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Correctional Service of Canada


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Issued under the authority of the Commissioner of the Correctional Service of Canada


Policy Bulletin 167

Policy Objectives  |  Authorities  |  Cross-References  |  Definitions  |  Responsibilities  |  Principles  ]


1. To ensure that correctional programs meet the identified needs of offenders and promote successful reintegration.

2. To ensure the integrity and effectiveness of the correctional programs offered to offenders.


3. Corrections and Conditional Release Act, section 3, paragraph 5(b) and sections 76, 77, 79 and 80;
Corrections and Conditional Release Regulations, section 102.


4. CD 702 - Aboriginal Programming;
CD 730 - Inmate Program Assignment and Payments;
CD 767 - Ethnocultural Offender Programs;
The Correctional Program Strategy for Federally Sentenced Women;
Standards 726-1 - Standards for Correctional Programs.


5. Correctional program: a structured intervention that addresses the factors directly linked to offenders' criminal behaviour.


6. The Executive Committee authorizes the development of new correctional programs based on the recommendation of the Assistant Commissioner, Correctional Operations and Programs.

7. National Headquarters is responsible for the management, coordination and monitoring of correctional program development and delivery; the management of the program and site accreditation processes; and the training and certification of Program Trainers and Correctional Program Officers.

8. Each Regional Headquarters shall ensure that an annual program plan is developed for each operational unit and that the infrastructure for the administration and the delivery of correctional programs meets the needs of offenders. The Assistant Commissioner, Correctional Operations and Programs shall approve the program plan.

9. Each Institutional Head and District Director is responsible for the implementation of the annual program plan, offender enrolment and program delivery, as well as for ensuring that data related to program evaluation are collected and available for research and monitoring purposes. In addition, program awareness sessions shall be provided on a yearly basis and prior to the introduction of a new program to those operational staff who interact with offenders.

10. All staff members who work directly with offenders are responsible for the ongoing sharing of information regarding the offender's program participation and progress against criminogenic needs.


11. Offenders shall be assigned to a correctional program based on their Correctional Plan and on established correctional program selection criteria.

12. Offender participation in correctional programs shall be voluntary and based on informed consent.

13. Correctional programs must:

  1. be based on theory and supporting research (empirically-based model of change);
  2. target criminogenic factors;
  3. address the diverse needs of women, Aboriginal and other groups of offenders with special requirements;
  4. be skills-oriented;
  5. take into account the particular characteristics of offenders to help ensure that they derive maximum benefit (responsivity);
  6. address the particular risk and need profiles of offenders through their scope, intensity, duration and type of group setting (program intensity);
  7. ensure a continuum of care between institutions and the community (continuity of care);
  8. include a detailed program description;
  9. include a plan for monitoring and evaluation; and
  10. be delivered:
    • using proven treatment methods,
    • in the least restrictive environment possible consistent with staff, offender and public safety, and
    • according to approved standards.


Original signed by
Lucie McClung


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