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Objectives, Principles and Criteria

ACAAF Program Objectives

The ACAAF Program will be guided by the following objectives:
  • Expand the sector's capacity to respond to current and emerging issues.
  • Position the sector to capture market opportunities.
  • Actively and continuously engage the sector to contribute to future agriculture and agri-food policy directions.
  • Integrate sector-led projects tested and piloted under ACAAF into future government or industry initiatives.

ACAAF Program Principles

Initiatives funded under ACAAF must adhere to the following basic principles on which the program is based:
  • Consistent with Government of Canada policy directions, such as sustainable development, innovation and reporting results to Canadians.
  • Within the mandate of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, as defined under the Agriculture and Agri-Food Act.
  • Maximize benefits to Canada's agriculture and agri-food sector through collaborative efforts.
  • Consistent with international trade commitments and minimizing the exposure to countervail.
  • Respect the need for equity among regions and stakeholders.
  • Respect those areas that are solely within provincial and territorial jurisdiction.
  • Avoid duplicating, overlapping or replacing federal, provincial/territorial programs and delivery mechanisms.

General ACAAF Program Criteria

In addition to respecting the overall principles for the program noted at the beginning of this document, all ACAAF projects must meet the following general criteria:

  • Projects must fall within the parameters of the program's three pillars.
  • Priority will be given to projects where the proposal demonstrates direct industry financial support and partnerships/alliances with others.
  • Funding is not to be considered ongoing, but should be provided for a limited period to help the sector resolve an issue or capture opportunities.
  • Applicants must be able to demonstrate the economic viability and longer-term self-sufficiency of their proposal, where the nature of the project warrants.
  • Applicants should demonstrate how their proposed project will contribute to the public good, including but not limited to, economic benefits for Canada.
  • Funds will not be used as direct income support.
  • Funding is not to support ongoing activities or normal commercial expansion.
  • Funds may be used for projects that benefit the sector as a whole, as well as those aimed at specific provincial/territorial needs.
  • Eligible applicants include Canadian entities (this requirement refers only to the legal jurisdiction of the entities), Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
  • Funding will not be provided for basic research (see definition in Lexicon).
  • Funding is conditional on recipients meeting all program requirements, including adherence to the Federal Identity Program, Official Languages Act, and ACAAF performance management and audit requirements.

Eligible Recipients

The selection of an appropriate eligible recipient is carefully considered on a case-by-case basis against established program eligibility criteria. Eligible recipients must demonstrate a capacity to both achieve and report results consistent with the program's accountability framework.

Only Canadian entities are eligible. This requirement refers to the legal jurisdiction of the entities (see definition of legal entities in Lexicon).

Eligible recipients may include: organizations and associations; educational institutions; cooperatives; marketing boards; aboriginal groups; individuals and for-profit companies.

Excluded from eligibility are:

  • federal departments and agencies;
  • any applicant deemed ineligible as a result of Canadian government policy decisions or reasons; and
  • any applicant that is not a legal entity.

In addition to respecting the principles and general criteria noted above, projects must meet the following specific criteria:

For Pillar II projects

  • Funding will be restricted to pre-commercialization activities such as technical analysis, adaptive research (see definition in Lexicon), market assessment and venture assessment, technical feasibility, market and economic feasibility studies, engineering prototypes, strategic market and business plans, the development of production prototype and demo product features, and other related activities if deemed eligible by AAFC.
  • Priority will be given to funding small and medium Canadian enterprises (defined as 500 full-time equivalent positions or less).
  • Funding for adaptive research will not normally exceed 20 per cent of total project costs.
  • Funding will not be provided for applied research under this pillar (see definition in Lexicon).

For Pillar III projects

  • Funding will not be provided to support ongoing activities, including regular meetings such as annual general meetings of organizations, or attendance at a trade show or conference (unless this activity is part of a broader suite of activities included in a project that is designed to achieve a specific outcome).

For Collective Outcomes

To maximize the benefits for the sector, collective outcome project proposals must:

  • Be consistent with ACAAF objectives, principles, and criteria, and be eligible under one of the three ACAAF pillars.
  • Involve as many collaborators/partners as possible and should encourage the involvement of a national organization, where applicable.
  • Disseminate the project results to a broadly-based targeted audience.

Additional Information

  • ACAAF support to individuals and for profit organizations will generally be provided as repayable contributions
  • Reports and public documents developed as part of a project must be made available in both official languages.

Last updated: 2005-11-16 Top of page Important Notices