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bullet Main Page - Fair Labelling Practices Program
bullet 2003 Guide to Food Labelling and Advertising


Table of Contents




Chapter 1 - Introduction


Chapter 2 - Basic Labelling requirements


Chapter 3 - Advertising Requirements


Chapter 4 - Composition, Quality, Quantity & Origin Claims


Chapter 5 - Nutrition Labelling


Chapter 6 - The Elements Within the Nutrition Facts Table


Chapter 7 - Nutrient Content Claims


Chapter 8 - Diet-Related Health Claims


Chapter 9 - Supplementary Information on Specific Products


Chapter 10 - Guide to the Labelling of Alcoholic Beverages


Chapter 11 - Labelling Guide for Processed Fruits and Vegetables


Chapter 12 - Guide to the Labelling of Honey


Chapter 13 - Guide to the Labelling of Maple Products


Chapter 14 - Meat and Poultry Products


Chapter 15 - Fish and Fish Products


bullet Contacts

Food > Labelling > Guide to Food Labelling and Advertising > Chapter 7 

Chapter 7: Sections 7.1-7.13 | Sections 7.14-7.18 | Section 7.19-7.25 | Annexes

7.19 Omega-3 and Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Claims

Nutrient content claims are no longer permitted for total polyunsaturates or monounsaturates, nor may claims be made about individual fatty acids such as linoleic acid. Only the claims listed in Table 7-8 below may be made. However, quantitative statements for fatty acids are permitted, such as "5 g of polyunsaturated fatty acids per serving of 100 g". Note that the use of quantitative statements may trigger a Nutrition Facts table on the label of a food exempted under B.01.401(2) (a) and (b) or additional information requirements for the Nutrition Facts table if one is already required to be shown. Declaration of either omega-3 or omega-6 polyunsaturates in the Nutrition Facts table triggers the mandatory declaration of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturates and monounsaturates.

If the new claims for omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids listed in Table 7-8 are made, then the label of that food must comply with all of the requirements of the new regulations, and must include a Nutrition Facts table [Section 38 of the amending Regulations].

7.19.1 Quantitative Statements for Omega-3 or Omega-6 Fatty Acids

If a quantitative statement is made about a group of fatty acids (e.g. omega-3 polyunsaturates) or individual fatty acids (e.g. DHA or linoleic acid), the quantitative statement may appear as a separate statement such as "0.1 g of omega-3 polyunsaturates", but the full disclosure of the monounsaturated, omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid content must appear in the Nutrition Facts table. This also applies to the omega-6 polyunsaturates content.

Summary Table of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Polyunsaturates Claims
Table 7-8

Note: The claims in quotation marks in column 1 are those which are permitted by the Food and Drug Regulations. The reference amounts are found in Part D, Schedule M of the Food and Drug Regulations (see 6.2.1 of this Guide).

Column 1

Column 2
Conditions - Food

Column 3
Conditions - Label or Advertisement

FDR Reference

a) Source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids

"source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids"
"contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids"
"provides omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids"

Note: "polyunsaturated fatty acids" may be substituted with "polyunsaturated fat" or "polyunsaturates" in the above claims

The food contains:

(a) 0.3 g or more of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids per reference amount and serving of stated size; or

(b) 0.3 g or more of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids per 100 g, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

Must comply with the general requirements for nutrient content claims - see 7.5 of this Guide

Nutrition Facts table must include a declaration of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, and monounsaturated fatty acids

Nutrition Facts table required on products otherwise exempted by B.01.401(2)(a) and (b)

When used in an advertisement, must comply with the requirements for advertisements - see 7.11 of this Guide

[B.01.402 (3) and (4)]


Table following B.01.513, item 25

b) Source of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids

"source of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids"
"contains omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids"
"provides omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids"

Note: "polyunsaturated fatty acids" may be substituted with "polyunsaturated fat" or "polyunsaturates" in the above claims

The food contains:

(a) 2 g or more of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids per reference amount and serving of stated size; or

(b) 2 g or more of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids per 100 g, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

See conditions set out for item a) of this table. Table following B.01.513, item 26

7.20  Cholesterol Claims

Cholesterol claims are now linked with the trans fatty acid content and the saturated fatty acid content of foods.

Summary Table of Cholesterol Claims
Table 7-9

Note: The claims in quotation marks in column 1 are those which are permitted by the Food and Drug Regulations. The reference amounts are found in Part D, Schedule M (FDR), see 6.2.1 of this Guide.

Column 1

Column 2
Conditions - Food

Column 3
Conditions - Label or Advertisement

FDR Reference

a) Free of Cholesterol

"free of cholesterol"
"no cholesterol"
"0 cholesterol"
"zero cholesterol"
"without cholesterol"
"contains no cholesterol"

The food

(a) contains less than 2 mg of cholesterol

(i) per reference amount and serving of stated size, or

(ii) per serving of stated size, if the food is a prepackaged meal; and

(b) meets the conditions set out in column 2 of the subject "low in saturated fatty acids" (item (b) of Table 7-6 in this Guide).

Must comply with the general requirements for nutrient content claims – see 7.5 of this Guide

Nutrition Facts table required on products otherwise exempted by B.01.401(2)(a) and (b)

When used in an advertisement, must comply with the requirements for advertisements – see 7.11 of this Guide


Table following B.01.513, item 27

b) Low in cholesterol

"low in cholesterol"
"low cholesterol"
"low source of cholesterol"
"little cholesterol"
"contains only (number) mg of cholesterol per serving"
"contains less than (number) mg of cholesterol per serving"

The food

(a) contains 20 mg or less of cholesterol per

(i) reference amount and serving of stated size and, if the reference amount is 30 g or 30 mL or less, per 50 g, or

(ii) per 100 g, if the food is a prepackaged meal; and

(b) meets the conditions set out in column 2 of the subject "low in saturated fatty acids" (item (b) of Table 7-6 in this Guide).

