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Market Analysis Division

2006-08-04 | ISSN 1496-967X

AAFC forecasts that total production of grains and oilseeds in Canada will decline by 8% from 2005-06, to 61 million tonnes (Mt), slightly above the 10-year average.   While crops got off to a good start in the spring because of the early seeding and good soil moisture, the weather subsequently turned hot and dry across most of the Prairies.  Crop development is generally ahead of normal.  Yields are expected to be at trend to slightly below trend in western Canada.  Quality of all crops is expected to be above average, with a better than normal grade distribution.  Protein levels in wheat and barley are expected to be higher than average, while canola and flaxseed oil content may be below normal.  In eastern Canada, the weather has been hot but moisture has generally been adequate, and yield prospects are good.

In western Canada, production is forecast to decline by 10%, to 46 Mt, with eastern Canadian production down by 3%, at 15 Mt.   Domestic use is expected to increase in 2006-07 due to increased ethanol production. Exports are also expected to increase by 10%, due mainly to higher exports of non-durum wheat.   Prices for all crops are expected to be similar to or higher than in 2005-06, except for flaxseed.  Prices will continue to be pressured by the strong Canadian dollar. The major factors to watch are: US and Canadian crop development and harvest conditions, the bio-fuel market, ocean freight rates and the Canada/US exchange rate.


Production is forecast to fall by over 40% due to lower area and yields. This is partly offset by the record 3.3 Mt carry-in stocks, but supply is expected to decline by 19%. Exports are forecast to decrease by 10% due to lower demand from North Africa and the EU, which will be partly offset by increased imports from the US.  Carry-out stocks are forecast to fall by 36%, but remain slightly above the 10-year average. The Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) Pool Return Outlook (PRO) is rising due to the declining production prospects for North America, and is now slightly higher than for 2005-06. The discount of No.1 CWAD 11.5 to No.1 CWRS 11.5 is projected at a record $18/t.

Canada: Durum Supply and Disposition
August 4, 2006
Crop Year [a] 2004-20052005-2006 [P]2006-2007 [F]

[a] Crop year is August-July except corn and soybeans which are September-August
[b] Excludes imports of products
[d] Total Domestic Use = Food and Industrial Use + Feed Waste & Dockage + Seed Use
[f] Crop year average prices: No.1 CWRS 11.5% protein and No.1 CWAD 11.5% (CWB final price I/S St. Lawrence/Vancouver)
[*] CWB Pool Return Outlook - July 27, 2006
[P]: preliminary
[F]: forecast, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, August 4, 2006
Source: Statistics Canada, Cereals and Oilseeds Review Series, Cat. No. 22-007

Seeded Area (kha) 2,230 2,341 1,725
Harvested Area (kha) 2,141 2,297 1,720
Yield (t/ha) 2.32 2.58 2.03
Production (kt) 4,962 5,915 3,500
Imports [b] (kt) 1 1 1
Total Supply (kt) 6,752 8,436 6,801
Exports (kt) 3,218 4,100 3,700
Food & Industrial Use (kt) 254 255 260
Feed, Waste, Dockage (kt) 536 621 511
Total Domestic Use [d] (kt) 1,013 1,036 1,001
Carry-out Stocks (kt) 2,521 3,300 2,100
Average Price [f] $/t 201  181 [* 183 [*

Wheat (ex-durum)

For 2006-07, production is forecast to increase by 4%, with the 17% larger harvested area largely offset by lower expected yields. Supply is expected to rise by 7%, however, due to higher carry-in stocks. Exports are forecast to increase by 30% due to record Ontario production of 2.4 Mt, increased supplies of good quality wheat in western Canada and reduced competition from other exporters. Domestic use is expected to decline, with reduced feed use partly offset by sharply higher industrial use for ethanol production. Carry-out stocks are expected to decline by 20%. The CWB PRO is now $10 to $25/t above 2005‑06 for all milling grades.  The increases are smallest for No.1 CWRS, as quality and protein premiums are forecast to decrease due to the expected better quality of the 2006 Canadian and US hard red spring wheat crops.

