Defence Construction Canada
Defence Construction Canada

Deployed Operations

Support to deployed operations: an important link in the chain

DCC works with DND throughout Canada, but it also works with Canadian Forces when they are deployed around the world. We can provide the same personnel services in-theatre that it provides to bases and wings, whether they be engineers, technicians, technologists or environmental scientists. An example of this support is taking place in Bosnia-Herzegovina, where our personnel is supporting DND with its contract management for Operation PALLADIUM. Early in 2003, we had the opportunity to assist DND with a project that helps provide wastewater treatment solutions to deployed operations.

We provide both short- and long-term on-site support for our contract management, contract administration and project support service lines. In-theatre, we can contract with local firms, handle environmental planning and supervise construction projects.

Finding local suppliers who can meet DND needs as well as federal contracting policies is not always easy. Our personnel can take care of the details while allowing the Canadian Forces to focus on their mission.

In-theatre services provided by DCC include:

  • procurement
  • contract management
  • environmental services
  • project management support

Contact: Dave McCuaig, MPM, PMP, Director, National Operations Group at david.mccuaig@dcc-cdc.gc.ca.

Support to Deployed Operations Service Sheet