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14th National
Metropolis Conference

Westin Harbour Castle, Toronoto, Ontario
Feb 29th - March 3, 2011


Metropolis International

Metropolis conferences and seminars have as their purpose:

• to identify critical issues, our state of knowledge and gaps in our research;
• to establish strategic directions for the Project;
• to build a network of researchers and decision-makers;
• to create momentum for the Metropolis Project attracting the attention of stakeholders and decision-makers,researchers and research funders.
  14th National Metropolis Conference - Westin Harbour Castle, Toronoto, Ontario
Feb 29th - March 3, 2011

  New Research Findings on Immigrant, Refugee, and Asylum-seekers’ Experiences of Homelessness -
  Health Policy Research Bulletin 17: Migration Health
Release of Issue 17 of the Health Policy Research Bulletin: Migration Health:
Embracing a Determinants of Health Approach



“Family, Children & Youth ”
Priority Seminar ~
Immigrant Families: From Negotiation to Integration

  2011 National Metropolis Conference
Immigration: Bringing the World to Canada ~
The Sheraton Wall Centre, Vancouver
- March 23 - 26 2011, pdf icon More, Presentations
  New forum focusing on migration in Asia:
The Forthcoming Metropolis Asia: Building Migration Research Co-Operation Conference Will be Held in Malaysia on 10-12 November 2010
, More

“Immigrant Voting Rights: Time for ‘Urban Citizenship’?

Myer Siemiatycki ~ Ryerson University – October 29, 2009

Does Geography Matter? Immigrants' Experiences of Discrimination in Canada's Gateway Cities
Valerie Preston ~ York University - September 24, 2009
Presentation, Video (62 mb)


"Political Minefields: Religion in post-secular society",
Paul Bramadat [12/03/09] - Presentation

"MIRROR, MIRROR ON THE WALL: Are any elected bodies representative at all?",
Caroline Andrew [28/02/08] - Presentation, Slides

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National Metropolis Conference Pre-Conference Session on Francophone Immigration to Canada
2011 National Metropolis Conference
Immigration: Bringing the World to Canada ~ The Sheraton Wall Centre,
Vancouver - March 23 - 26 2011, pdf icon More, pdf icon Presentations Available
12th National Metropolis Conference Immigration and Diversity:
Crossroads of Cultures, Engine of Economic Development

Montréal, March 18-21, 2010 March 19-22, 2009, Calgary Alberta
Workshop Presentations Now Available
11th National Metropolis Conference Frontiers of Canadian Migration
Hyatt Regency Calgary & Telus Convention Centre, March 19-22, 2009, Calgary Alberta
Workshop Presentations Now Available

Metropolis Seminar: Immigrants and Public Health Policy briefs now available

Citizenship and Social Cultural and Civic Integration Seminar: Language Matters: A Policy-Research Seminar on Language Acquisition and Newcomers Integration More...
October 22, 2009


Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination Activities: What Works and What Doesn't?
September 29, 2009

Divided Loyalties? Transnationalism and the Meaning of Citizenship in the 21st Century
December 10, 2007, Ottawa, Ontario Summary, Final Report

  Workshops and Lectures

Archived Conferences and Seminars

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