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HTML documents may have been revised. For the original article see the PDF.

Vol XLX, No. 1, January 2006: HTML | PDF
Ergonomics for Kids / Gambling Addiction / Seat-belt Laws / Speed Limiters / Winter Driving Quiz / CSC Update / Backpacks / Heelys / Temporary Workers

Vol XLIX, No. 4, October 2005: HTML | PDF
Obesity / Senior Home Safety / Taser Guns / Motorcycle Safety / National Police Award / Strangers / Tribute to Dr. Pashby / Mental Health & the Workplace

Vol XLIX, No. 3, July 2005: HTML | PDF
Fleet Incentives / Drinking Age / Alcohol Warning Labels / New Driver Crash Risk / Traffic Safety : Treatment vs Punishment / Research on DUI Offenders / Railway Safety / Hot Water Debate / Disaster Quiz / Emergency Planning

Vol XLIX, No. 2, April 2005: HTML | PDF
Sentencing and Safety / ATV Safety Resources / Reality TV / Motorized Wheels / Pedestrian Stats / Playground Safety / Ladder Quiz / ATV on CD / Alcohol Labels  / Summary of Sentencing Study 

Vol XLIX, No. 1, January 2005: HTML | PDF
Gambling and Suicide / Drug-Driving Law / Sponsorship / Options to Drunk Driving / 2003 Road Fatality Stats / Pot and Driving / Candle Safety & Quiz / Suicide Prevention / All Channel Alert  / Carbon Monoxide  / Teaching Hazard Symbols

Vol XLVIII, No. 4, October 2004: HTML | PDF
Quick Fixes / Tasers / Hockey Insurance / Former Chair / "Smart" Licences / Police Award / AWOLs & Pocket Bikes / Driver Dementia / Falls on Home Stairs  / Safe School Toolkit  / Workplace Slip-Falls / Mental Health Quiz 

Vol XLVIII, No. 3, July 2004: HTML | PDF
Crime, Punishment and Safety / Spectator Safety in Arenas / Road Safety Vision / Field Trip Safety / Safer Cigarettes / Quiz: Summer Driving / Workplace Bullying / Safety vs. Privacy

Vol XLVIII, No. 2, April 2004: HTML | PDF
PFDs / Low-BAC Drivers / World Health Day : Road Safety / Event Data Recorders / Ignition Interlocks / Trampolines / Federal Government Fleets / Statement of Independence / Bicycle Safety Quiz

Vol XLVIII, No. 1, January 2004: HTML | PDF
Drunk Driving /Too Many Distractions / Canada's Silent Tragedy / Body Checking in Minor Hockey / Stopping Distance for Winter Driving / Tire Safety Quiz / Bystander Effect / Red Light Cameras / Higher Speeds Drive Traffic Deaths Up

Vol XLVII, No. 4, October 2003: HTML | PDF
Drivers on Pot ?/ See and Be Seen / Long Combination Vehicles / School Trips / National Police Awards / Helmets / NASA report / Pellet Guns / DDC Online / Photo Enforcement Poll / Work-Life Balance

Vol XLVII, No. 3, July 2003: HTML | PDF
Wildlife Collisions / Canada's roads - the Safest in the World? / "Criminal" Deaths / Aggressive Driving Survey / Energy Efficiency Quiz / Safe Cycling / Toddler Danger / Driver Improvement

Vol XLVII, No. 2, April 2003: HTML | PDF
ATVs / Safety Standard for Indoor Arenas / Alcohol-Crash Stats / Criminalization / Windshield Replacement/ PSA Award / Headrests / Propane Safety / Fireworks Safety / Perfume in the Workplace / Workplace Safety and the Criminal Code

Vol XLVII, No. 1, January 2003: HTML | PDF
CSC Mandate / Drivers at Work / Poisoning / Straw Mazes/Online Dangers / Tap Water Scalds / Bike Helmet Legislation / Red Light Cameras / Alberta's Seat-Belt Crusade / Anchorages for Child Seats / Stairway to Health / E-Waste

