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Canadian Organic Regime Compiled Information Questionnaire

Please see following the Canadian Organic Regime Compiled Information Questionnaire and feedback form. The questions asked in this form relate to information provided at the consultations and within this website. Links are provided throughout the questionnaire to access this information however, using these links will clear the form. Please use the links before completing the form.

Please send your answers and comments by April 2, 2004.

As well, if you provide an email address, communications to you will be conducted electronically; however, if you require that we use an alternative response method such as postal mail, please complete all of the following that applies and indicate your preferred response method.


(Use this link to access Issues information)

Do you the (consumer/producer/importer) agree or identify with the issues detailed?

Does the current organic standard work as a voluntary program?

Do you feel the Canadian government should be responsible for enforcing a national organic standard?

Do you feel there is a lack of consistency and uniformity in organic products in Canada?

Current Situation
(Use this link to access "Current Situation" information)

Are you aware that there are no national regulations specific to organics in Canada?

Did you know that Quebec currently has a mandatory regulatory system for organic products produced, sold, imported and exported?

Did you know that the European Union will require by the year 2005, a comprehensive equivalent inspection in Canada for products to be exported?

Stakeholders identified 6 specific problems :

Consumers are confused
(Use this link to access "Consumers are confused" information)

Do you know what the difference is between an organic product and a natural product?

Does seeing an organic logo impact your decision to purchase a product?

Are you confused by the different logos on the market today?

Does an organic logo on products make you confident that the product is safer or healthier?

Do you know what the definition of an organic product is?

Would you like to see a central or national agency for complaints and investigation?

Consumer is not protected
(Use this link to access "Consumer is not protected" information)

Can a national organic standard be enforced?

Do you think producers and importers are adhering to the voluntary provincial standards?

Should organic producers be able to choose which organization certifies their products?

Is the current certification system complete?

Are certification fees affordable and consistent from organization to organization?

Operators are having difficulty exporting
(Use this link to access "Operators are having difficulty exporting" information)

Do the current Canadian organic standards allow for efficient export of goods to countries such as Japan, USA, Europe and the UK?

Would a uniform national standard for organic certification requirements and regulations contribute to the development of the organic sector?

Traders need a national symbol
(Use this link to access "Traders need a national symbol" information)

Do you feel there is a lack of credibility of the present organic labeling in Canada?

Do you feel there is a need for a national organic symbol?

Would a national symbol create consumer confidence?

Would a national seal will help create an advantage on the national market?

No regulation on imports
(Use this link to access "No regulation on imports" information)

Is the current lack of control over organic product is creating environment whereby there is not a level playing field?

Is the competition between countries fair?

Should current imports of organic products be inspected?

Should current importers have to validate their products and standards?

No regulation on domestic product
(Use this link to access "No regulation on domestic product" information)

Should local producers who sell products locally have to adhere to a national standard?

Should small producers have to be certified to sell products within their own province?

Should a national standard apply to only those companies/producers that want to export their goods?

Does the current inconsistency among accreditation agencies, certification bodies and logos create unfair advantages between interprovincial trade?

Risk Analysis
(Use this link to access "Risk Analysis" information)

Health Issues
(Use this link to access "Health Issues" information)

Do you have any evidence that the use of organic production methods reduces health risks to consumers?

Safety Issues
(Use this link to access "Safety Issues" information)

Do you have any evidence that the use of organic production methods reduces the safety of food to consumers?

Do you want to see more detailed food labels?

Social Issues
(Use this link to access "Social Issues" information)

Do you think that national organic legislation will reduce or eliminate the risk of fraud?

Benefit-Cost Analysis
(Use this link to access "Benefit-Cost Analysis" information)

Will producers/importers/consumers be willing to pay for a national legislation program?

Will producers/importers be willing to pay for certification?

Is the present cost of accreditation too high?

Regulatory Burden
(Use this link to access "Regulatory Burden" information)

Will the industry be affected by the proposed regulation in a positive or negative way?

Multi-Disciplinary Regulatory Challenge and Analytical Team (MRCAT)

Do you want a national policy will help protect the consumer?

Are consumers confused about the organic industry and what it represents?

If there is a national regulation, will the number of fraud complaints increase?

Who should shoulder the burden of cost to implement a national regulation?


Information provided on this questionnaire will be collected and used by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to conduct research on the regulation of organic claims, while information provided on the feedback form will be used to ensure an adequate response is provided to submitted questions or inquiries.

Your personal information is protected by the Privacy Act and will be used only for the purposes for which it is collected. It will be stored in AAFC's personal data bank AAFC/PPU 193. You may at any time, request a review, update or correction of this information. Any questions, comments or concerns regarding privacy may be directed to the departmental Privacy Manager at (613)759-7095.

Last updated: 2004-01-01 Top of Page Important Notices