See conditions set out for item a) of this table. Table following B.01.513, item 28
c) Reduced in Cholesterol

"reduced in cholesterol"
"reduced cholesterol"
"cholesterol- reduced"
"less cholesterol"
"lower cholesterol"
"lower in cholesterol"

(1) The food is processed, formulated, reformulated or otherwise modified so that it contains at least 25% less cholesterol

(a) per reference amount of the food, than the reference amount of a similar reference food; or

(b) per 100 g, than 100 g of a similar reference food, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

(2) The similar reference food does not meet the conditions set out in column 2 of the subject "low in cholesterol" (item (b) of this table).

(3) The food meets the conditions set out in column 2 of the subject "low in saturated fatty acids" (item (b) of Table 7-6 in this Guide).

The following are identified:

(a) the similar reference food;

(b) the amounts of the food and the similar reference food being compared, if those amounts are not equal; and

(c) the difference in cholesterol with the similar reference food, expressed by percentage or fraction or in milligrams per serving of stated size.

(See 7.9 and 7.11 of this Guide for definitions and location of required labelling and advertising information.)

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.

Table following B.01.513, item 29
d) Lower in Cholesterol

"lower in cholesterol"
"lower cholesterol"
"less cholesterol"

(1) The food contains at least 25% less cholesterol

(a) per reference amount of the food, than the reference amount of a reference food of the same food group; or

(b) per 100 g, than 100 g of a reference food of the same food group, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

(2) The reference food of the same food group does not meet the conditions set out in column 2 of the subject "low in cholesterol" (item (b) of this table).

(3) The food meets the conditions set out in column 2 of the subject "low in saturated fatty acids" (item (b) of Table 7-6 in this Guide).

The following are identified:

(a) the reference food of the same food group;

(b) the amounts of the food and the reference food of the same food group being compared, if those amounts are not equal; and

(c) the difference in cholesterol with the reference food of the same food group, expressed by percentage or fraction or in milligrams per serving of stated size.

(See 7.9 and 7.11 of this Guide for definitions and location of required labelling and advertising information.)

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.

Table following B.01.513, item 30

7.21 Sodium (Salt) Claims

Table 7-10 provides a Summary Table for Sodium (Salt) Claims.

Note: The claim "very low sodium" is not permitted on foods sold in Canada.

7.21.1 Salted

Reference to the addition of salt to a food is not considered to be a nutrient content claim. The word "salted", or a synonymous term, used to indicate that salt has been added (either as part of the common name or as a separate claim: e.g., "extra salt", "salt water taffy", "salt cod", "salted peanuts"), does not trigger the declaration of the Nutrition Facts table for foods exempted by Section B.01.402. Similarly, the representation "light salted" can be made on fish without triggering the Nutrition Facts table on exempted foods.

In addition, a reference to a "salty taste" is considered a taste claim and does not trigger the Nutrition Facts table on foods otherwise exempted under Section B.01.401(2).

7.21.2 Sodium Claims on Foods that Contain Added Potassium Salts

When the sodium claims in the table below are made on the label of a food (or in an advertisement for the food placed by or on the direction of the manufacturer) that contains added potassium salts, the potassium content per serving of stated size must be declared in the Nutrition Facts table. This includes any form of potassium salts, including food additives.

7.21.3 Ingredients that Functionally Substitute for Salt

The "no added sodium or salt" claim outlined in item e) of Table 7-10 below specifies that the food contains "no added salt, other sodium salts or ingredients that contain sodium that functionally substitute for added salt". These include ingredients which give a salty taste to foods such as hydrolyzed vegetable proteins, soy sauce, bouillon powder or cubes, soup mix, etc.

7.21.4 "Sodium-free" Claim on Bottled Water

Note that a claim such as "sodium-free" triggers the Nutrition Facts table on a bottled water (that might otherwise be exempted under B.01.401(2)(a), inasmuch as the information set out in the table to B.01.401 may be expressed as zero in the Nutrition Facts table).

Also note that a Nutrition Facts table is required when a bottled water contains 5 mg or more of sodium per serving. Applicable rounding rules state that the amount of sodium must be rounded to the nearest multiple of 5 mg when the amount is 5 mg or more (and not more than 140 mg). A Nutrition Facts table is not required when the information in the Nutrition Facts table, with the exception of the serving size, may be expressed as zero, i.e., if the amount of sodium is zero or can be rounded down to zero according to the rounding rules.

Summary Table for Sodium (Salt) Claims
Table 7-10

Note: The claims in quotation marks in column 1 are those which are permitted by the Food and Drug Regulations. The reference amounts are found in Part D, Schedule M (FDR), see 6.2.1 of this Guide.