Canada: Wheat Except Durum Supply and Disposition
August 4, 2006
Crop Year [a] 2004-20052005-2006 [P]2006-2007 [F]

[a] Crop year is August-July except corn and soybeans which are September-August
[b] Excludes imports of products
[c] Includes exports of products for wheat, oats, barley, and rye. Excludes exports of oilseed products
[d] Total Domestic Use = Food and Industrial Use + Feed Waste & Dockage + Seed Use
[f] Crop year average prices: No.1 CWRS 11.5% protein and No.1 CWAD 11.5% (CWB final price I/S St. Lawrence/Vancouver)
[*] CWB Pool Return Outlook - July 27, 2006
[P]: preliminary
[F]: forecast, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, August 4, 2006
Source: Statistics Canada, Cereals and Oilseeds Review Series, Cat. No. 22-007

Seeded Area (kha) 8,169 7,753 9,025
Harvested Area (kha) 7,722 7,530 8,800
Yield (t/ha) 2.71 2.77 2.45
Production (kt) 20,898 20,860 21,600
Imports [b] (kt) 13 20 14
Total Supply (kt) 25,203 26,352 28,114
Exports [c] (kt) 11,593 11,500 15,000
Food & Industrial Use (kt) 2,845 2,870 3,100
Feed, Waste, Dockage (kt) 4,521 4,585 3,950
Total Domestic Use [d] (kt) 8,138 8,352 7,914
Carry-out Stocks (kt) 5,471 6,500 5,200
Average Price [f] $/t 190  183 [* 201 [*

Canada: All Wheat Supply and Disposition
August 4, 2006
Crop Year [a] 2004-20052005-2006 [P]2006-2007 [F]

[a] Crop year is August-July except corn and soybeans which are September-August
[b] Excludes imports of products
[c] Includes exports of products for wheat, oats, barley, and rye. Excludes exports of oilseed products
[d] Total Domestic Use = Food and Industrial Use + Feed Waste & Dockage + Seed Use
[P]: preliminary
[F]: forecast, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, August 4, 2006
Source: Statistics Canada, Cereals and Oilseeds Review Series, Cat. No. 22-007

Seeded Area (kha) 10,399 10,094 10,750
Harvested Area (kha) 9,862 9,826 10,520
Yield (t/ha) 2.62 2.72 2.39
Production (kt) 25,860 26,775 25,100
Imports [b] (kt) 14 21 15
Total Supply (kt) 31,955 34,788 34,915
Exports [c] (kt) 14,812 15,600 18,700
Food & Industrial Use (kt) 3,099 3,125 3,360
Feed, Waste, Dockage (kt) 5,056 5,206 4,461
Total Domestic Use [d] (kt) 9,151 9,388 8,915
Carry-out Stocks (kt) 7,992  9,800  7,300 
Average Price $/t      


Production is forecast to decrease by 15%, due to lower area and yields. Supply is expected to fall by 13%.  Exports are forecast to decrease by 8%, as lower feed barley exports are only partially offset by higher exports of malting barley. Despite lower exports and domestic feed use, carry-out stocks are forecast to fall significantly. The average off-Board feed barley price (No.1 CW, in-store Lethbridge) is forecast to increase by $20/t from 2005-06. The CWB PRO for No. 1 CW feed barley for Pool A in 2006-07 is $124/t, vs. $125/t for Pool A in 2005-06. The CWB PRO for SS2R malting barley is $174/t vs. $171/t for 2005-06, due to lower expected exportable supply in Australia and strong import demand from the US.

