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Air Quality Agreement - Progress Report 2006

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Section 3: Scientific and Technical Cooperation and Research

Emission Inventories and Trends


 High-voltage power linesThe United States and Canada have updated and improved their emission inventories and projections to reflect the latest information available. These emission inventories were also processed for U.S. and Canadian air quality models to support the technical assessment of air quality problems. In the United States, the most recent emission inventory data are for the year 2002. The 2003 and 2004 emissions data in this report were developed by interpolating between 2002 emissions and 2010 projections developed to promulgate the CAIR.

Both countries were active participants in the NARSTO (formerly North American Research Strategy for Tropospheric Ozone) emission inventory assessment, which was completed in the summer of 2005. The final report is titled Improving Emission Inventories for Effective Air Quality Management across North America. This report includes recommendations for the long- term improvement of the emission inventory programs in both Canada and the United States as well as in Mexico, the third participant in NARSTO.

Emissions data for both countries for 2004 are presented in Figures 26, 27, 28, and 29. Figure 26 shows the distribution of emissions by source category grouping for SO2, NOx, and VOCs. The following observations can be made from Figure 26:

  • SO2 emissions in the United States stem primarily from coal-fired combustion in the electric power sector. Canadian SO2 emissions come mostly from smelters in the industrial sector, with fewer emissions from the electric power sector, due to the large hydroelectric capacity in Canada. The distribution of NOx emissions in the two countries is similar, with nonroad and on-road vehicles accounting for the greatest portion of NOx emissions in both countries.

  • VOC emissions are the most diverse of the emission profiles in each country. The most significant difference is that most VOCs come from the industrial sector in Canada. This is the result of the proportionately higher contribution of oil and gas production in Canada.

Figure 26 U.S. and Canadian National Emissions by Sector for Selected Pollutants, 2004
Figure 26 U.S. and Canadian National Emissions by Sector for Selected Pollutants, 2004

Click to enlarge

Source: EPA and Environment Canada

The emission trends, shown in Figures 27, 28, and 29 for SO2, NOx, and VOCs, respectively, show the relative contribution in emissions over the 1990-2004 period. In the United States, the major reductions in SO2 emissions came from electric power generation sources. For NOx, the reductions came from on-road mobile sources and electric power generation sources. For VOCs, the reductions were from on-road mobile sources and solvent utilization. For all three pollutants during this time period, the United States generated substantially more emissions than Canada. At the same time, while both countries have seen major reductions in SO2 emissions, the United States has shown greater emission reductions than Canada for VOCs and NOx.

Figure 27 SO2 Emissions in the United States and Canada, 1990-2004
Figure 27 SO2 Emissions in the United States and Canada, 1990-2004

Click to enlarge

Source: EPA and Environment Canada

Figure 28 NOx Emissions in the United States and Canada, 1990-2004
Figure 28 NOx Emissions in the United States and Canada, 1990-2004

Click to enlarge

Source: EPA and Environment Canada

Figure 29 VOC Emissions in the United States and Canada, 1990-2004
Figure 29 VOC Emissions in the United States and Canada, 1990-2004

Click to enlarge

Source: EPA and Environment Canada

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Air Quality Reporting and Mapping


Temperate rain forest, Queen Charlottes, British ColumbiaEach country is responsible for ensuring instrument calibration and comparability of measurements of ozone and PM. Since 2001, the jurisdictions in the United States and Canada have collaborated on contributing to the EPA-led AIRNow program (www.epa.gov/airnow). Since 2004, the website has been expanded to provide information on PM and ozone measurements on a continental scale year-round (see Figures 30 and 31). Canadian efforts continue to improve mapping by combining measurements with numerical forecasts from the operational air quality forecasting model. In each country, air quality forecasting services are being improved. Canada and the United States are collaborating in the continuing development of national air quality forecast models. Jurisdictions consult in preparing routine forecasts for border regions and in developing communications materials for the public.

Figure 30 AIRNow Map Illustrating Real-Time Concentrations of Ground-Level Ozone (1-Hour Average Peak Concentration)
Figure 30 AIRNOW Map Illustrating Real-Time Concentrations of Ground-Level Ozone (1-Hour Average Peak Concentration)

Source: EPA

Figure 31 AIRNow Map Illustrating Real-Time PM2.5 Concentrations (3-Hour Average)
Figure 31 AIRNOW Map Illustrating Real-Time PM2.5 Concentrations (3-Hour Average)

Source: EPA


Environment Canada is continuing to expand and refurbish federal and provincial/territorial networks of monitoring stations across the country. Canada maintains two national ambient air quality monitoring networks, the National Air Pollution Surveillance (NAPS) network and CAPMoN. The NAPS network is a joint federal, provincial, territorial, and municipal network established in 1969. It is primarily an urban network, with over 260 air monitoring stations located in over 170 communities. The augmented CAPMoN is a rural network with 30 air monitoring stations in Canada and one in the United States.

The NAPS network gathers measurements on the components of smog (i.e., ozone, PM, SO2, CO, NOx, VOCs). Between 2002 and 2005, Environment Canada invested significantly in new equipment for the NAPS network, including 58 new and replacement ozone monitors, 36 new and replacement NOx monitors, 11 new VOC samplers, 76 continuous PM2.5 monitors (tapered element oscillating microbalances (TEOMs) and beta attenuation monitors (BAMs)), and eight new PM filter-based samplers. In addition, Environment Canada started a chemical speciation sampling program in December 2002 to characterize PM. Twelve sites are now operating across Canada. The agency also built two new laboratories to support this work and equipped them with an inductively coupled plasma- mass spectrometry instrument for metals analysis and an organic carbon/elemental carbon analyzer. Overall, since 2004, the network has expanded from 240 to 260 air monitors and now covers over 170 communities.

