter traffic lane.

Do not enter traffic lane.

You may enter route.

Do not enter route.

13.3 You may enter traffic lane at position . . . at . . . hours.

You may enter route at position . . . at . . . hours.

13.4 I will enter traffic lane . . . at . . . hours.

I will enter route . . . at . . . hours.

13.5 You are not complying with traffic regulations.

13.6 You are not keeping to your correct traffic lane.

13.7 There is a vessel in position . . . on course . . . and speed . . . which is not complying with traffic regulations.

13.8 There is a vessel anchored ahead of you in position . . .

13.9 There is a vessel ahead obstructing your movements.

13.10 There is a hampered vessel in position . . .on course and speed . . .

13.11 You will meet crossing traffic at . . .

13.12 There is a vessel crossing . . . traffic lane on course . . . and

speed . . . in position . . .

13.13 There are many fishing vessels at . . .

13.14 Route . . . has been suspended.

Traffic lane . . . has been suspended.

Route . . . has been discontinued.

Traffic lane . . . has been discontinued.

Route . . . has been diverted.

Traffic lane . . . has been diverted.

14. Speed ^

14.1 What is your present speed?

What is your full speed?

14.2 My present speed is . . . knots.

My full speed is . . . knots.

14.3 What is your full manoeuvring speed?

14.4 My full manoeuvring speed is . . . knots.

14.5 You are proceeding at a dangerous speed.

14.6 Fairway speed is . . . knots.

14.7 You must reduce speed.

14.8 I am reducing speed.

14.9 You must increase speed.

14.10 I am increasing speed.

14.11 I cannot increase speed.

14.12 You must keep your present speed.

14.13 I am keeping present speed.

14.14 What speed do you advise?

14.15 Advise speed . . . knots.

15. Tide and Depth ^

15.1 What is the tide doing?

What is the tidal stream doing?

15.2 The tide is rising (it is . . . hours before high water).

The tide is rising (it is . . . hours after low water).

15.3 The tide is rising (it is . . . metres/feet below high water).

The tide is rising (it is . . . metres/feet above low water).

15.4 The tide is failing (it is . . . hours after high water).

The tide is failing (it is . . . hours before low water).

15.5 The tide is failing (it is . . . metres/feet below high water).

The tide is failing (it is . . . metres/feet above low water).

15.6 The tide is slack.

The tide is with you.

The tide is against you.

15.7 Present height of the tide above datum is . . . metres/feet at position . . .

15.8 Tide is ( . . . metres/feet) above prediction.

Tide is ( . . . metres/feet) below prediction.

15.9 The tide is . . . knots at . . .

The current is . . . knots at . . .

15.10 Tide is setting in direction . . .

15.11 In your present position you will be aground at low water.

15.12 Is there sufficient depth of water?

15.13 There is sufficient depth of water.

There is not sufficient depth of water.

15.14 My draught is . . . metres/feet. At what time may I enter. . . ?

My draught is . . . metres/feet. At what time may I pass . . . ?

15.15 Charted depths are decreased by . . . metres/feet due to state of the sea.

Charted depths are decreased by . . . metres/feet due to state of the winds.

15.16 Abnormally low tides expected in . . . at . . . hours.

Abnormally low tides expected in . . . around . . . hours.

16. Tropical Storms ^

16.1 What is your latest tropical storm warning information?

16.2 Tropical storm centre (name) reported in . . .

16.3 What is the atmospheric pressure (and its change)?

What is the atmospheric pressure (at position . . . )?

What is the atmospheric pressure (at your position)?

16.4 The atmospheric pressure is . . . and its change is ( . . . ).

16.5 What is the position, direction and speed of the tropical storm centre (name)?

16.6 The tropical storm centre (name) was (at . . . hours) in position . . . moving . . . at . . . knots.

16.7 Tropical storm (name) at . . . hours was moving in direction . . .

at . . . knots with maximum winds force . . .

Tropical storm (name) at . . . hours was moving in direction . . .

at . . . knots with maximum winds speed . . .