Canada: Barley Supply and Disposition
August 4, 2006
Crop Year [a] 2004-20052005-2006 [P]2006-2007 [F]

[a] Crop year is August-July except corn and soybeans which are September-August
[b] Excludes imports of products
[c] Includes exports of products for wheat, oats, barley, and rye. Excludes exports of oilseed products
[d] Total Domestic Use = Food and Industrial Use + Feed Waste & Dockage + Seed Use
[f] Crop year average prices: Barley (No. 1 feed, WCE, cash, I/S Lethbridge)
[P]: preliminary
[F]: forecast, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, August 4, 2006
Source: Statistics Canada, Cereals and Oilseeds Review Series, Cat. No. 22-007

Seeded Area (kha) 4,678 4,440 4,090
Harvested Area (kha) 4,050 3,889 3,510
Yield (t/ha) 3.26 3.21 3.03
Production (kt) 13,186 12,481 10,630
Imports [b] (kt) 83 50 30
Total Supply (kt) 15,371 16,020 13,960
Exports [c] (kt) 1,863 2,500 2,300
Food & Industrial Use (kt) 268 260 270
Feed, Waste, Dockage (kt) 9,358 9,555 9,185
Total Domestic Use [d] (kt) 10,019 10,220 9,860
Carry-out Stocks (kt) 3,489 3,300 1,800
Average Price [f] $/t 112  110  120-140 


Production is forecast to decrease by 8%, due to lower yields. Imports are forecast to increase significantly from 2005-06, as a result of lower domestic supply, and strong demand for animal feed and ethanol. Carry-out stocks are forecast to drop by 22%. The average price at Chatham elevator is forecast to increase by $25/t due to higher US corn prices.

Canada: Corn Supply and Disposition
August 4, 2006
Crop Year [a] 2004-20052005-2006 [P]2006-2007 [F]

[a] Crop year is August-July except corn and soybeans which are September-August
[b] Excludes imports of products
[d] Total Domestic Use = Food and Industrial Use + Feed Waste & Dockage + Seed Use
[f] Crop year average prices: Corn (No.2 CE, cash, I/S Chatham)
[P]: preliminary
[F]: forecast, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, August 4, 2006
Source: Statistics Canada, Cereals and Oilseeds Review Series, Cat. No. 22-007

Seeded Area (kha) 1,185 1,124 1,135
Harvested Area (kha) 1,072 1,096 1,105
Yield (t/ha) 8.24 8.63 7.91
Production (kt) 8,837 9,461 8,740
Imports [b] (kt) 2,422 1,600 3,200
Total Supply (kt) 12,401 12,862 13,740
Exports (kt) 242 300 200
Food & Industrial Use (kt) 2,395 2,500 3,300
Feed, Waste, Dockage (kt) 7,951 8,247 8,825
Total Domestic Use [d] (kt) 10,358 10,762 12,140
Carry-out Stocks (kt) 1,802 1,800 1,400
Average Price [f] $/t 100  90-100  110-130 


Production is forecast to increase by 12%, due to larger area and a return to normal abandonment rates. Supply is expected to increase, as higher production more than offsets lower carry-in stocks. Exports are forecast to rise marginally from 2005-06, as a result of strong US import demand. Although feed use is expected to rise significantly, carry-out stocks are projected to rise by 11%. Chicago Board of Trade oat nearby futures prices are forecast to remain unchanged from 2005-06, narrowing the US price premium for oats over corn.

Canada: Oats Supply and Disposition
August 4, 2006
Crop Year [a] 2004-20052005-2006 [P]2006-2007 [F]

[a] Crop year is August-July except corn and soybeans which are September-August
[b] Excludes imports of products
[c] Includes exports of products for wheat, oats, barley, and rye. Excludes exports of oilseed products
[d] Total Domestic Use = Food and Industrial Use + Feed Waste & Dockage + Seed Use
[f] Crop year average prices: Oats (US No. 2 Heavy, CBoT nearby futures)
[P]: preliminary
[F]: forecast, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, August 4, 2006
Source: Statistics Canada, Cereals and Oilseeds Review Series, Cat. No. 22-007

