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Overarching Principles and Key Areas of Activities

Government On-Line is meant to stimulate the provision of better, faster, trusted and more convenient and accessible government services over the Internet. It complies with two overarching principles:

  1. first and foremost, client-centricity, which is organizing electronic service delivery according to clients' needs and priorities. In other words, when Canadians, Canadian businesses and international clients are looking for a service, they don't have to know which department or agency is mandated to deliver it;
  2. as a corollary to that first principle, services must be delivered using a whole-of-government approach; that is, services must be integrated as opposed to simply being grouped together in order to holistically satisfy the expressed needs of clients, regardless of organizational boundaries and jurisdictions.

Guided by these two principles, a strategy is adopted revolving around five key areas:

  • the electronic delivery of services;
  • the building of a common infrastructure to provide the necessary security;
  • the update of various policies and standards covering issues such as privacy, security, authentication of identity, and information management;
  • the ability to measure citizen and business expectations and experiences of electronic service delivery;
  • the corporate management of human resources to ensure that the government can retrain, recruit and retain employees with the skills that are needed for electronic service delivery.
Government of Canada
Created: 2006-02-23
Updated: 2006-02-23
Reviewed: 2006-02-23