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Role of Promotion & Research Agencies
Beef Cattle Agency
Future Promotion & Research Agencies


What promotion and research agencies do


Many agriculture industry groups have a common national or regional organization that conducts promotion and research for their farm products. These organizations usually exist to expand markets and increase sales through generic advertising and promotion programs, as well as research into product attributes, the production process, and new products. They also provide industry members with increased knowledge about consumer preferences.

Cattle image

Promotion and research agencies created under the Farm Products Agencies Act (FPAA) may do all of this, but with one key difference. They are funded through a national levy paid by producers and importers of beef and beef cattle. The levy provides a stable, predictable source of funds.

Currently only one such agency exists – the Canadian Beef Cattle Research, Market Development and Promotion Agency.

The National Farm Products Council supervises agencies established under the FPAA to ensure they operate within their mandates. In this way, the NFPC promotes a stronger and more efficient Canadian agriculture industry.



Date modified:  2004-11-17


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