The ozone monitors at 18 CAPMoN sites continue to gather data in real time, in support of the Air Quality Prediction Program and for distribution to the U.S. AIRNow program. Integrated PM2.5 and PM10 mass measurements, PM2.5 speciation measurements, and VOC measurements are being made at five CAPMoN sites (within 500 km (310 miles) of the border). Reactive nitrogen compounds (including nitric oxide (NO), NO2, and NOy) are being continuously measured at three sites-the Centre for Atmospheric Research, Egbert, Ontario; Kejimkujik, Nova Scotia; and Saturna Island, British Columbia.


The majority of air quality monitoring performed in the United States is carried out by state and local agencies in five major categories of monitoring stations-State and Local Air Monitoring Stations (SLAMS), National Air Monitoring Stations (NAMS), Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS), PM2.5 Speciation Trends Network (STN), and air toxics monitoring stations. In addition, ambient air monitoring is performed by the federal government (EPA, National Parks Service, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), Tribes, and industry. A detailed description of current ambient air monitoring in the United States, as well as future plans, can be found in the December 2005 draft National Ambient Air Monitoring Strategy (www.epa.gov/ttn/amtic/monitor.html).

The primary purpose of the SLAMS/NAMS network is to determine compliance with the NAAQS for ozone, PM2.5, PM10, CO, SO2, NO2, and lead. Ozone is monitored at approximately 1,200 locations in the United States. Ambient monitoring for PM2.5 is conducted at more than 1,100 SLAMS using the filter-based Federal Reference Method and at over 260 continuous PM2.5 stations. Measurements of PM10, CO, SO2, NO2, and lead are currently made at approximately 1,000, 400, 500, 400, and 200 sites, respectively.

Chemically speciated PM2.5 data are collected at 54 urban trends sites and over 160 supplemental speciation sites as part of the STN. Speciated PM data are also collected at more than 50 rural sites and approximately 180 Class I areas as part of the IMPROVE Network (http://vista.cira.colostate.edu/improve). In addition, five urban sites are operating continuous chemical speciation technologies for nitrates, sulfates, and carbon. EPA and states will use the results from these five sites to consider whether these continuous measurement technologies will be used at additional locations. A new network of PM10-2.5 monitoring is planned for monitoring compliance with the recently proposed PM10-2.5 NAAQS. This network is expected to replace most of the existing PM10 network.

The PAMS network measures ozone and its precursors in the most severe ozone nonattainment areas. These data are used to aid in control strategy development, emissions reduction tracking, and improvements to ozone modeling and forecasting. These sites also provide information on pollutant transport and local meteorology. In 2005, over 100 PAMS sites were in operation in five regions of the United States: the Northeast, the Great Lakes area, Georgia (Atlanta area), five areas in Texas, and seven areas in California.

Toxic air pollutants are monitored at over 200 sites, including 23 National Air Toxics Trends Stations (NATTS) sites. The NATTS network is intended to provide long-term monitoring data for certain priority air toxics, including organic chemicals and metal toxics, across representative areas of the country in order to establish overall trends for these pollutants. The PAMS program also contributes a significant number of data on certain organic toxics. To complement NADP's Mercury Deposition Network (MDN), EPA is supporting a planned ambient speciated mercury network that will provide information on status and trends in mercury concentrations as well as dry deposition estimates. The effort will utilize the NADP committee structure as a platform for initiation and continued growth.

The NADP operates three monitoring networks for the purpose of determining geographical and temporal trends in precipitation chemistry. The largest and oldest of these is the NADP/NTN, which was established in 1978 and now operates over 230 precipitation monitoring sites across the nation. The network is a cooperative effort between the State Agricultural Experiment Stations, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and numerous other governmental and private entities. The precipitation at each station is collected and then sent to the NADP Central Analytical Laboratory, where it is analyzed for hydrogen (acidity as pH), sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, chloride, and base cations (i.e., calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium). Comprehensive quality assurance programs ensure that the data remain accurate, precise, and comparable from year to year.

The NADP has also expanded its sampling to two additional networks. The NADP/MDN, currently with over 90 sites, was formed in 1995 to determine trends of mercury in precipitation. Weekly samples of precipitation are collected in specially treated sampling vessels for shipment to the NADP Mercury Analytical Laboratory. All samples are analyzed for total mercury, and samples from participating locations are also analyzed for methyl mercury. Another network, NADP/AIRMoN, was formed for the purpose of studying precipitation chemistry with greater temporal resolution. Precipitation samples are collected daily from a network of nine sites and analyzed for the same constituents as the NADP/NTN samples.

EPA operates CASTNET, a long-term monitoring program established in 1988 to assess the effectiveness of SO2 and NOx emission reductions (www.epa.gov/castnet). CASTNET's objectives are to detect and quantify temporal and geographic trends in regional air quality and deposition for the United States. CASTNET currently comprises 88 regionally representative sites that measure ground-level ozone and weekly concentrations of total sulfur- and nitrogen-containing PM and precursor gases SO2 and nitric acid. In addition, each site measures meteorological parameters for use in an inferential model to estimate dry deposition rates at the sites. The CASTNET program is currently evaluating an automated semicontinuous monitoring instrument that measures both gaseous (SO2, nitric acid, ammonia) and aerosol components (sulfate, ammonium, nitrate, chloride, and other base cations).

