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The target for 2005 is met:
130 of the most commonly used services are on-line

The Government On-line initiative is sun setting. In this context, leveraging the experience and progress gained through this initiative is essential. Accordingly, the focus during this last year of operations is on documenting and sharing lessons learned, exploring tools to facilitate the implementation of the outcomes management methodology, and implementing a strategy to accelerate take-up. These components are all part of due diligence to ensure that the work done under the Government On-Line initiative continues to be part of the solid foundation for future work on the broader service visions and business transformation agenda.

Government On-Line built on lessons learned from Y2K. Continuing the practice of sharing lessons learned, the Government On-Line initiative expended efforts to review existing sources of data before interviewing actors from participating departments and agencies about what went well and what could be changed to improve future initiatives. In addition, Government On-Line also organized two sessions with departments and agencies where participants focused on lessons learned and recommendations for the future.

The government is looking to formalize and embed the practice of outcome management, defined as the practice of assessing programs and services against identified outcomes and managing the achievement of outcomes by understanding risks, ensuring that risk mitigation strategies are in place, and tracking progress toward the realization of benefits. Outcomes may take the form of savings, service quality improvements, etc. By establishing a government-wide outcome management practice, the government will extend the definition of good performance beyond delivering projects well aligned with the government's broader strategic goals on time and on budget to delivering projects that produce the expected benefits listed in the business cases.

Common marketing by departments and agencies of clustered and integrated services, particularly as more online services and tools become available, is a priority. The common marketing efforts focus on using research to guide promotion and marketing initiatives. The goals are to respond to Canadians' service priorities and expectations while increasing take-up. These efforts promote increased awareness and understanding of the government's commitment to respect citizens' privacy rights and protect the security of their personal information. Common marketing seems to yield results as noticed by the European Community. In an article entitled "Impressive e-government take-up in Canada" published on their Interoperable Delivery of European eGovernment Services to Public Administrations, Businesses and Citizens Web site in the Spring of 2005, it is noted that: "online services now account for 30% of all government transactions."

Other Government On-Line Milestones

  • review of the interdepartmental governance committees to better respond to the multi-channel service transformation and shared systems agenda;
  • tabling in Parliament of the report "Government On-Line 2005 - From Vision to Reality... and Beyond";
  • publication by Accenture of the eGovernment Leadership Report, "Leadership in Customer Service: New Expectations, New Experiences" where Canada rates first for the fifth year in a row, mostly because of its leadership in delivering true customer service and value to citizens via a multi-channel service delivery approach.

Related Events

  • publication of the results of the Citizens First 4 survey that focuses on offering Canadian governments information about citizens' experiences with public services in Canada, and insights on how services can be improved;
  • release of the report "Bridging the Digital Divide: Official Languages on the Internet" by the Commissioner of Official Languages where the contribution of the Government On-Line initiative to the richness of content on Government of Canada Web sites in English and French is praised;
  • the Service Improvement Initiative has achieved its goal of increasing client satisfaction with the services of the Government of Canada by 10%;
  • the Service Improvement Initiative is sun setting.
Government of Canada
Created: 2006-02-23
Updated: 2006-02-23
Reviewed: 2006-02-23