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Aliments > Poissons et de produits de la mer > Inspection des Produits > Manuel des défauts dans les sachets souples 



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1. American Organization of Analytical Chemists (AOAC), International Bacteriological Analytical Manual, 7e édition (1992).

2. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Designation F1140-88, mai 1988, Standard Test Methods for Failure Resistance of Unrestrained and Nonrigid Packages for Medical Applications.

3. ASTM Designation F88-85, jan. 1988, Standard Test Method for Seal Strength of Flexible Barrier Materials.

4. ASTM Designation F1168-88, oct. 1988, Standard Guide for Use in the Establishment of Thermal Processes for Foods Packaged in Flexible Containers.

5. Barnes, Frank L., Article dans « Course Manual Low-acid Canned Foods » de la FDA, Retort Pouches, pages 197-21.

6. Office des normes générales du Canada, Norme ONGC/ASTM, octobre 1986. Standard Practice for the Establishment of Thermal Processes for Foods Packaged in Flexible Containers.

7. Office des normes générales du Canada, CAN/CGSB-32.302-M87, nov. 1987, Emploi des sacs en produit laminé souple pour l’emballage des aliments stérilisés.

8. Evans, K.W., R.H. Thorpe, et D. Atherton, Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practice for Sterilisable Flexible Packaging Operations for Low-acid Foods. Technical Manual #4, 1978, Campden and Chorleywood Food Research Association Group.

9. Gavin, Austin, Lisa M. Weddig,, 1995, CANNED FOODS - Principles of Thermal Process Control, Acidification and Container Closure Evaluation; The Food Processors Institute, 6e édition.

10. Santé et Bien-être social Canada, 1990, Code canadien de pratiques recommandées en matière d’hygiène pour les produits alimentaires peu acides, acidifiés ou non, en récipients hermétiques.

11. Direction générale de la protection de la santé, fév. 1989, « Tentative Lab Procedure », TMFLP-41.

12. Hendrickson, mars 1992, Flexible Packaging used in the Thermal Processing and Aseptic Filling of Low-acid Foods.

13. Lampi, R.A., G.L. Schultz, T. Ciavarini, et P.T. Burke, 1976, Performance and integrity of retort pouch seals, Food Technology 30, 38-40, 42, 44-45, 47-48.

14. Lopez, Anthony (1987). "Retortable Flexible Containers", dans A Complete Course in Canning and Related Processes, Book II - Packaging, Aseptic Processing Ingredients, 12e édition. The Canning Trade Inc., Baltimore, MD.

15. McEldowney, S., M. Fletcher, The Effect of Physical and Microbiological Factors on Food Container Leakage, Journal of Applied Bacteriology, 1990, 69, 190-205.

16. Mermelstein, juin 1978, Retort Pouch Earns 1978 IFT Food Technology Industrial Achievement Award, Food Technology 32, 22-23, 26, 30, 32-33.

17. Michels and Schram, Effect of Handling Procedures on the Post-process Contamination of Retort Pouches, Journal of Applied Bacteriology, 1979, 47, 105-111.

18. McEldowney, S., M. Fletcher , 1990, A Model System for the Study of Food Container Leakage, Journal of Applied Bacteriology, 1990, 69, 206-210.

19. National Food Processors' Association (NFPA) Bulletin 26L - Thermal Processes for Low-acid Foods in Metal Containers, 1996, National Food Processors Association, 13e édition, Washington, DC.

20. NFPA Bulletin 38L, Guidelines for Evaluation and Disposition of Damaged Canned Food Containers, National Food Processors Association, Washington, DC.

21. NFPA Bulletin 41L, 1989, Flexible Package Integrity Committee, Flexible Package Integrity, National Food Processors Association, Washington, DC.

22. NFPA, 1985, Guidelines for Thermal Process Development for Foods Packaged in Flexible Containers, P-FLX, National Food Processors' Association, Washington, DC

23. NFPA, Lab Memorandum, 1er sept. 1992.

24. Report by meal, ready-to-eat (MRRE) task force, juil. 1986, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Washington, D.C.

25. Shappee, Jonathan, Stanley J. Werkowski, Study of a Nondestructive Test for Determining the Volume of Air in Flexible Food Packages. U.S.Army Natick Laboratories, Technical Report 73-4-GP, juin 1972.

26. Weintraub, Sara, Hosahalli S. Ramaswamy et Marvin A. Tung, 1989, Heating Rates in Flexible Packages Containing Entrapped Air During Overpressure Processing, Journal of Food Science, Volume 54, No. 6, 1989.

27. Whitman, W.E., jan. 1975, Foods Sterilised in Non-rigid Containers, Leatherhead Food R.A., Laymans Guide No 20.

Table des matières | Chapitre 1 | Chapitre 2 | Chapitre 3 | Chapitre 4 | Chapitre 5 | Chapitre 6 | Chapitre 7 | Chapitre 8

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