Column 1

Column 2
Conditions - Food

Column 3
Conditions - Label or Advertisement

FDR Reference

a) Free of sodium or salt

"free of sodium"
"no sodium"
"0 sodium"
"zero sodium"
"without sodium"
"contains no sodium"
"free of salt"
"no salt"
"0 salt"
"zero salt"
"without salt"
"contains no salt"

The food contains:

a) less than 5 mg of sodium per reference amount and serving of stated size; or

b) less than 5 mg of sodium or salt per serving of stated size, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

Must comply with the general requirements for nutrient content claims - see 7.5 of this Guide

Nutrition Facts table required on products otherwise exempted by FDR B.01.401(2) (a) and (b)

When used in an advertisement, must comply with the requirements for advertisements – see 7.11 of this Guide

B.01.401(3) (e)(ii)

Table following B.01.513, item 31

b) Low in sodium or salt

"low in sodium"
"low sodium"
"low source of sodium"
"little sodium"
"contains only (number) mg of sodium per serving"
"contains less than (number) mg of sodium per serving"
"low salt"
"low in salt"
"low source of salt"
"little salt"
"contains only (number) mg of salt per serving"
"contains less than (number) mg of salt per serving"

The food contains:

a) 140 mg or less of sodium per reference amount and serving of stated size and, if the reference amount is 30 g or 30 mL or less, per 50 g; or

b) 140 mg or less of sodium per 100 g, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

See conditions set out for item a) of this table. Table following B.01.513, item 32
c) Reduced in sodium or salt

"reduced in sodium"
"reduced sodium"
"less sodium"
"lower in sodium"
"reduced in salt"
"reduced salt"
"less salt"
"lower salt"
"lower in salt"

1) The food is processed, formulated, reformulated or otherwise modified so that it contains at least 25% less sodium

a) per reference amount of the food, than the reference amount of a similar reference food; or

b) per 100 g of a similar reference food, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

2) The similar reference food does not meet the conditions set out in column 2 of the subject "low in sodium or salt" set out in item b) of this table.

The following are identified:

a) the similar reference food;

b) the amounts of the food and the similar reference food being compared, if those amounts are not equal; and

c) the difference in sodium content with the similar reference food, expressed by percentage or fraction or in milligrams per serving of stated size.

(See 7.9 and 7.11 of this Guide for definitions and location of required labelling and advertising information.)

Nutrition Facts table must also include the amount of potassium per serving if the food contains added potassium salts.

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.

Table following B.01.513, item 33
d) Lower in sodium or salt

"lower in sodium"
"less sodium"
"lower sodium"
"lower in salt"
"less salt"
"lower salt"

1) The food contains at least 25% less sodium

a) per reference amount of the food, than the reference amount of a reference food of the same food group; or

b) per 100 g, than 100 g of a reference food of the same food group, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

2) The reference food of the same food group does not meet the conditions set out in column 2 of the subject "low in sodium or salt" set out in item b) of this table.

The following are identified:

a) the reference food of the same food group;

b) the amounts of the food and the reference food of the same food group being compared, if those amounts are not equal; and

c) the difference in sodium content with the reference food of the same food group, expressed by percentage or fraction or in milligrams per serving of stated size.

(See 7.9 and 7.11 of this Guide for definitions and location of required labelling and advertising information.)

Nutrition Facts table must also include the amount of potassium per serving if the food contains added potassium salts.

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.

Table following B.01.513, item 34
e) No added sodium or salt

"no added sodium"
"without added sodium"
"no sodium added"
"no added salt"
"without added salt"
"no salt added"

May be used on foods intended solely for children less than two years of age [B.01.503(2)(d)]

1) The food contains no added salt, other sodium salts or ingredients that contain sodium that functionally substitute for added salt. (See 7.21.3 of this Guide.)

2) The similar reference food does not meet the conditions set out in column 2 of the subject "low in sodium or salt" set out in item b) of this table and contains added salt or other sodium salts.

For the definition of similar reference food, see 7.9.2 of this Guide.

Nutrition Facts table must also include the amount of potassium per serving if the food contains added potassium salts.

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.

Table following B.01.513, item 35


f) Lightly salted

"lightly salted"
"salted lightly"

1) The food contains at least 50% less sodium added than the sodium added to the similar reference food.

2) The similar reference food does not meet the conditions set out in column 2 of the subject "low in sodium or salt" set out in item b) of this table.

The following are identified:

a) the similar reference food;

b) the amounts of the food and the similar reference food being compared, if those amounts are not equal; and

c) the difference in sodium content with the similar reference food, expressed by percentage or fraction or in milligrams per serving of stated size.

(See 7.9 and 7.11 of this Guide for definitions and location of required labelling and advertising information.)

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.

Table following B.01.513, item 36
g) Words to the effect that: the food is "for use in a sodium-restricted diet" The food meets the conditions set out for one of the following claims:

"free of sodium or salt" (item (a) above),

"low in sodium or salt" (item (b) above),

"reduced in sodium or salt" (item (c) above), or

"lower in sodium or salt" (item d above).

Claim or statement is made in accordance with column 1 and column 3 for items a), b), c) or d) of this table

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.

B.01.508, table following B.01.513, items 31 to 34
h) Words to the effect that the food is "for special dietary use" with respect to the sodium (salt) content The food meets the condition set out for one of the following claims:

"free of sodium or salt" (item (a) above),

"low in sodium or salt" (item (b) above).

Claim or statement is made in accordance with column 1 and column 3 for items a) or b) of this table

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.

B.24.003. (1.1), and the table following B.01.513, items 31 to 34

7.22  Potassium Claims

Claims for potassium were not specifically addressed in the 2002 FDR amendments regarding nutrient content claims. Companies may continue to make claims for potassium as outlined below.

Summary Table of Potassium Claims
Table 7-11

Column 1

Column 2
Conditions - Food

Column 3
Conditions - Label or Advertisement

FDR Reference

a) "source of potassium"

"contains potassium"

At least 200 mg per serving of stated size

Nutrition Facts table must include the amount of potassium per serving.