Seeded Area (kha) 1,995 1,853 2,205
Harvested Area (kha) 1,315 1,326 1,555
Yield (t/ha) 2.80 2.59 2.47
Production (kt) 3,683 3,432 3,845
Imports [b] (kt) 26 17 10
Total Supply (kt) 4,497 4,437 4,755
Exports [c] (kt) 1,675 1,700 1,750
Food & Industrial Use (kt) 118 140 140
Feed, Waste, Dockage (kt) 1,560 1,527 1,690
Total Domestic Use [d] (kt) 1,834 1,837 2,005
Carry-out Stocks (kt) 988 900 1,000
Average Price [f] $/t 131  144  135-155 

Canada: Rye Supply and Disposition
August 4, 2006
Crop Year [a] 2004-20052005-2006 [P]2006-2007 [F]

[a] Crop year is August-July except corn and soybeans which are September-August
[b] Excludes imports of products
[c] Includes exports of products for wheat, oats, barley, and rye. Excludes exports of oilseed products
[d] Total Domestic Use = Food and Industrial Use + Feed Waste & Dockage + Seed Use
[f] Crop year average prices: Rye (No.1 CW, I/S Saskatoon)
[P]: preliminary
[F]: forecast, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, August 4, 2006
Source: Statistics Canada, Cereals and Oilseeds Review Series, Cat. No. 22-007

Seeded Area (kha) 284 226 205
Harvested Area (kha) 165 148 134
Yield (t/ha) 2.53 2.42 2.31
Production (kt) 418 359 310
Imports [b] (kt) 1 1 1
Total Supply (kt) 487 505 471
Exports [c] (kt) 122 123 110
Food & Industrial Use (kt) 48 48 48
Feed, Waste, Dockage (kt) 155 157 156
Total Domestic Use [d] (kt) 220 222 221
Carry-out Stocks (kt) 145 160 140
Average Price [f] $/t 68  81  80-100 

Canada: Mixed Grains Supply and Disposition
August 4, 2006
Crop Year [a] 2004-20052005-2006 [P]2006-2007 [F]

[a] Crop year is August-July except corn and soybeans which are September-August
[b] Excludes imports of products
[d] Total Domestic Use = Food and Industrial Use + Feed Waste & Dockage + Seed Use
[P]: preliminary
[F]: forecast, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, August 4, 2006
Source: Statistics Canada, Cereals and Oilseeds Review Series, Cat. No. 22-007

Seeded Area (kha) 220 209 230
Harvested Area (kha) 111 109 121
Yield (t/ha) 2.87 2.78 2.81
Production (kt) 318 303 340
Imports [b] (kt) 0 0 0
Total Supply (kt) 318 303 340
Exports (kt) 0 0 0
Food & Industrial Use (kt) 0 0 0
Feed, Waste, Dockage (kt) 318 303 340
Total Domestic Use [d] (kt) 318 303 340
Carry-out Stocks (kt)
Average Price $/t      

Canada: Total Coarse Grains Supply and Disposition
August 4, 2006
Crop Year [a] 2004-20052005-2006 [P]2006-2007 [F]

[a] August - July crop year except corn which is September - August
[b] Excludes imports of products
[c] Includes exports of products for wheat, oats, barley, and rye. Excludes exports of oilseed products.
[d] Total Domestic Use = Food and Industrial Use + Feed Waste & Dockage + Seed Use
[P]: preliminary
[F]: forecast, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, August 4, 2006
Source: Statistics Canada, Cereals and Oilseeds Review Series, Cat. No. 22-007

Seeded Area (kha) 8,362 7,852 7,865
Harvested Area (kha) 6,713 6,568 6,425
Yield (t/ha) 3.94 3.96 3.71
Production (kt) 26,442 26,036 23,865
Imports [b] (kt) 2,531 1,668 3,241
Total Supply (kt) 33,074 34,128 33,266
Exports [c] (kt) 3,902 4,623 4,360
Food & Industrial Use (kt) 2,828 2,948 3,758
Feed, Waste, Dockage (kt) 19,342 19,790 20,196
Total Domestic Use [d] (kt) 22,749 23,345 24,566
Carry-out Stocks (kt) 6,424  6,160  4,340 
Average Price $/t      


Production is forecast to decrease by 16% to 8.1 Mt, as yields are pressured by hot and dry weather. Supply is expected to decrease by 9%, but remain historically high, due to burdensome carry-in stocks. Exports are forecast to decline slightly from the record setting pace of 2005-06 as a result of tighter supplies. Domestic crush is forecast to rise slightly following the expansion of some processing plants, although the recently announced new plants are not expected to open until 2007-08. Carry-out stocks are forecast to fall, but will remain significantly above the 10 year average. Prices are expected to rise from the low of 2005-06, but remain under pressure from low US soybean prices and strong Canadian dollar.

