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Vol. 68, Issue 3 2006

Watching over the Land

Watching over the Land

Provincial forest enforcement officers Myles Mana and Anne Molony stand on a large Sitka spruce log as they check timber marks at a beachcomber’s camp near Gold River, B.C. Along with the RCMP’s Forest Crimes Unit, these officers investigate incidents of tree theft in B.C.’s vast forests. Such collaborative efforts are proving essential in protecting our endangered species and natural resources.

Photo credit: Lonn McMartin

Alberta’s black gold

By Scott Foster

With a staggering amount of recoverable black gold, Alberta’s oil sands have piqued the interest of many high-profile energy analysts, ambassadors and politicians.

also in this section

Environmental investigations in Ontario

By Angela Wandinger

The province of Ontario has stringent environmental laws to protect the environment and the health of the people of the province.

Beating the bear trade

By Rob Ogden

Bears have traditionally been targeted by hunters throughout the world for their meat, fur and body parts.

Forensic entomology in wildlife investigations

By Gail Anderson

Forensic entomology, the use of insects in criminal investigations, is now well established in police investigations, primarily to estimate the elapsed time since death in a homicide investigation. Its use in wildlife crime is less well known, but equally valuable.

next issue

The Gazette explores the latest police techniques from the field of behavioural science.

also in this issue

Grappling with graffiti

Over the past five years, the Toronto Police Service’s Graffiti Eradication Program has reclaimed and revitalized over 1.5 million square feet of vandalized surfaces in the city.

Online tool educates students about scams

In this day and age, finding information is not a problem, but finding practical, accurate and complete information can be.

Why phishing works

In the last two years, Internet users have seen the rapid expansion of phishing, the practice of directing users to fraudulent websites.

Spiritual well-being for police officers

Everyone recognizes the physical demands and dangers that police officers face, but few understand that the job is no less demanding and dangerous spiritually.

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Back issues can be found at the Canadian Police College Library Site


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