17. Tugs ^

17.1 I require a tug.

I require . . . tugs.

17.2 Must I take tug(s)?

17.3 How many tugs must I take.

17.4 You must take . . . tug(s).

17.5 At what position will tug(s) meet me?

17.6 Tug(s) will meet you at (position . . . ) (at . . . hours).

Tug(s) will meet you (near . . . ) (at . . . hours).

17.7 Tug services suspended.

Tug services resumed.

18. Way Points/Reporting Points/C.I.P. ^

18.1 (Vessel indicated) I am at Way Point . . .

(Vessel indicated) I am approaching Way Point . . .

18.2 (Vessel indicated) You are approaching Way Point . . .

18.3 Report at next Way Point . . .

Report at next position . . .

18.4 Vessel . . . has reported at . . .

18.5 You must arrive at . . . at . . . hours.

19. Weather ^

19.1 What is the weather forecast (for area. . .)?

19.2 What is the wind direction and force (in area . . . )?

What is the wind direction and speed (in area . . . )?

19.3 Wind direction and force at . . . is . . .

Wind direction and speed at . . . is . . .

19.4 Is the wind expected to change?

19.5 The wind is backing and increasing.

The wind is veering and increasing.

The wind is backing and decreasing.

The wind is veering and decreasing.

19.6 Is the wind force expected to increase at . . . ?

Is the wind speed expected to increase at . . . ?

Is the wind force expected to decrease at . . . ?

Is the wind speed expected to decrease at . . . ?

19.7 The wind at . . . will increase to force . . . within the next . . . hours.

The wind at . . .will decrease to force . . . within the next . . . hours.

The wind at . . . will increase to speed . . . within the next . . . hours.

The wind at . . . will decrease to speed . . . within the next . . .hours.

19.8 What is the visibility at . . . ?

19.9 Visibility at . . . is . . . metres/miles.

19.10 Visibility is reduced by fog.

Visibility is reduced by rain.

Visibility is reduced by snow.

Visibility is reduced by dust.

Visibility is reduced by . . .

19.11 Is visibility expected to change?

19.12 Visibility is expected to increase to . . . metres/miles in . . . hours.

Visibility is expected to decrease to . . . metres/miles in . . . hours.

Visibility is expected to increase to . . . metres/miles by . . . hours.

Visibility is expected to decrease to . . . metres/miles by . . . hours.

19.13 What is the state of the sea at . . . ?

19.14 There is a sea of height . . . metres/feet from . . .

There is a swell of height . . . metres/feet from . . .

19.15 Are sea conditions expected to change within the next hours?

19.16 Sea is expected to increase within the next . . . hours.

Swell is expected to increase within the next . . . hours.

Sea is expected to decrease within the next . . . hours.

Swell is expected to decrease within the next . . .hours.

19.17 Can icing be expected at . . . ?

19.18 Icing may be expected to form slightly at . . .

Icing may be expected to form moderately at . . .

Icing may be expected to form severely at . . .

Icing may be expected to form very severely at . . .

19.19 Icing should not be expected at . . .

19.20 Are there any . . . warnings in operation for . . . ?

19.21 A warning of gales was issued at . . . hours starting . . .

A warning of storms was issued at . . . hours starting . . .

19.22 What is the latest information about storm . . .?


20. Fishing ^

20.1 Navigate with caution small fishing boats are within . . . miles of me.

20.2 Is there fishing gear ahead of me?

20.3 You are heading towards fishing gear.

20.4 There are nets with buoys in this area.

20.5 Fishing gear has fouled my propeller.

20.6 You have caught my fishing gear.

20.7 Advise you recover your fishing gear.

20.8 Fishing in this area is prohibited.

20.9 You are approaching a prohibited fishing area.

21. Helicopters ^

21.1 Vessel . . . ready for helicopter.

21.2 (Vessel . . . ) helicopter now proceeding to you.

21.3 My course and speed is . . . degrees . . . knots.

21.4 Identify yourself (by method indicated).

21.5 (Vessel . . . ) I am now making identification signal.