Vol XLVI, No. 4, October 2002: HTML | PDF
School Trips / Soccer Head Injuries / Seat-belts / Police Award Winners / Canada's Road Safety Vision / Sharing the Road Quiz / Jammers / Helmets in Alberta / Impact of a Lower BAC / Fire-Safe Cigarettes / Falls from High Rises / Big Trucks / Call Centres

Vol XLVl, No. 3, July 2002: HTML | PDF
Helmets / Drunk Driving Victims / Polls and Safety / 2002 Aggressive Driving Study/ Drowsy Driving / Saskatchewan Insurance / Sun Safety / Dog Bites / Locks for Cedar Chests

Vol.XLVI, No. 2, April 2002: HTML | PDF
Canada's Blood Alcohol Laws / Lax Gun Laws / Canada World Leader in Road Safety / Motorcycle Helmets / Motorcycle Pioneer / Binge Drinkers / Britain keeps 0.08 / Remedial Program / Water Safety / Flying Pucks / Children on the Farm / Summer Safety Quiz

Vol. XLVI, No. 1, January 2002: HTML | PDF
School Bullies / Home Safety for Seniors / Emergency Preparedness / Driver Distraction CD / Eldercare and the Workplace / Drunk Snowmobilers / Impaired Driving / Home Fire Safety / Cyber-safety / School Trips / Snow Shoveling Quiz

Vol. XLV, No. 4, October 2001: HTML | PDF
Aggressive Dogs / Staff Parties / Advertising and Safety / Snowboarding / Snowmobiling Quiz / Elmer Update / Kids on the Rails / Cell Phone Stats / Impaired by Age? / 2001 Police Award / Truckers / First Aid / Trashed Computers

Vol. XLV, No. 3, July 2001: HTML | PDF
Cell Phones / Motorcycle Safety / CD-ROM for New Drivers / Hot Cars / Dog Bite Quiz / Safety Legislation / Wheels in a Child's Life / In-line Skaters / Risk Management for Schools / Active Living at Work

Vol. XLV, No. 2, April 2001: HTML | PDF
Photo Enforcement / Disaster Planning / BAC / Water Safety Quiz / Technology vs. Impaired Driving / CD-ROM / OECD Child Injury Deaths / Scooters / 2001 Census / School Trips / Off-the-job Safety

Vol. XLV, No. 1, January 2001: HTML | PDF
Impaired Driving/ Winter Tires/ Snowblowing/ Driver Licence Testing/ Good Bears Award/ Elmer Flag Program/ Children Home Alone/ Gas Fireplaces/ Child RSIs/ Fake Guns/ Truck Safety

Vol. XLIV, No. 4, September 2000: HTML | PDF
Dog Attacks/ Police Award/ Punishing Impaired Drivers/ License Suspension/ Good Bears Clinics/ Elmer/ Hockey Spectators/ Clothing Burns/ Bullying

Vol. XLIV, No. 3, July 2000: HTML | PDF
Emergency Preparedness / GPS/ Aggressive Driving/ Red Light Running/ Drunk Driving (&Quiz)/ Hantavirus/ Traffic Calming/ Wireless Safety

Vol. XLIV, No. 2, April 2000:    HTML | PDF
Safe Cycling for Adults/ Young Drivers/ Wilderness Safety/ Multipurpose Lighters/ Soccer and Hockey/ NHL Injuries/ Smoke Alarms/ Safe Sitting/ Mark of Approval.

Vol. XLIV, No. 1, January 2000:    HTML | PDF
Seniors Behind the Wheel/ Free Elmer Screen Saver/On-line safety for kids/Poster Contest for Community Safety/President's Perspective/ Graduated Licensing/ Impaired Driving/ Statistics and Reality/ Technology for Night Vision/ Shop Safety Basics.


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