Nutrition Facts table required on products otherwise exempted by B.01.401(2)(a) and (b)

B.01.402 (4)


b) "good source of potassium"

"high in potassium"

At least 350 mg per serving of stated size See conditions set out for item a) of this table. B.01.402 (4)


c) "excellent source of potassium"

"very high in potassium"

At least 550 mg per serving of stated size See conditions set out for item a) of this table. B.01.402 (4)


7.23 Carbohydrate and Sugars Claims

Claims for carbohydrate and sugars content are now restricted to those permitted in Table 7-12 below. Claims such as "source of complex carbohydrates", "low carbohydrate", and "light" claims referring to the carbohydrate or sugar content of a food are no longer permitted

7.23.1 Other Permitted Representations [B.01.502(2)]

In addition to the claims permitted in the table following B.01.513, representations with respect to sugars and carbohydrates may also be made as follows:

  • Representations otherwise provided for in the FDR are permitted, such as prescribed common names like "semi-sweet", "bitter-sweet", "sweetened and unsweetened chocolate" and "sweetened condensed milk".

  • Representations provided for under Section 35 of the Processed Products Regulations are permitted. These require the indication of the type of syrup or juice in which various fruits and sweet potatoes are packed (i.e., heavy syrup, slightly sweetened fruit juice, etc), and the total percentage of sweetening agents added for frozen fruits packed in sugar (i.e., "X% sugar", "invert sugar", "dextrose or glucose added").

  • Representations characterizing the amount of lactose in a food are permitted. These are not considered to be nutrient content claims.

  • Representations characterizing the addition of sugars to a food, such as "sweetened ice tea", "sweetened with honey", and "sweetened with fruit juice", are permitted, in addition to the statements or claims prescribed by the nutrition labelling regulations.

  • Representations characterizing the amount of starch in a food, such as "no added starch", are permitted, if the food is intended solely for children under two years of age.

  • The representation "high (naming the mono- or disaccharide) (naming the syrup)" are permitted.

7.23.2 Ingredients that Functionally Substitute for Added Sugars

The statement "no sugar added, sweetened with (naming the sweetening agent(s))" is no longer permitted on labels for foods that contain added sugars* or ingredients with added sugars or ingredients that contain sugars that functionally substitute for added sugars. These ingredients, such as sweetening agents, molasses, fruit juice, honey and maple syrup give a sweet taste to foods. These foods will not meet the prescribed requirements for the "no sugar added" claim. See item d) in Table 7-12 below.

*Note: The term "sugars" means all mono- and disaccharides, including sucrose, fructose, glucose, glucose-fructose, maltose, etc.

7.23.3 Addition of Sugar Alcohols

When sugar alcohols or polyols such as sorbitol, xylitol, maltitol, etc. are added to a food, their amount must be declared in the Nutrition Facts table. A simple declaration in the ingredient list is no longer sufficient. (See 5.4.1, 5.4.2 and 5.4.3 in this Guide.) A positive statement such as "sweetened with sorbitol" is acceptable on the label or in the advertisement in addition to the declaration of the amount in the Nutrition Facts table.

7.23.4 Sweet Taste

A claim referring specifically to a "sweet taste", such as "does not taste sweet", is considered to be a taste claim and does not trigger a Nutrition Facts table on foods otherwise exempted by B.01.401(2)(a) and (b).

Summary Table for Carbohydrate and Sugars Claims
Table 7-12

Note: The claims in quotation marks in column 1 are those which are permitted by the Food and Drug Regulations. The reference amounts are found in Part D, Schedule M of the Food and Drug Regulations (see 6.2.1 of this Guide).

Column 1

Column 2
Conditions - Food

Column 3
Conditions - Label or Advertisement

FDR Reference

a) Free of sugars

"free of sugar"
"no sugar"
"0 sugar"
"zero sugar"
"without sugar"
"contains no sugar"

The food

(a) contains less than 0.5 g of sugars per reference amount and serving of stated size; and

(b) with the exception of chewing gum, meets the conditions set out in column 2 of the subject "free of energy" set out in item a) of the table in 7.14.

Must comply with the general requirements for nutrient content claims -   see 7.5 of this Guide

Nutrition Facts table required on products otherwise exempted by B.01.401(2)(a) and (b)

When used in an advertisement, must comply with the requirements for advertisements - see 7.11 of this Guide

B.01.401(3) (e)(ii)

Table following B.01.513, item 37

b) Reduced in sugars

"reduced in sugar"
"reduced sugar"
"less sugar"
"lower sugar"
"lower in sugar"

The food is processed, formulated, reformulated or otherwise modified so that it contains at least 25% less sugars, totalling at least 5 g less

(a) per reference amount of the food, than the reference amount of a similar reference food; or

(b) per 100 g, than 100 g of a similar reference food, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

The following are identified:

(a) the similar reference food;

(b) the amounts of the food and the similar reference food being compared, if those amounts are not equal; and

(c) the difference in sugars with the similar reference food, expressed by percentage or fraction or in grams per serving of stated size.

(See 7.11 of this Guide for definitions and location of required labelling and advertising information.)

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.

Table following B.01.513, item 38
c) Lower in sugars

"lower in sugar"
"lower sugar"
"less sugar"

The food contains at least 25% less sugars, totalling at least 5 g less,

(a) per reference amount of the food, than the reference amount of a reference food of the same food group; or

(b) per 100 g, than 100 g of a reference food of the same food group, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

The following are identified:

(a) the reference food of the same food group;

(b) the amounts of the food and the reference food of the same food group being compared, if those amounts are not equal; and

(c) the difference in sugars with the reference food of the same food group, expressed by percentage or fraction or in grams per serving of stated size.

(See 7.11 of this Guide for definitions and location of required labelling and advertising information.)

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.

Table following B.01.513, item 39
d) No added sugars

"no added sugar"
"no sugar added"
"without added sugar"

May be used on foods intended solely for children less than two years of age

[B.01.503.(2)(e) FDR]


1) The food contains no added sugars and no ingredients containing added sugars or ingredients that contain sugars that functionally substitute for added sugars.

2) The sugars content is not increased through some other means except where the functional effect is not to increase the sugars content of the food.

