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Farm Improvement and Marketing Cooperative Loans Act

Agricultural Marketing Products Act - Advance Payments Program



   How To Apply

   Frequently Asked

   • Producer

   • Producers



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Agricultural Marketing Products Act - Price Pooling Program

Spring Credit Advance Program

Frequently Asked Questions


Q. Where do I get an application form from?

A. In order to apply for an advance you must be a member of a recognized producer organization. Please refer to Participating Organizations on this website to locate a producer organization near you that represents the type of crop that you are involved in. It should be noted that there is certain criteria that must be met in order to be eligible for an advance. These requirements can be discussed with your producer organization.

Q. Is there a limit on the amount of advance that I could receive?

A. Yes. The maximum advance is $250,000 to an eligible producer, while the maximum amount interest-free is $50,000.

Q. Is this program new?

A. No. The Agricultural Marketing Programs Act amalgamated the Advance Payments for Crops Act (APCA), the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act (PGAPA) and the Agricultural Products Cooperative Marketing Act (APCMA) and the Cash Flow Enhancement Program (CFEP). These Programs served canadian producers for over 15 years.

Q. How do I repay my advance?

A. The advance is repaid as the crop is sold, depending on the producer organization, the producer may be responsible to repay the advance directly to the organization. In some cases, if a buyer agreement is in place, the producer organization may be responsible to collect the money directly from buyers.

Q. How long do I have to repay my advance?

A. The advance must be repaid within a crop year. A crop year is up to 365 days and is defined in the agreement between the Department and your producer organization.

Q. How is the advance amount determined?

A. In the agreement between AAFC and the producer organization an advance rate is determined for each crop involved. The advance rate cannot exceed 50% of the anticipated average farm gate price for that crop year. To make the calculation, the producer organization will multiply the advance rate by the amount of crop that the producer has in storage.

Example Crop: Potato

  • 1. Advance Rate: $2.00/cwt
  • 2. Amount of crop in storage = 20 000 cwt
  • 3. Eligible amount for an advance = $2.00 X 20 000 cwt = $40,000

Last Modified: 2004-02-05

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