One key aspect of the draft National Ambient Air Monitoring Strategy is the proposed introduction of a new multipollutant monitoring network referred to as NCore. Monitors at NCore multipollutant sites will measure particles (PM2.5, speciated PM2.5, PM10-2.5), ozone, SO2, CO, NOx (NO/NO2/NOy), and basic meteorology. It is anticipated that ammonia and nitric acid measurements will also be made at these sites in the future. Sites will be located in broadly representative urban (about 55 sites) and rural (about 20 sites) locations throughout the country. In many cases, states will likely collocate NCore sites with PAMS or NATTS sites to further promote multipollutant measurements. The objective of this network is to gather additional information needed to support emissions and air quality model development, air quality program accountability, and future health studies. In January 2006, EPA proposed revisions to the ambient air monitoring regulations to reflect NCore, which are expected to be finalized in late 2006. Information on the notice of proposed rulemaking for these revisions can be viewed at www.epa.gov/ttn/amtic/40cfr53.html.

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Update to the Transboundary Particulate Matter Science Assessment

 StratocumulusIn addition to the work carried out under the Transboundary PM Science Assessment (published in 2004), additional model scenarios have been carried out through the Canadian Meteorological Centre in Dorval, Quebec. For example, the CHRONOS model was applied for the summer of 2003 to determine the extent of the influence that Canadian emissions have on ambient PM in the United States.

Using the 0.2 µg/m3 limit as a guide (it is used under the U.S. CAIR) to determine if one jurisdiction contributes significantly to another's nonattainment of the average annual PM2.5 standard, the work demonstrates the influence of Canadian emissions on U.S. PM2.5 levels. The influence of Canadian emissions on the United States extends significantly into the entire east coast of the United States as well as the Midwest and to a lesser extent the west coast (Figure 32).

Figure 32 Composite Map of the Influence of Canadian Emissions (U.S. Emissions Zeroed Out) on PM2.5 Levels in the United States during the Summer of 2003
Figure 32 Composite Map of the Influence of Canadian Emissions (U.S. Emissions Zeroed Out) on PM2.5 Levels in the United States during the Summer of 2003

Click to enlarge

Source: Environment Canada

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Health Effects

 Biking, La Mauricie, QuebecHealth Canada has launched two research programs to characterize air pollution exposure and human health issues under the Canadian portion of the Border Air Quality Strategy, coordinated with research in the United States. Work has also continued on development of air health indicators, both for real-time reporting (Air Quality Health Index (AQHI)) and for development of a method for tracking health improvements due to changing air quality in the border area.

Research in the Great Lakes Basin Airshed

Health-related research activities in the Great Lakes basin airshed include the following:

  • Windsor Children's Respiratory Health Study: This three-phase study targets a sensitive population in an area with relatively high air pollution. The first phase (December 2004) was a baseline questionnaire survey of approximately 20,000 Windsor elementary school students.

    The second phase (June 2005) involved cross- sectional tests of children's lung function and inflammation, and the third (December 2005) involved month-long daily lung function tests of 200 asthmatic children for correlation with outside air pollution. Data analyses are under way.

  • Windsor Exposure Assessment Study: This project has two components. The first is a spatial air pollution assessment study (2004-2007), which determines community levels of air pollutants such as PM, NO2, SO2, ozone, nitrate, elemental carbon/organic carbon, VOCs, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and acid vapor. The data from this study are used in support of the health research being carried out in the area. Methods for analysis include the geographic information system (GIS), which maps the area of influence for different pollutants. The second component of the project is to monitor personal exposure to air pollution, which matches the protocol of the EPA's Detroit Exposure and Aerosol Research Study (DEARS) in methodology. Healthy and non-smoking adults (2005) and school children (2006-2007) have been recruited to monitor air pollution levels in their indoor and outdoor environments and their personal exposure levels. The last test is scheduled for summer 2007.

  • Long-term Exposure to Air Pollutants and Mortality and Morbidity Rates including Cancer: Mortality and morbidity rates for Windsor, Sarnia, and London since the late 1970s have been compared with Ontario provincial rates; the association with air pollution is now under investigation using GIS techniques.

  • Cardiovascular Effects of Air Pollution on Diabetic Patients: The Windsor Diabetic Patients Panel study involves following diabetic patients for seven weeks to monitor their personal exposure to PM10 and their cardiovascular health markers. The results suggest that an acute exposure to particulate air pollution may be linked to an impaired cardiovascular function in diabetic patients.

  • Seniors' Health Study: The Windsor Seniors' Health Study is investigating day-to-day indoor and outdoor exposure to varying levels of air pollutants and the influence on their cardiovascular function.

  • Pregnant Women and Birth Outcomes Study: This is a feasibility study of pollution exposure and health and birth outcomes for 10 pregnant women in the area of Ottawa, Ontario.

  • In Vitro Toxicology Study: The cytotoxicity of components of PM to human epithelial cells is studied, using particle samples from specific Windsor locations.

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Research in the Georgia Basin-Puget Sound International Airshed

The research is being carried out by the University of British Columbia, the University of Victoria, and the University of Washington. The research is coordinated through a partnership between Health Canada and the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control and includes the following studies:

  • Establishment of a Childhood Disease Cohort: A birth cohort of 120,000 children born in the Georgia Basin airshed was established to evaluate the relationship between air pollution exposure and respiratory disorders. Preliminary analyses have shown an association between air pollution and bronchiolitis.

  • Birth Outcomes in the GVRD: British Columbia Perinatal Database Registry and the British Columbia Linked Health Database are being used to relate maternal air pollution exposure during pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes.