3) The similar reference food contains added sugars.

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.


Table following B.01.513, item 40
e) "unsweetened" 1) The food meets the conditions set out in column 2 for item d) of this table. - "No added sugars"

2) The food does not contain a sweetener set out in column 1 of Table IX to Section B.16.100 FDR.

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.


f) Representation that the food is for use in an energy-reduced diet The food meets the conditions set out for the claim "free of sugars" (item a) above in this table). Claim or statement is made in accordance with Columns 1 and 3 for item a) of this table. B.01.507
g) Representation that a food is "for special dietary use" with respect to the sugar content The food must meet the conditions for "free of sugars" (item a) above). Claim or statement is made in accordance with Columns 1 and 3 for item a) of this table. B.01.401(3)(e)(ii)

B.24.003 (1.1)

h) "dietetic"

"diet" with respect to the sugars content of the food, including when used in the brand name.


Conditions for use with energy and sodium claims - See Table 7-3 and 7-10 of this Guide.

Reserved for foods for special dietary use as regulated by B.24.003

The food meets the conditions for the claim:
"Free of sugars" (see item (a) above)

Claim or statement is made in accordance with Columns 1 and 3 for item a) of this table. B.01.401(3)(e)(ii)


i) Representation about the addition or non addition of starch to a food The claim may only be made on foods intended solely for children less than two years of age.

Nutrition Facts table must also comply with the conditions set out in B.01.403 (Foods for children under two years of age)

Nutrition Facts table must include the amount of starch expressed in grams per serving of stated size

When used in an advertisement, must comply with the requirements for advertisements – see 7.11 of this Guide


B.01.402(4) table, item 13

j) Words that characterize the amount of lactose present in a food This is not a claim covered by the Regulations.

Note: a food claiming to be lactose-free should contain no detectable lactose.

Nutrition Facts table required on products otherwise exempted by B.01.401(2)(a) and (b). B.01.401(3)(e)(ii)
k) "sweetened",


other claims characterizing the addition of sugars to the food

i.e., "Sweetened", "sweetened with honey", "sweetened with fruit juice", etc.

No compositional requirements    

7.24 Dietary Fibre Claims

Note: the spelling "fibre" or "fiber" are both acceptable in the English statements or claims [B.01.503(4)].

Comparative claims for dietary fibre may be made under the conditions described for "More fibre" claims in Table 7-13, item d) below. The claims are not restricted to fibre from the same source.

Nutrient content claims for dietary fibre may be made for foods which are considered to be sources of dietary fibre. Both traditional and novel fibre sources may be eligible for fibre claims. The terms "good" and "excellent", because they imply a judgment regarding the nature and value of the fibre in addition to quantity, are not permitted.

If a food contains a novel fibre source that has not been reviewed by Health Canada, or for which the data does not support the efficacy of the fibre, the amount of fibre contributed by this ingredient must not be included in the declaration of the dietary fibre content, and no fibre claims may be made for it. A list of accepted novel fibre sources is shown in Table 6-12 of this Guide.

When the source of bran is not named, the term "bran" is considered a reference to wheat bran. Wheat bran contains approximately 42 percent dietary fibre.

Oat bran is the product derived from the dehulled oat kernels (oat groat) which provides, on a dry basis, a minimum content of 13 percent total dietary fibre, of which at least 30 percent must be soluble fibre. The moisture content of the product must not exceed 12 percent. A product may be represented as a source of oat bran, provided it contains at least 2 g dietary fibre derived from oat bran per reference amount and serving of stated size.

Traditionally, milled corn bran contains 60 to 65 percent dietary fibre. Products may be represented as sources of corn bran, provided the product contains at least 2 g dietary fibre from traditionally-milled corn bran.

No dietary fibre claims may be made for rice bran, which is considered a safe food ingredient but whose efficacy as a dietary fibre has not been established.

Summary Table of Permitted Fibre Claims
Table 7-13

Note: The claims in quotation marks in column 1 are those which are permitted by the Food and Drug Regulations. The reference amounts are found in Part D, Schedule M (FDR), see 6.2.1 of this Guide.

Column 1

Column 2
Conditions - Food

Column 3
Label or Advertisement

FDR Reference

a) Source of fibre

"source of fibre"
"contains fibre"
"provides fibre"
"made with fibre"

Note: in the above claims, "fibre" may be substituted with "(naming the fibre)", "(naming the fibre source)", or "dietary fibre"

(1) The food contains 2 g or more of

(a) fibre per reference amount and serving of stated size, if no fibre or fibre source is identified in the statement or claim; or

(b) each identified fibre or fibre from an identified fibre source per reference amount and serving of stated size, if a fibre or fibre source is identified in the statement or claim.

(2) The food contains at least one ingredient that meets the condition set out in (1), if the food is a prepackaged meal.

Must comply with the general requirements for nutrient content claims – see 7.5 of this Guide

Nutrition Facts table required on products otherwise exempted by B.01.401(2) (a) and (b)

When used in an advertisement, must comply with the requirements for advertisements - see 7.11 of this Guide


Table following B.01.513, item 41

b) High source of fibre

"high source of fibre"
"high fibre"
"high in fibre"

Note: in the above claims, "fibre" may be substituted with "(naming the fibre)", "(naming the fibre source)", or

"dietary fibre"


(1) The food contains 4 g or more of

(a) fibre per reference amount and serving of stated size, if no fibre or fibre source is identified in the statement or claim; or

(b) each identified fibre or fibre from an identified fibre source per reference amount and serving of stated size, if a fibre or fibre source is identified in the statement or claim.

(2) The food contains at least one ingredient that meets the condition set out in (1), if the food is a prepackaged meal.

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.


