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Correctional Service of Canada


Number - Numéro:
Annex B


ANNEX B - GL 566-8-1

Issued under the authority of the Acting Assistant Commissioner, Correctional Operations and Programs


Policy Bulletin 211

To: Inmate’s Name       Date: __________________


Positive Indication Using Non-Intrusive Search Tools

As a result of a legal routine non-intrusive search that was conducted by this institution on your visitor with his or her consent (pursuant to policy), there has been a positive indication by the following search tool(s):

___ ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) device (e.g. IONSCAN or ITEMISER);

___ drug detector dog;

___ other (please list: _____________________________________).

During the search using the IMS device, the sample submitted by your visitor indicated at or above the identified allowable threshold for one of the identified substances. The results of these searches constitute personal information and are subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act , therefore, they cannot be disclosed to you directly (if applicable).

In accordance with legislation, policies and procedures regarding the searching of visitors, this positive indication will be treated as one piece of information that contributes to a determination of the risk that the visitor may represent for the security of the penitentiary or the safety of any individual.

In order to determine this risk, a thorough and objective threat risk assessment and interview has been conducted by the designated officer and as a result of this determination, it has been decided that CSC will:

__ allow a regular open visit;

__ allow a visit with restricted or designated seating;

__ allow a non-contact or closed visit;

__ refuse your visitor access and ask that he or she leaves the institution;

__ give your visitor the opportunity to leave the institution (prior to his or her voluntary submission to have a strip search conducted) ;

__ obtain authorization of the Institutional Head to conduct a strip search of your visitor;

__ detain your visitor and obtain the services of the police.

As a result of these events, your visitor's status will now be reviewed by the Visitor Review Board (VRB), who will assess the case and decide what, if any, measures will be taken regarding your visiting privileges.

Please be informed that you and your visitor is entitled to five (5) working days from the date of this notification to make representations (verbally or in writing) on his or her behalf that will be considered by the VRB in their decision. Your visitor may submit these representations to the VRB contact person.

The VRB will meet to review and consider all relevant information regarding your visitor's case within five (5) working days following the period for your visitor to make representations.

In accordance with Commissioner's Directive 770, entitled “Visiting”, the decision of the VRB will be communicated to you and your visitor in writing, within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of the meeting.


Staff member: ____________________________

Signature: _____________________





Original – Inmate

Copy – Visits & Correspondence File 3280


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