  • Personal Exposures and Activity Patterns of Pregnant Women and Infants: Data have been collected on personal exposure, activity information, and exposure to traffic for 20 pregnant women (with a target of 40) as a function of stage of pregnancy and season.

  • Cardiovascular Cohort Study: The British Columbia Linked Health Database is being used to enumerate a cohort of adults over the age of 45 in the Georgia Basin, to investigate the relationship between air pollution and cardiovascular disease among age groups independent of predisposing condition and among high-risk populations.

  • Walkability Study: This GIS study will integrate land use and transportation network information to link walkability and emissions exposure, for ultimate application to Vancouver and Seattle.

  • Data Inventory and Consolidation: A data inventory website has been developed (www.geog.uvic.ca/AIR) linking existing GIS information to facilitate estimation of individual exposure to air pollution. Data gaps and opportunities for improvement of data utilities have been identified.

  • Regional Infiltration Modeling: Building characteristics from property assessment data are being used to develop a model of indoor versus ambient PM2.5 levels for exposure assessment, validated by a monitoring campaign.

  • Modeling PM2.5 with MODIS: Satellite aerosol measures will be used to study temporal and spatial levels of PM2.5.

  • Modeling Population Exposure: A probabilistic model of personal exposures will be developed using GIS and randomly selected time-activity patterns, to assess errors in cohort exposures.

  • Enhanced Assessment of Exposure to Traffic and Wood Smoke: Related technologies including GIS and monitoring campaigns were used to develop modeled and validated exposure estimates to the urban neighborhood scale for health studies and air quality management.

  • Particulate Matter Exposure and Infant Health in Puget Sound: This study involves monitoring of a birth cohort for traffic and woodsmoke pollution using individualized geospatial exposure estimates to relate birth outcomes and air pollution.

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Canadian Air Quality Health Index

In 2006, a comprehensive proposal for a new AQHI will be presented for approval of a multistakeholder steering committee. The AQHI is intended to replace existing indices for public reporting in use across Canada, all of which are based on a design from 1976, which does not reflect the current understanding of short-term health effects of air pollution. The index employs a linear, no-threshold concentration-response relationship of short-term health risks from multiple pollutants, expressed in a 0-10+ scale. Work to develop the AQHI started in 2001 in a multistakeholder context and has involved surveys and focus groups in 2004 and 2005 to develop communications messaging and more recent pilot testing of the proposed new index.

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Canadian Air Health Indicator

A health indicator was proposed in May 2005, which may be used as a measure of progress in air quality management over time. The Air Health Indicator (AHI) is defined as the percentage of the number of daily deaths attributable to exposure to the pollutant of interest. The AHI is proportional to the level of risk, estimated using an appropriate statistical model, and the level of the pollutant of interest. The AHI may be used to evaluate spatial and temporal trends of air pollution and the related health risk in Canada since 1981. More analyses are being conducted to refine the methodology.

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U.S. Report on Health Effects of Ozone

The health and welfare effects of ozone are documented and critically assessed in the EPA Ozone Criteria Document and EPA Ozone Staff Paper. At the end of February 2006, the final draft of the revised Ozone Criteria Document was released to the public. The final Ozone Criteria Document can be found at http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/cfm/recordisplay.cfm?deid=149923.

The purpose of this revised document, titled Air Quality Criteria for Ozone and Other Photochemical Oxidants, is to critically evaluate and assess the latest scientific information published since the last review of the ozone NAAQS, completed in 1996. This new 2006 review focuses on useful new information that has emerged in the last decade and is pertinent in evaluating health and environmental effects data associated with ambient air ozone exposures. A separate EPA Ozone Staff Paper, prepared by EPA's Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, will draw upon key findings/conclusions from this document, together with other analyses, to develop and present options for consideration by the EPA Administrator regarding review and possible revision of the ozone NAAQS.

There has been new research that suggests additional health effects beyond those that had been known when the 8-hour ozone standard was set in 1997. Since 1997, more than 1,700 new health and welfare studies relating to ozone have been published in peer-reviewed journals. Many of these studies have investigated the impact of ozone exposure on such health effects as changes in lung structure and biochemistry, inflammation of the lungs, exacerbation and causation of asthma, respiratory illness-related school absence, hospital and emergency room visits for asthma and other respiratory disorders, and premature mortality.

Ozone can irritate the upper and lower respiratory system, causing cough, throat irritation, and/or discomfort (e.g., pain) in the chest. Ozone can reduce lung function, cause wheezing, and make it more difficult to breathe deeply. During exercise, breathing may become more rapid and shallower than normal, thereby limiting a person's normal activity. Ozone can also aggravate asthma, leading to more asthma attacks that require a doctor's attention and/or the use of additional medication. In addition, ozone can inflame and damage the lining of the lungs, which may lead to permanent changes in lung tissue, irreversible reductions in lung function, and a lower quality of life if the inflammation occurs repeatedly over a long period. People who are particularly vulnerable to ozone exposures include children, the elderly, and adults who are active outdoors (e.g., outdoor workers).

Aggravation of existing asthma resulting from short-term ambient ozone exposure was reported prior to setting the 1997 ozone standard and has been observed in studies published subsequently. In addition, a relationship between long-term ambient ozone concentrations and the incidence of new-onset asthma in adult males (but not females) was reported. Subsequently, an additional study suggested that incidence of new diagnoses of asthma in children is associated with heavy exercise in southern California communities with high ozone concentrations. This relationship was documented in children who played three or more sports and thus spent more time outdoors. It was not documented in those children who played one or two sports. Previous studies have shown relationships between ozone and hospital admissions in the general population. A study in Toronto reported a significant relationship between 1-hour maximum ozone concentrations and respiratory hospital admissions in children under the age of two. Given the relative vulnerability of children in this age category, there is particular concern about these findings. Increased rates of illness-related school absenteeism have been associated with 1-hour daily maximum and 8-hour average ozone concentrations in studies conducted in Nevada. These studies suggest that higher ambient ozone levels may result in increased school absenteeism.