Table following B.01.513, item 42
c) Very high source of fibre

"very high source of fibre"
"very high fibre"
"very high in fibre"
"fibre rich"
"rich in fibre"

Note: in the above claims, "fibre" may be substituted with "(naming the fibre)" "(naming the fibre source)", or

"dietary fibre"

(1) The food contains 6 g or more of

(a) fibre per reference amount and serving of stated size, if no fibre or fibre source is identified in the statement or claim; or

(b) each identified fibre or fibre from an identified fibre source per reference amount and serving of stated size, if a fibre or fibre source is identified in the statement or claim.

(2) The food contains at least one ingredient that meets the condition set out in (1), if the food is a prepackaged meal.

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.




Table following B.01.513 item 43
d) More fibre

"more fibre"
"higher fibre"
"higher in fibre"

Note: in the above claim, "fibre" may be substituted with "(naming the fibre)", "(naming the fibre source)" or "dietary fibre"


(1) The food contains at least:

i) 25% more fibre, totalling at least 1 g or more, if no fibre or fibre source is identified in the statement or claim, or

ii) 25% more of the identified fibre or fibre from an identified fibre source, totalling at least 1 g or more, if a fibre or fibre source is identified in the statement or claim

(a) per reference amount of the food, than the reference amount of a reference food of the same food group or a similar reference food; or

(b) per 100 g, than 100 g of a reference food of the same food group or a similar reference food, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

(2) The food contains at least:

(a) 2 g of fibre per reference amount and serving of stated size if no fibre or fibre source is identified in the statement or claim, or of identified fibre or fibre from an identified fibre source per reference amount and serving of stated size if a fibre or fibre source is identified in the statement or claim; or

(b) one ingredient that meets the conditions set out in column 2 of the subject "source of fibre" set out in item a) of this table, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

The following are identified:

(a) the reference food of the same food group or the similar reference food;

(b) the amounts of the food and the reference food of the same food group or the similar reference food being compared, if those amounts are not equal; and

(c) the difference in fibre with the reference food of the same food group or the similar reference food, expressed by percentage or fraction or in grams per serving of stated size.

(See 7.11 of this Guide for definitions and location of required labelling and advertising information.)

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.


Table following B.01.513, item 44

7.25  Vitamin and Mineral Nutrient Claims

A claim may not be made for a vitamin or mineral nutrient unless a serving of the food contains at least 5% of the "recommended daily intake" (RDI) [D.01.004, D.02.002]. However, even when a claim cannot be made, the amount of the vitamin or mineral nutrient may be declared in the Nutrition Facts table in an amount less than 5% of the RDI (see 5.4.1, 5.4.2 and 5.4.3 of this Guide).

New RDIs Established: Claims may be made only for vitamins or mineral nutrients for which recommended daily intakes (RDIs) have been established [D.01.004(1)(a), D.02.002(1)(a)]. In the amended Food and Drug Regulations, RDIs have been added for vitamin K, biotin, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum and chloride, in addition to the existing RDIs for vitamins and minerals.

What’s New for Vitamin and Mineral Nutrient Content Claims?
  • The term "Daily Value" is now used instead of "RDI" (Recommended Daily Intake) in the Nutrition Facts table. The two terms have the same meaning.

  • There are now specific advertising requirements for these claims. (See 7.11.5 of this Guide.)

  • The term "folic acid" can no longer be used to describe the folate content of a food.

  • Recommended Daily Intakes have been added for vitamin K, biotin, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum and chloride.

The term "Daily Value" (DV) is synonymous with the "recommended daily intakes" (RDI) for vitamin and mineral nutrients. The RDIs are specified in the tables to D.01.013 and D.02.006 of the Food and Drug Regulations, and are summarized in Tables 7-15 and 7-16 below.

The term "Daily Value" or "DV" is now used instead of "RDI" in the Nutrition Facts table. The two terms are equivalent. [B.01.001]

When a vitamin or mineral nutrient is declared in the Nutrition Facts table, the declaration must be made as a percentage of the Daily Value (% DV) per serving of stated size.

Vitamin and mineral nutrient claims were not reviewed with the regulatory change and are not included in the table following B.01.513. However, they may continue to be used as they have been previously, and are listed in Table 7-14 below.

7.25.1 Other Permitted Statements about Vitamin and Mineral Nutrient Content [D.01.004, D.02.002]

a) Prepackaged Water and Ice [Division 12, FDR]

The presence of a common name such as "mineral water" or the presence of information required by Division 12 of the FDR does not trigger the Nutrition Facts table [B.01.401.(3)(e)(i)]. As well, the presence of added fluoride to prepackaged water or ice also does not trigger the declaration of fluoride in the Nutrition Facts table [B.01.401.(6)(g)].

Common names such as "demineralized water" are acceptable and do not trigger the Nutrition Facts table [B.01.502(2)(h)].

Note, however, that the mineral ion content of prepackaged water or ice, when declared on the label, must be declared in parts per million (ppm) per serving of stated size [B.01.301.(1)(d)].

b) Iodized Table Salt or Iodized Salt for General Household Use [B.17.003]

Salt for table or general household use which contains added iodide does not have to declare the iodide content in the Nutrition Facts table [B.01.402(6)], nor does the salt have to contain a minimum of 5% of the RDI for iodide. However, the presence of added iodide must be shown on the principal display panel [B.17.003]. The presence of iodide in table salt or salt for general household use or the indication of the word "iodized" on the principal display panel does not trigger the Nutrition Facts table [B.01.401.(6)(g)].