21.6 You are identified.

21.7 Present relative wind direction and force is . . . degrees . . .

21.8 Keep the wind on starboard bow.

Keep the wind on port bow.

Keep the wind on starboard quarter.

Keep the window port quarter.

21.9 Indicate landing point.

Indicate contact point.

21.10 May I land on deck.

21.11 You may land on deck.

21.12 Do not land on deck.

21.13 Operation will be carried out using hoist.

21.14 Landing party ready to receive you.

21.15 I am landing.

I am commencing operation.

21.16 Do not make fast hoist.

22 Ice-Breakers ^

If there is more than one vessel being assisted, ice-breaker commands concerning all the vessels in a convoy are to be immediately obeyed and repeated consecutively by each vessel in turn. Ice-breaker commands applying to a single vessel in a convoy are repeated only by that vessel.

When being assisted by an ice-breaker it is important to keep a continuous listening watch on the appropriate radiotelephone frequency and to keep a proper lookout for sound and visual signals.








Attention all vessels

Attention vessel . . .

Attention vessel . . . listening

Attention . . . (convoy number)



Ice-breaker assistance

is now coming

(I will arrive in . . . hours).

Okay. Ice breaker assistance

is now coming

(You will arrive in . . . hours).


Ice-breaker assistance is now commencing

(Keep a continuous radio-telephone listening watch)

Your place in the convoy is . . . )

(You will be followed by vessel . . . )

Okay. Ice-breaker assistance is now commencing.

(I am keeping a continuous radio-telephone listening watch)

(My place in the convoy is . . . )

(I will be followed by vessel . . .)


Go ahead; (follow me)

I am going ahead. ( I am following you)



Proceed along the ice channel.

I am proceeding along the ice channel.



Do not follow me;

Stop - Reason may be given

I will not follow you.

I am stopping.



Do not follow me. Proceed along the ice channel.

I will not follow you; I will proceed along the ice channel.



Slow down - Reason may be given

I am slowing down.



Increase your speed.

Increase your engine power - Reason may be given.

I am increasing my speed.

I am increasing my engine power.



Reverse your engine . . .

(slow astern)

(half astern)

(full astern)

I am reversing my engine . . .

(slow stern)

(half stern)

(full astern)


Full ahead immediately.

I am going full ahead immediately.



Stop your vessel immediately - Reason may be given.

I am stopping my vessel immediately.



Keep a distance of . . . cables/metres between vessels.

I will keep a distance of . . . cables/metres between vessels.



Shorten the distance between vessels to . . . cables/metres.

I am shortening the distance between vessels to . . . cables/metres.



Increase the distance between vessels to . . . cables/metres.

I am increasing the distance between vessels to . . . cables/metres.



Prepare to receive tow line.

Prepare to cast off tow line.

I will prepare to receive tow line.

I will prepare to cast off tow line.



Be ready to receive tow line.

Be ready to cast off tow line.

I am ready to receive tow line.

I am ready to cast off tow line.



Stop vessel to receive tow line.

Stop vessel to cast off tow line.

I will stop and receive tow line.

I will stop and cast off tow line.



Ice-breakers assistance is suspended.*

Okay. Ice-breakers assistance is suspended.*



Stay where you are.

I will stay where I am.



Switch on bow searchlight.

Switch on stern searchlight.

I will switch on bow searchlight.

I will switch on stern searchlight.



Ice-breaker . . . assistance is finished.

Thank you. Okay. Ice-breaker

. . . assistance is finished.


Reason . . .

(There is open water ahead)

(There is light ice condition ahead)

(Proceed by yourself)

(Ice-breaker . . . will assist you in further navigation.)

(Proceed by yourself to an

area . . .)

(Ice-breaker . . . will meet and escort you).

Reason . . .

(There is open water ahead)

(There is light ice conditions ahead)

(I will proceed by myself)

(Ice-breaker . . . will assist me in further navigation)

(I am proceeding by myself to an area . . . )

(Ice-breaker . . . will meet and escort me).

* Reason/Time may be given.



Last updated: Top of Page Important Notices