The air pollutant most clearly associated with premature mortality is PM, with dozens of studies reporting such an association. However, repeated ozone exposure is a possible contributing factor for premature mortality, causing an inflammatory response in the lungs that may predispose elderly and other sensitive individuals to become more susceptible to other stressors, such as PM. The findings of other recent analyses provide evidence that ozone exposure is associated with increased mortality. Most recently, new analyses of the 95 cities in the National Morbidity, Mortality, and Air Pollution Study (NMMAPS) data sets showed associations between daily mortality and the previous week's ozone concentrations, which were robust to adjustment for PM, weather, seasonality, and long-term trends. Although earlier analyses undertaken as part of the NMMAPS did not report an effect of ozone on total mortality across the full year, the NMMAPS investigators in those earlier studies did observe an effect after limiting the analysis to summer, when ozone levels are highest. Another recent study from 23 cities throughout Europe also found an association between ambient ozone and daily mortality.

Numerous recent epidemiological studies have reported associations between acute ozone exposure and mortality, as summarized in the Ozone Criteria Document.

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Review of U.S. Ozone and Particulate Matter Air Quality Standards

EPA is currently reviewing the NAAQS for ozone; more information, including supporting documents, can be found at www.epa.gov/ttn/naaqs/standards/ozone/s_o3_index.html.

EPA reviewed the NAAQS for PM. PM is the generic term for a broad class of chemically and physically diverse substances that exist as discrete particles (liquid droplets or solids) over a wide range of sizes. Particles may be emitted directly or formed in the atmosphere by transformation of gaseous emissions such as SOx, NOx, and VOCs. Exposure to PM has been associated with premature morbidity as well as indices of morbidity, including respiratory hospital admissions and emergency department visits, school absences, work loss days, restricted activity days, effects on lung function and symptoms, morphological changes, and altered host defense mechanisms.

The nation's air quality standards for PM were first established in 1971 and were significantly revised in 1987, when EPA changed the indicator of the standards to regulate inhalable particles smaller than or equal to 10 microns in diameter (PM10). In 1997, EPA revised the PM standards, setting separate standards for fine particles, defined as PM less than or equal to 2.5 microns (PM2.5).

Recent epidemiological studies have continued to report associations between short-term exposures to fine particles and effects such as premature mortality, hospital admissions or emergency department visits for respiratory disease, and effects on lung function and symptoms. In addition, recent epidemiological studies have provided some new evidence linking short-term fine particle exposures to effects on the cardiovascular system, including cardiovascular hospital admissions and more subtle indicators of cardiovascular health. Long-term exposure to PM2.5 and sulfates has also been associated with mortality from cardiopulmonary diseases and lung cancer and effects on the respiratory system, such as decreased lung function or the development of chronic respiratory disease.

Epidemiological studies have also continued to support a relationship between short-term exposure to thoracic coarse particles and respiratory morbidity, with effects ranging from increased respiratory symptoms to hospitalization for respiratory diseases. New data also suggest associations with effects on the cardiovascular system and possibly with mortality.

There are several groups that may be susceptible or vulnerable to PM-related effects. These include individuals with preexisting heart and lung disease, older adults, and children.

The final revisions to the NAAQS for PM strengthen the short-term fine particle standard and retain the 24-hour PM10 standard for coarse particles. Information on the standards can be found at www.epa.gov/air/particles/standards.html.

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U.S. Health Research

Health research in the United States has focused primarily on PM in recent years. EPA has a well-established health research program, consistent with the recommendations of the National Research Council's Committee on Research Priorities for Airborne Particulate Matter. The air health research program is directed towards two main objectives: reducing uncertainties in setting standards for protection of human and ecological health, and linking health effects to specific source types and PM attributes through an integrated multipollutant program.

Characterizing the hazardous component of PM is critically important to reducing uncertainties in setting future air quality standards and implementing those standards. Studies of the health effects associated with ambient and surrogate PM provide insights into the relative toxicity and mechanisms that relate to specific sources. Multi-city epidemiological and toxicological studies coordinated with the National Ambient Air Monitoring Strategy frame a systematic approach that integrates laboratory and field data to assess the health impacts of mixed components and sources. Research focuses on identifying susceptible groups with cardiovascular disease and diabetes and related animal models to address specific risk attributes (e.g., gene-environment, debilitation). EPA research efforts include a new cohort study to evaluate the long-term effects of ambient fine particles, currently responsible for the largest measurable benefits of PM regulation. Research to characterize mobile source roadway exposures and risks and reduce uncertainties associated with complex atmospheres (e.g., PM hazardous components, source attribution, co-pollutants, etc.) is under way.

There are several research studies taking place in the Detroit-Windsor area, coordinated with Canadian research efforts. They include DEARS, children's health studies focusing on characterizing the effects of environmental pollutants on asthma, and toxicological particle studies to characterize PM effects. These efforts are aimed at linking health effects to specific source types and PM attributes.