7.25.2 When Vitamins or Mineral Nutrients are Added Directly or as Components of an Ingredient

When a food has a vitamin or mineral nutrient added directly to it as an ingredient, or when a food contains a vitamin or mineral nutrient that was added via an ingredient and the vitamin or mineral nutrient is declared as a component of that ingredient (as required by B.01.008), the amount of the vitamin or mineral
Reminder: In order to make a claim about the vitamin or mineral nutrient content, the food must contain at least 5% of the RDI per serving of stated size for that vitamin or mineral nutrient.
nutrient must be declared in the Nutrition Facts table. For foods that are otherwise exempt from carrying a Nutrition Facts table, a Nutrition Facts table is now triggered [B.01.401(3)(a)&(b)].


7.25.3  Claims for Vitamin and Mineral Nutrients which are Present in Ingredients Exempted from Component Declaration [D.01.007, D.02.005]

Section B.01.009 FDR details a number of ingredients that are partially or fully exempted from component declaration. These ingredients may contain added vitamins and/or mineral nutrients as components, as set out in the applicable legislation. The label or advertisement for a food with enriched ingredients may make statements or claims about the vitamin and/or mineral nutrient components of these ingredients, provided:

  • the vitamin or mineral nutrient is declared by its common name immediately following the declaration of that ingredient to show that it is a component of that ingredient (despite the requirements of B.01.008(6));

  • except in the case of flour, all of the components of that ingredient are declared, in parentheses following the name of the ingredient. The components cannot be integrated into the ingredient list as though they are ingredients of the food. (In the case of flour, only the vitamin or mineral nutrient that is the subject of the claim would have to appear in parentheses);

  • the total content of the vitamin and/or mineral nutrient(s) in the prepackaged product is declared in accordance with D.01.004 or D.02.005, as applicable; and

  • the food contains at least 5% of the RDI per serving of stated size for that vitamin or mineral nutrient.


If a pudding makes a claim that it contains vitamin D in the skim milk ingredient, then all components of the skim milk have to be declared in parentheses following "skim milk" in the list of ingredients. In order to make that claim, the food is required to contain a minimum 5% of the RDI of vitamin D per serving of stated size. Also, the % DV of the added Vitamin D and any other vitamin or mineral nutrients would have to be declared in the Nutrition Facts table.

Note: All vitamins and/or mineral nutrients that appear in the list of ingredients due to the requirements of D.01.007 and D.02.005 must also be in the Nutrition Facts table.

Summary Table of Vitamin and Mineral Claims
Table 7-14

Column 1

Column 2
Conditions - Food

Column 3
Conditions - Label or Advertisement


a) any vitamin or mineral nutrient claim


"source of"
"contains 8 essential nutrients"

The vitamin or mineral must be set out in column 1 of Table I in Division 1, part D for vitamins or Table I in Division 2, part D for minerals.

The food provides greater than or equal to 5% of RDI

Claims are based on the total nutrient level, with the following exception:

where fortification is not permitted and additives contribute 25% or more of the total nutrient level, any claim must only be based upon the naturally occurring nutrient level.

Nutrition Facts table must include a declaration of the % Daily Value of the claimed vitamin or mineral nutrient per serving of stated size.

Nutrition Facts table required on products otherwise exempted by B.01.401(2)(a) and (b)

When used in an advertisement, must comply with the requirements for advertisements - see 7.11of this Guide

B.01.402 (4)
"good source of"
"high in"

The vitamin or mineral must be set out in column 1 of Table 1 in Division 1, part D for vitamins or Table 1 in Division 2, part D for minerals.

The food provides greater than or equal to 15% of RDI, except greater than or equal to 30% of RDI for vitamin C

Claims are based on the total nutrient level, with the following exception:
where fortification is not permitted and additives contribute 25% or more of the total nutrient level, any claim must only be based upon the naturally occurring nutrient level.

See conditions set out for item a) above. B.01.401(3)(e)(ii)



"excellent source of"
"very high in"
"rich in"


The vitamin or mineral must be set out in column 1 of Table 1 in Division 1, part D for vitamins or Table 1 in Division 2, part D for minerals.

The food provides greater than or equal to 25% of RDI, except greater than or equal to 50% of RDI for vitamin C

Claims are based on the total nutrient level, with the following exception: where fortification is not permitted and additives contribute 25% or more of the total nutrient level, any claim must only be based upon the naturally occurring nutrient level.

See conditions set out for item a) above. D.01.004(1)(c)
B.01.402 (4)
"added vitamins"
"fortified/enriched with (naming the vitamin or mineral nutrient)"
"vitaminized with (naming the vitamin)"

Permitted additions of vitamins and mineral nutrients are listed in D.03.002 (see Annex 7-1 of this Guide).

Minimum and maximum amounts to be added are regulated.

Claims are based on the total nutrient level, with the following exception: where fortification is not permitted and additives contribute 25% or more of the total nutrient level

See conditions set out for item a) above. D.01.009
B.01.402 (4)
"(%, fraction or (named vitamin or mineral nutrient) than (naming reference food)"

"higher in (named vitamin and/or mineral nutrients) than ..."
Compared to the reference food, the product must be:

a) greater than or equal to 25% increased in the claimed vitamin or mineral nutrient; and

b) have a significant absolute difference in the vitamin or mineral nutrient content of greater than or equal to 10% of the Recommended Daily Intake of the vitamin or mineral nutrient.

Claims are based on the total nutrient level, with the following exception: where fortification is not permitted and additives contribute 25% or more of the total nutrient level, any claim must only be based upon the naturally occurring nutrient level.

(The %, fraction or number) more vitamin or mineral nutrient than (naming the reference food) to be either:

a) part of, or grouped with, the most prominent claim that the food is higher in a vitamin or mineral nutrient;


b) clearly linked to this statement:

i) on the principal display panel when the claim is made on the label;


ii) in the advertisement when the claim is made in the advertisement.

