Office of Human Resources
Department of Health

Influenza Prevention and Protection
in New Brunswick

Flu Prevention,
It’s in your hands!

As part of the Provincial Health Plan,
the New Brunswick Department of
Health is offering
publicly-funded flu vaccines to seniors, infants between the ages of
six months and 23 months and others at high risk of complications from influenza.

How dangerous is the flu?

Most people infected with the flu recover in about seven days. However, the flu can weaken the body’s ability to fight off other serious infections like pneumonia or bronchitis. It is estimated between 500 and 1,500 deaths occur each year in Canada due to influenza or its complications.

Vaccination is the best protection against the flu virus.

For more information on flu vaccines and vaccination clinics, contact
your family physician, your local Public Health office or the Victorian
Order of Nurses.

Government investing up to $4.2 million in flu vaccinations (06/10/31)
NB Surveillance Activities
NB Pandemic Influenza Plan
Influenza FAQs
Avian influenza
Flu vaccine
[1] for infants
[2] for seniors
[3] for high risk individuals
[4] for health care workers
Is it the flu or a cold?
Wash Your Hands to Prevent Infection
[1] Poster
Public Health Agency of Canada
Canadian Coalition for Influenza Immunization
Health Canada General Flu Information
Canadian Lung Association
Centres for Disease Control (US site)
NB Public Health offices

Department of Health
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