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Acid Deposition Effects

Aquatic Effects Research and Monitoring

 Great Blue HeronAn assessment of the most recent information available on acid deposition effects on aquatic chemistry and biota in Canada was recently completed and summarized in the 2004 Canadian Acid Deposition Science Assessment.3 The assessment reveals a decreasing trend in lake sulfate levels in southeastern Canada in response to reductions in SO2 emissions; however, many of these lakes are still acidified, and many do not meet a pH condition of ≥6, a key threshold for the sustenance of fish and other aquatic biota. Some of the factors believed to be mitigating changes in surface water quality include the widespread decline in base cations from watershed soils, the release of stored sulfur from soils (i.e., drought induced), and the impairment of within-lake alkalinity generating processes.

Overall improvements in the capacity of many lakes to support aquatic biota are being observed. For instance, a general increase in the number of breeding fish-eating waterbirds was observed in lakes in Ontario, Quebec, and Newfoundland, particularly those in close proximity to reduced emission sources. At the same time, algae, invertebrates, and waterbird food chains in many lakes in this region continue to show acidification impacts (i.e., direct effects of acidification, metal toxicity, loss of prey species, and reduced nutritional value of remaining prey), particularly in lakes and rivers where fish communities have been impacted. Atlantic salmon populations in rivers of the Southern Upland region of Nova Scotia continue to be severely impacted and will likely become extinct if adult survival rates remain at current low levels and pH recovery continues to be delayed.

Biological recovery is very complex; therefore, complete community recovery will lag behind chemical improvements, possibly by several decades. It is also likely that lakes will recover to a state that is more dilute (lower ion concentrations and therefore more sensitive) than their preacidification state, and biological communities will be permanently altered.4

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Terrestrial Effects Research

The effects of acid deposition on soils and forests were also assessed and summarized in the 2004 Canadian Acid Deposition Assessment.5 The net loss of base cations from forested catchments in eastern Canada has slowed down in response to declines in sulfate deposition, yet widespread net losses are still occurring. Weathering inputs of base cations are not sufficient to balance leaching losses, particularly for calcium. Also, there is mounting evidence regarding the relationship between the size of base cation reservoirs in forested watersheds and the acidification of surface waters as well as the lack of recovery of pH levels. Also, the negative effects of decreased fertility on tree vitality are becoming increasingly supported by recent studies. The threat to the productivity of eastern Canadian forests that are located in poorly buffered soils is of concern. Quantifying the relationship between acid deposition, base cation depletion, and forest health is difficult due to a number of confounding factors related to site conditions. Further research is needed to elucidate this relationship.

The assessment also reveals that eastern Canadian watersheds are exhibiting releases of sulfur from soils in excess of deposition. Two internal catchment sources, sulfate desorption and release via decomposition of organic matter, are considered the likely causes for the budget imbalance. The release of this extra sulfur acts as an additional acid load for soils and downstream waters and may be partly mitigating the recovery of surface waters in eastern Canadian forested watersheds.

Nitrogen, on the other hand, is an essential nutrient for tree growth that is often limiting in eastern Canadian ecosystems; thus, nitrogen saturation does not appear to be a problem in most eastern Canadian watersheds. Some signs of nitrogen saturation have been observed in watersheds in Ontario, which highlights the importance of continuing to monitor changes in nitrogen concentrations. In eastern Canadian watersheds, sulfate continues to be the primary acidifying agent.

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Critical Loads and Exceedances

The critical load of acid deposition is defined as the maximum deposition that an ecosystem can assimilate without significant long-term harmful effects. Deposition of both nitrogen and sulfur compounds can contribute to a critical load exceedance, which has been used in Canada as the primary indicator of potential long-term environmental damage. For the first time in North America, new and combined critical load estimates have been generated for sulfur and nitrogen acid deposition for both sampled surface waters and upland forest soils using steady- state models (Figure 33). Since sulfur and nitrogen have different atomic weights, the combined critical load cannot be expressed in mass units (kilograms per hectare per year, or kg/ha/yr); instead, it is expressed in terms of ionic charge balance as "equivalents per hectare per year" (eq/ha/yr). Twenty kilograms of sulfate per hectare per year is the same as 416 eq/ha/yr.

Figure 33 Critical Loads of Acid Deposition for Canada
Figure 33 Critical Loads of Acid Deposition for Canada

Click to enlarge

Note: Critical (maximum) loads of combined total sulfur and nitrogen acidity for Canada in equivalents/hectare/year calculated using a model appropriate to the receptor. The value for each grid cell represents the lowest of either the 5th percentile lake value or the 5th percentile soil polygon value. The index map (lower left) indicates which model was used for the grid cell value (red = Expert, yellow = Steady State Water Chemistry (SSWC), green = Simple Mass Balance (SMB)).

Source: Jeffries, D.S. and Ouimet, R. (2005) Chapter 8: Critical loads: Are they being exceeded? In: 2004 Canadian Acid Deposition Science Assessment [CD-ROM]. Available from Environment Canada.

 Forest FloorExceedance calculations confirm that 21-75 percent of the mapped area in eastern Canada, corresponding to approximately 0.5-1.8 million square kilometers, continues to receive levels of acid deposition in excess of critical loads according to best- and worst-case assumptions of nitrogen-based acidification, respectively. The optimistic end of the range (Figure 34) estimates the current (minor) level of nitrogen-based acidification, whereas the pessimistic end of the range (Figure 35) offers a long-term view by assuming steady-state conditions in which all sulfur and nitrogen deposition is acidifying; in other words, nitrogen uptake no longer occurs due to ecosystem saturation.