Canada: Canola Supply and Disposition
August 4, 2006
Crop Year [a] 2004-20052005-2006 [P]2006-2007 [F]

[a] Crop year is August-July except corn and soybeans which are September-August
[b] Excludes imports of products
[c] Excludes exports of oilseed products.
[d] Total Domestic Use = Food and Industrial Use + Feed Waste & Dockage + Seed Use
[f] Crop year average prices: Canola (No. 1 Canada, WCE, cash, I/S Vancouver)
[P]: preliminary
[F]: forecast, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, August 4, 2006
Source: Statistics Canada, Cereals and Oilseeds Review Series, Cat. No. 22-007

Seeded Area (kha) 5,319 5,491 5,420
Harvested Area (kha) 4,938 5,283 5,156
Yield (t/ha) 1.57 1.83 1.58
Production (kt) 7,728 9,660 8,125
Imports [b] (kt) 108 125 150
Total Supply (kt) 8,444 11,415 10,425
Exports [c] (kt) 3,412 5,350 5,000
Food & Industrial Use (kt) 3,031 3,400 3,450
Feed, Waste, Dockage (kt) 328 470 480
Total Domestic Use [d] (kt) 3,403 3,915 3,975
Carry-out Stocks (kt) 1,629 2,150 1,450
Average Price [f] $/t 309  278  295-325 

Flaxseed (excluding solin)

Production is forecast to decrease by 7%, due to lower yields. Supply is expected to rise sharply because of burdensome carry-in stocks resulting from high production in 2005-06 and low EU imports. Although exports and total domestic use are forecast to rise, carry-out stocks are expected to increase to a burdensome 0.73 Mt vs. the 10-year average of 0.2 Mt. As a result, prices are forecast to decline.

Canada: Flaxseed Supply and Disposition
August 4, 2006
Crop Year [a] 2004-20052005-2006 [P]2006-2007 [F]

[a] Crop year is August-July except corn and soybeans which are September-August
[b] Excludes imports of products
[c] Excludes exports of oilseed products.
[d] Total Domestic Use = Food and Industrial Use + Feed Waste & Dockage + Seed Use
[f] Crop year average prices: Flaxseed (No. 1 CW, WCE, cash, I/S Thunder Bay)
[P]: preliminary
[F]: forecast, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, August 4, 2006
Source: Statistics Canada, Cereals and Oilseeds Review Series, Cat. No. 22-007

Seeded Area (kha) 728 842 858
Harvested Area (kha) 528 803 800
Yield (t/ha) 0.98 1.35 1.26
Production (kt) 517 1,082 1,010
Imports [b] (kt) 39 40 20
Total Supply (kt) 648 1,152 1,505
Exports [c] (kt) 468 450 550
Food & Industrial Use (kt) n/a n/a n/a
Feed, Waste, Dockage (kt) n/a n/a n/a
Total Domestic Use [d] (kt) 151 227 230
Carry-out Stocks (kt) 30 475 725
Average Price [f] $/t n/a  276  225-265 


Production is forecast to decrease by 6%, as lower yields more than offset the rise in area. Supply is forecast to decrease, as reduced output more than offsets the projected rise in imports and carry-in stocks. Exports are forecast to increase to a record high, while domestic crush increases slightly from 2005-06. Although carry-out stocks are forecast to fall, prices are expected to be pressured by lower US soybean prices.

