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Correctional Service of Canada


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Materiel and Supply Management Services

Issued under the authority of the Commissioner of the Correctional Service of Canada


Policy Bulletin 151

Policy Objective  |  Authorities  |  Policy Framework  |  Cross-Reference  |  Requirements  |  Other materiel


1. To ensure that:

  1. the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) respects the government procurement contracting process to acquire goods and services and to carry out construction in a manner that enhances access, competition and fairness and results in best value or overall benefits to the department;
  2. materiel meets CSC requirements for effective program delivery; and
  3. the CSC achieves value for money when planning, acquiring, using and disposing of materiel assets.


2. Treasury Board Materiel Management Policy and applicable circulars;
Public Works and Government Services Canada policy, circulars and delegations.


3. Each responsibility centre head shall ensure that materiel management activities are appropriately monitored and respect the mandatory requirements specified in the central agency and CSC policy framework documents which include but are not limited to the following components:

  1. CSC Guidelines 350-1 on Asset Management;
  2. CSC Guidelines 350-2 on Acquisition Cards.


4. Commissioner's Directive 340 - Electronic Systems;
CSC Security Equipment Manual;
    Public Works and Government Services Canada Supply Manual (reference to purchases from the CSC);
    CSC Financial Signing Authorities, Schedule 26 - Procurement.


5. The Service must manage its materiel resources consistent with a life-cycle approach that incorporates the following phases:

  1. assessing and planning materiel requirements;
  2. acquiring materiel resources;
  3. operating, using and maintaining materiel; and
  4. disposing of and replacing materiel.

6. Responsibility centre heads shall ensure that Corcan is given the right of first refusal for the supply of any materiel which it has the capability of producing. However, for all business with Corcan, the quality standards and product pricing must be comparable to that which would have been received from a private sector supplier. Longer delivery performance criteria shall be acceptable unless by doing so, we would create a severe negative impact on CSC's operations.

7. Materiel acquired by the Service shall be considered as CSC resources and its use by a particular organizational unit shall not be construed as ownership.

8. Budget managers who require materiel resources for their operations are responsible for the identification and definition of those materiel requirements. These managers are also responsible for the safekeeping of all assets in their charge.

9. The management of the materiel resources is facilitated via corporate automated systems. National Headquarters is responsible for the identification, co-ordination, implementation and maintenance of the corporate systems.

10. Each responsibility centre head shall utilize the Service's integrated automated system (procurement, inventory, financial and asset modules) which will provide the information necessary for efficient and effective management of their materiel resources.


11. Requisitions for the procurement and maintenance of electronic systems shall be carried out as per Commissioner's Directive 340, entitled "Electronic Systems".

12. All requisitions for new security devices and/or articles not included in the Security Equipment Manual shall be approved by National Headquarters.


Original signed by
Lucie McClung


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