Figure 34 Current Critical Load Exceedances for Canada
Figure 34 Current Critical Load Exceedances for Canada

Click to enlarge

Note: Exceedance of critical loads of acidic deposition (eq/ha/yr of sulfur and nitrogen combined) based on current levels of nitrogen-based acidification. A negative exceedance indicates that the estimate of current deposition is less than the grid cell critical load. A positive critical load is indicative of ongoing environmental damage. Details as in Figure 33.

Source: Jeffries, D.S. and Ouimet, R. (2005) Chapter 8: Critical loads: Are they being exceeded? In: 2004 Canadian Acid Deposition Science Assessment [CD-ROM]. Available from Environment Canada.

 Pond On Desert OutskirtsThe Acid Deposition and Oxidant Model (ADOM) modeling results6 show that a further 75 percent reduction in SO2 emissions is required to meet sulfur critical loads for aquatic ecosystems, as published in the 1997 Acid Rain Assessment. Similar results are not yet available in terms of reductions needed to achieve new critical load values (Figure 33); however, given that new critical load estimates are lower than 1997 estimates in many areas and higher in a few areas, a reduction of 50-75 percent could be required to meet the newer critical loads.

Since the development of the above maps, new critical load and exceedance estimates have become available for forests in the provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan, funded by the CCME Acid Rain Task Group. Similar calculations for the Georgia Basin (British Columbia) and Alberta are in progress.

Figure 35 Long-term View of Critical Load Exceedances for Canada
Figure 35 Long-term View of Critical Load Exceedances for Canada

Click to enlarge

Note: Exceedance of critical loads of acidic deposition (eq/ha/yr of sulfur and nitrogen combined) calculated using estimated current deposition and grid cell critical loads recomputed using the steady-state assumption of nitrogen saturation. In most areas, the environmental capacity to absorb nitrogen is not yet exhausted. A positive exceedance indicates that current deposition either is causing environmental harm or will do so eventually if it continues at the same level. Details as in Figure 33.

Source: Environment Canada

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Recovery of Acidified Lakes and Streams

Acid rain is only one of many large-scale anthropogenic effects that are affecting lakes and streams in the United States. Climate variability, forest maturation, biological disturbances (e.g., pest outbreaks), and land use change can have an impact on ecosystems that are also affected by acid deposition. Nonetheless, scientists have demonstrated measurable improvements in some lakes and streams resulting from the Acid Rain Program. Scientists studied lakes and streams in four regions-New England, the Adirondack Mountains, the northern Appalachians (including the Catskill Mountains), and the southern Appalachians (including the Blue Ridge)-and found signs of recovery in many, but not all, of those areas (see Figure 36). These signs of recovery include reductions in sulfate and aluminum concentrations (see Table 2) and decreases in acidity. For example, 48 out of 49 monitored Adirondack lakes showed reductions in sulfate concentrations that correlate with reductions in atmospheric concentrations of sulfur. These reductions in sulfate, as well as reductions in nitrate concentrations that do not appear to be due to changes in atmospheric deposition, have resulted in increased pH and acid neutralizing capacity (ANC, an indicator of aquatic ecosystem recovery) as well as reductions in the amount of toxic inorganic aluminum in Adirondack lakes.

Figure 36 Regional Trends in Lake and Stream Acidification, 1990-2004
Figure 36 Regional Trends in Lake and Stream Acidification, 1990-2004

Click to enlarge

Note: Bars show the magnitude of the regional trend for each variable in each region.

Table 2 Results of Regional Trend Analyses on Lakes and Streams, 1990-2004
  Concentrations (µeq/L per Year)*
Sulfate Nitrate ANC Base Cation Hydrogen Organic Acids Aluminum
New England Lakes (n=21) –1.4 –0.02 +0.18 –1.35 –0.02 +0.02 insufficient data
Adirondack Lakes (n=49) –2.0 –0.45 +1.08 –1.24 –0.26 +0.15 –4.72
Northern Appalachian Streams (n=9) –2.3 –0.31 +0.76 –3.73 –0.01 –0.03 insufficient data
Southern Appalachian Streams (n=65) +1.7 –0.55 –4.44 –4.56 –0.01 insufficient data insufficient data

*Except for aluminum (µg/L per year).

Note: Values show the slope of the regional trend (the median value for the trends in all of the sites in the region). Regional trends that are statistically significant are shown in bold.

Increasing ANC was evident in two of the regions studied (Adirondacks and northern Appalachians). One-quarter to one-third of lakes and streams in these regions previously affected by acid rain are no longer acidic at base flow conditions, although they are still highly sensitive to future changes in deposition.

Improvements in Surface Water

Long-term monitoring networks provide information on the chemistry of lakes and streams, which allow us to look at how water bodies are responding to changes in emissions. The data presented here show regional trends in acidification from 1990 to 2004 in areas of the eastern United States. For each lake or stream in the network, measurements of various indicators of recovery from acidification were taken. These measurements were plotted against time, and trends for the given lake or stream during the 15-year period were then calculated as the change in each of the measurements per year (e.g., change in concentration of sulfate per year). Using the trends calculated for each water body, median regional changes were determined for each of the measures of recovery. A negative value of the "slope of the regional trend" means that the measure has been declining in the region, whereas a positive value means it has been increasing. The greater the value of the trend, the greater the yearly change in the measurement. Movement towards recovery is indicated by positive trends in ANC and negative trends in sulfate, nitrate, hydrogen ion, and aluminum. Negative trends in base cations and positive trends in organic acids can balance out the decreasing trends in sulfate and nitrate and prevent ANC from increasing.