Canada: Soybeans Supply and Disposition
August 4, 2006
Crop Year [a] 2004-20052005-2006 [P]2006-2007 [F]

[a] Crop year is August-July except corn and soybeans which are September-August
[b] Excludes imports of products
[c] Excludes exports of oilseed products
[d] Total Domestic Use = Food and Industrial Use + Feed Waste & Dockage + Seed Use
[f] Crop year average prices: Soybeans (No. 2, I/S Chatham)
[P]: preliminary
[F]: forecast, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, August 4, 2006
Source: Statistics Canada, Cereals and Oilseeds Review Series, Cat. No. 22-007

Seeded Area (kha) 1,229 1,176 1,210
Harvested Area (kha) 1,178 1,169 1,197
Yield (t/ha) 2.59 2.70 2.48
Production (kt) 3,048 3,161 2,970
Imports [b] (kt) 393 300 350
Total Supply (kt) 3,581 3,731 3,620
Exports [c] (kt) 1,122 1,250 1,350
Food & Industrial Use (kt) 1,610 1,600 1,650
Feed, Waste, Dockage (kt) 457 461 270
Total Domestic Use [d] (kt) 2,190 2,181 2,020
Carry-out Stocks (kt) 270 300 250
Average Price [f] $/t 248  215-225  200-240 

Canada: Total Oilseeds Supply and Disposition
August 4, 2006
Crop Year [a] 2004-20052005-2006 [P]2006-2007 [F]

[a] August - July crop year except soybeans which is September - August
[b] Excludes imports of products
[c] Excludes exports of oilseed products
[d] Total Domestic Use = Food and Industrial Use + Feed Waste & Dockage + Seed Use
[e] Soybean food and industrial use is based on data from the Canadian Oilseed Processors Association. Totals excludes flaxseed due to data confidentiality
[P]: preliminary
[F]: forecast, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, August 4, 2006
Source: Statistics Canada, Cereals and Oilseeds Review Series, Cat. No. 22-007

Seeded Area (kha) 7,277 7,510 7,487
Harvested Area (kha) 6,643 7,255 7,154
Yield (t/ha) 1.70 1.92 1.69
Production (kt) 11,293 13,904 12,105
Imports [b] (kt) 540 465 520
Total Supply (kt) 12,674 16,298 15,550
Exports [c] (kt) 5,002 7,050 6,900
Food & Industrial Use [e] (kt) 4,641 5,000 5,100
Feed, Waste, Dockage (kt) 927 931 750
Total Domestic Use [d] (kt) 5,743 6,323 6,225
Carry-out Stocks (kt) 1,929  2,925  2,425 

Canada: Total Grains And Oilseeds Supply and Disposition
August 4, 2006
Crop Year [a] 2004-20052005-2006 [P]2006-2007 [F]

[a] August - July crop year except corn and soybeans which are September - August
[b] Excludes imports of products
[c] Includes exports of products for wheat, oats, barley, and rye. Excludes exports of oilseed products
[d] Total Domestic Use = Food and Industrial Use + Feed Waste & Dockage + Seed Use
[e] Soybean food and industrial use is based on data from the Canadian Oilseed Processors Association. Totals excludes flaxseed due to data confidentiality.
[P]: preliminary
[F]: forecast, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, August 4, 2006
Source: Statistics Canada, Cereals and Oilseeds Review Series, Cat. No. 22-007

Seeded Area (kha) 26,038 25,456 26,103
Harvested Area (kha) 23,219 23,650 24,099
Yield (t/ha) 2.74 2.82 2.53
Production (kt) 63,596 66,715 61,070
Imports [b] (kt) 3,085 2,154 3,776
Total Supply (kt) 77,703 85,214 83,731
Exports [c] (kt) 23,715 27,273 29,960
Food & Industrial Use [e] (kt) 10,568 11,073 12,218
Feed, Waste, Dockage (kt) 25,325 25,927 25,407
Total Domestic Use [d] (kt) 37,643 39,055 39,706
Carry-out Stocks (kt) 16,345  18,885  14,065 

Date Modified: 2006-12-08
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