Nutrition Facts table must include a declaration of the % Daily Value of the claimed vitamin or mineral per serving.

Nutrition Facts table required on products otherwise exempted by FDR B.01.401(2)(a) and (b)

When used in an advertisement, must comply with the requirements for advertisements - see 7.11 of this Guide

B.01.402 (4)

7.25.4 Claims on Foods for Adults and Children Two Years of Age or Over

Nutrient Levels for Vitamin / Mineral Claims:
Adults and Children Two Years of Age or Over
Table 7-15

Use this chart to determine the minimum amount of a nutrient required in order to make a vitamin or mineral claim on foods for adults and children two years of age or older [D.01.004, D.02.002]



Daily Intake (RDI)

"a source of"
(greater than or equal to 5% RDI)

"a good source of"
"high in"

(greater than or equal to 15% RDI except greater than or equal to 30% RDI for vitamin C)

"excellent source"
"very high in"

(greater than or equal to 25% RDI except greater than or equal to  50% RDI for vitamin C)

vitamin A 1000 RE 50 RE 150 RE 250 RE
vitamin D 5 µg 0.25 µg 0.75 µg 1.25 µg
vitamin E 10 mg 0.5 mg 1.5 mg 2.5 mg
vitamin C 60 mg 3.0 mg 18 mg 30 mg
thiamine (vitamin B1) 1.3 mg 0.07 mg 0.20 mg 0.33 mg
riboflavin (vitamin B2) 1.6 mg 0.08 mg 0.24 mg 0.4 mg
niacin 23 NE 1.15 NE 3.45 NE 5.75 NE
vitamin B6 1.8 mg 0.09 mg 0.27 mg 0.45 mg
folacin or folate 220 µg 11 µg 33 µg 55 µg
vitamin B12 2 µg 0.1 µg 0.3 µg 0.5 µg
pantothenic acid or
7 mg 0.35 mg 1.05 mg 1.75 mg
vitamin K 80 µg 4 µg 12 µg 20 µg
biotin 30 µg 1.5 µg 4.5 µg 7.5 µg
calcium 1100 mg 55 mg 165 mg 275 mg
phosphorus 1100 mg 55 mg 165 mg 275 mg
magnesium 250 mg 12.5 mg 37.5 mg 62.5 mg
iron 14 mg 0.7 mg 2.1 mg 3.5 mg
zinc 9 mg 0.45 mg 1.35 mg 2.25 mg
iodine 160 µg 8.0 µg 24 µg 40 µg
selenium 50 µg 2.5 µg 7.5 µg 12.5 µg
copper 2 mg 0.1 mg 0.3 mg 0.5 mg
manganese 2 mg 0.1 mg 0.3 mg 0.5 mg
chromium 120 µg 6 µg 18 µg 30 µg
molybdenum 75 µg 3.75 µg 11.25 µg 18.75 µg
chloride 3400 mg 170 mg 510 mg 850 mg

µg = micrograms

7.25.5 Claims on Foods for Infants and Children Under Two Years of Age

Nutrient Levels for Vitamin/ Mineral Claims: Children Under Two
Table 7-16

Use this chart to determine the minimum amount of a nutrient required in order to make a vitamin or mineral claim on foods intended solely for children less than two years of age.



Recommended Daily Intake (RDI)

"a source of"
(greater than or equal to 5% RDI)

"a good source of"
"high in"

(greater than or equal to 15% RDI except greater than or equal to 30%RDI for vitamin C)

"excellent source"
"very high in"

(> 25% RDI except greater than or equal to 50% RDI for vitamin C)

vitamin A 400 RE 20 RE 60 RE 100 RE
vitamin D 10 µg 0.5 µg 1.5 µg 2.5 µg
vitamin E 3 mg 0.15 mg 0.45 mg 0.75 mg
vitamin C 20 mg 1.0 mg 6.0 mg 10 mg
thiamine (vitamin B1) 0.45 mg 0.02 mg 0.08 mg 0.11 mg
riboflavin (vitamin B2) 0.55 mg 0.03 mg 0.07 mg 0.14 mg
niacin 8 NE 0.4 NE 1.2 NE 2.0 NE
vitamin B6 0.7 mg 0.04 mg 0.11 mg 0.18 mg
folacin or folate 65 µg 3.3 µg 9.8 µg 16.3 µg
vitamin B12 0.3 µg 0.02 µg 0.05 µg 0.08 µg
pantothenic acid or pantothenate 2 mg 0.1 mg 0.3 mg 0.5 mg
vitamin K 30 µg 1.5 µg 4.5 µg 7.5 µg
biotin 8 µg 0.4 µg 1.2 µg 2.0 µg
calcium 500 mg 25 mg 75 mg 125 mg
phosphorus 500 mg 25 mg 75 mg 125 mg
magnesium 55 mg 2.8 mg 8.3 mg 13.8 mg
iron 7 mg 0.35 mg 1.1 mg 1.8 mg
zinc 4 mg 0.2 mg 0.6 mg 1.0 mg
iodine 55 µg 2.8 µg 8.3 µg 13.8 µg
selenium 15 µg 0.75 µg 2.25 µg 3.75 µg
copper 0.5 mg 0.025 mg 0.075 mg 0.125 mg
manganese 1.2 mg 0.06 mg 0.18 mg 0.3 mg
chromium 12 µg 0.6 µg 1.8 µg 3 µg
molybdenum 15 µg 0.75 µg 2.25 µg 3.75 µg
chloride 1000 mg 50 mg 150 mg 250 mg

µg = micrograms

Chapter 7: Sections 7.1-7.13 | Sections 7.14-7.18 | Section 7.19-7.25 | Annexes

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