A summary of the findings of this analysis follows:

  • Sulfate concentrations are declining substantially in all but one of the regions. Lakes and streams in the southern Appalachians show increasing concentrations of sulfate. This area is unusual, because its soils can store large amounts of the sulfate that is delivered by deposition. After large amounts of sulfate have accumulated in the soils, stream water sulfate concentrations begin to increase. The southern Appalachians is the only region where atmospheric deposition chemistry and the chemistry of lakes and streams are "decoupled."

  • Nitrate concentrations are decreasing significantly in all of the regions, although the magnitude of these changes is small, especially in New England. It should be noted, however, that this does not appear to reflect changes in emissions or deposition in these areas and is likely a result of ecosystem adjustments that are not yet fully understood.

  • As a result of declining sulfate (and to some extent nitrate), the acidity of lake and stream water is decreasing in three of the four regions. In the Adirondacks and northern Appalachians, ANC is increasing. In New England, ANC appears to be increasing only slightly and is not significant, but hydrogen ion concentrations are declining. Declining hydrogen ion concentrations represent an increase in pH, which is increasing significantly in the Adirondacks.

  • Base cations are important, because they buffer the impact of sulfur and nitrogen deposition.

    Base cation concentrations in lakes and streams are expected to decrease when rates of atmospheric deposition decline; if they decrease too much, however, they limit recovery in pH and ANC. The high rates of base cation decline in the northern Appalachians may be of concern but do not currently seem to be preventing recovery. However, this indicator will bear watching in the future.

  • Organic acids are natural forms of acidity. Lakes and streams vary widely in how much natural acidity they have, and increases in organic acids over time, like declining base cations, can limit the amount of recovery we observe. Organic acid concentrations are currently increasing in many parts of the world, but the cause is still being debated. Of the regions monitored by EPA, only the Adirondacks is showing significant increases in organic acids, and their increase may be responsible for 10-15 percent less recovery (in ANC) than expected.

  • Most of the regions do not have sufficient aluminum data to estimate trends. Aluminum is a critical element, because it increases when lakes and streams acidify and is very toxic to fish and other wildlife. The one region where good aluminum data exist, the Adirondacks, is showing strong declines in the most toxic form of aluminum (inorganic monomeric aluminum).

  • As mentioned above, the southern Appalachians is unusual, in both its physiography and its response to changing atmospheric deposition. Because sulfate is increasing strongly in this region, many of the other chemical variables (e.g., ANC and pH) show trends typical of acidifying conditions, rather than recovery.
Long-Term Environmental Monitoring at EPA

EPA's Temporally Integrated Monitoring of Ecosystems (TIME) and Long-Term Monitoring (LTM) programs are designed to detect trends in the chemistry of regional populations of lakes or streams and to determine whether emission reductions have had the intended effect of reducing acidification. TIME/LTM monitor a total of 145 lakes and 147 streams, representing all of the major acid-sensitive regions of the northern and eastern United States (New England, Adirondack Mountains, northern Appalachian Plateau (including the Catskill Mountains), and the Ridge/Blue Ridge Provinces of Virginia). TIME/LTM measure a variety of important chemical characteristics, including ANC, pH, sulfate, nitrate, major cations (e.g., calcium and magnesium), and aluminum. While the representativeness of the TIME/LTM network is somewhat limited, the TIME program is the most coherent individual regional data set for this kind of analysis. In addition, the U.S. Geological Survey has been measuring surface water quality at several research watersheds throughout the United States, where sample collection during hydrologic events and ancillary data on other watershed characteristics have been used to assess the watershed processes controlling acidification of surface waters.

As described elsewhere in this report, implementation of the Acid Rain Program has successfully and substantially reduced emissions of SO2 and NOx from power generation sources in the United States. As described in the National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP) 2005 Report to Congress (www.al.noaa.gov/AQRS/reports/napapreport05.pdf), however, recent modeling and many published articles indicate that SO2 and NOx emission reductions achieved under Title IV are now recognized as insufficient to achieve full recovery or to prevent further acidification in some regions. The studies described above support that conclusion, showing that environmental improvements have been slow in many sensitive areas and that signs of recovery still are not evident in some areas. The NAPAP Report to Congress concluded that additional SO2 and NOx emission reductions from power plants and other sources are necessary to decrease deposition and further reduce the number of acidic lakes and streams in many regions of the United States. Additional emission reductions will be achieved through implementation of existing and future regulations to address transport of ozone and fine particles and mercury deposition, including the NOx SIP Call in the eastern United States; Tier 2, Tier 3, and diesel rules affecting mobile sources; SIPs to achieve the ozone and fine particle NAAQS; and the recent Clean Air rules to reduce interstate transport of fine particles and ozone, mercury, and regional haze from power plants.

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3 Jeffries, D.S., McNicol, D.K., and Weeber, R.C. (2005) Chapter 6: Effects on aquatic chemistry and biology. In: 2004 Canadian Acid Deposition Science Assessment [CD-ROM]. Available from Environment Canada.

4 Weeber, R.C., Jeffries, D.S., and McNicol, D.K. (2005) Chapter 7: Recovery of aquatic ecosystems. In: 2004 Canadian Acid Deposition Science Assessment [CD-ROM]. Available from Environment Canada.

5 Houle, D. (2005) Chapter 5: Effects on forests and soils. In: 2004 Canadian Acid Deposition Science Assessment [CD-ROM]. Available from Environment Canada.

6 Moran, M.D. (2005) Chapter 4: Current and proposed emission controls: How will acid deposition be affected? In: 2004 Canadian Acid Deposition Science Assessment [CD-ROM]. Available from Environment Canada.

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