Metropolis is an international network for comparative research and public policy development on migration, diversity, and immigrant integration in cities in Canada and around the world Search image1 Search image3
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The International Metropolis Project is a forum for bridging research, policy and practice on migration and diversity.
The Project aims to enhance academic research capacity, encourage policy-relevant research on migration and diversity issues,
and facilitate the use of that research by governments and non-governmental organizations.

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Recent Publications
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Final Report G8
Final Report
G8 Expert Roundtable on Diversity and Integration

Diversity matters forum on diasporas in the common-wealth address by D.Y.T.M. Raja Nazrin Shah Raja Muda Perak Darul Ridzuan
World Bulletin volume 8
World Bulletin
Volume 8
Imiscoe-Aup Series
New Title In The
Imiscoe-Aup Series:

The Position of the Turkish and Moroccan Second Generation in Amsterdam and Rotterdam
The TIES Study in
the Netherlands

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Ani Azores Programme Link to Metropolis COnfernece 2011
Upcoming Events     << Back to top
    16th International Metropolis Conference
    Ponta Delgada – Azores Islands
    12 – 16 September 2011
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    Visit the website of Metropolis’ newest partner
   FOCAL promotes good governance, economic prosperity and social
   justice, basing our work on principles of intellectual integrity,
   racial diversity and gender equality.

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Metropolis North America     << Back to top
North America
Metropolis North America, a new policy-research initiative
Overall, Metropolis North America seeks to enhance our understanding of migration within the North American continent. Our intention is to examine migration and diversity within the continent as opposed to migration to North America from elsewhere in the world and as opposed to migration between any pairs of the three North American states.
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Call for Papers
PME Working paper, Final report:
Economic Integration of Highly skilled FSU Immigrants
in Four Countries: A Comparative Analysis
Mapping Social Cohesion
Mapping Social Cohesion 2009:
The Scanlon foundations surveys:

Mapping Social Cohesion 2009 is a report on the second round of an extremely important longitudinal survey of social cohesion in Australia, funded by the Scanlon Foundation, and directed by Professor Andrew Markus of Monash University in Melbourne. The first report was released in 2007 at the International Metropolis Conference in Melbourne
Metropolis Bids Metropolis Other Sites

Guidelines and Requirements

Major Milestones in the Bids Process


Metropolis Canada

Metropolis Netherlands