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Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction (INMHA)

Institute Advisory Board

Summary Of The 9th INMHA IAB Meeting Held On April 4 And 5 2003, Edmonton, Alberta

The 9th meeting of the IAB was held on the campus of the University of Alberta in early April 2003. We thank Dr Jack Jhamandas for his invitation to hold a meeting in Edmonton, and all the administration of the University for their help and support. Greatly appreciated.

The meeting opened with a breakfast with Dr Malcolm King, Professor at U of A and member of CIHR Governing Council. We had a stimulating and frank discussion on issues of concerns to the IAB including funding for various Institutes, links between IAB and members of GC, etc. Th meeting was then officially called to order by the Vice-Chair of the IAB, Dr Alain Lesage. Minutes from the last meeting were dully approved as well as the agenda of the 9th meeting.

The staff of the Institute then summarized recent activities including workshops recently held on Suicide, Neurogenetics, Nanomedicine & Tissue Engineering. Full reports on these workshops aimed to develop national research agenda and subsequent RFAs will be released shortly. Recent discussions at the Scientific Directors' meetings were also summarized as well as the presence of INMHA in media (for example, National Post article about Brain Finger-printing) as well as to a recent visit to NIH and the Society for Neurosciences. Additional opportunities for partnerships with these two organizations.

The next discussion led by Dr Marleme Reimer, focused on the Nursing Care Partnership (NCP) and the possible role of INMHA in that context. It was agreed that INMHA will partner with NCP to promote and support nursing research in neurosciences, mental health and addiction. INMHA will thus be a partner in a program to be announced by NCP later this year. Dr Gordon DuVal summarized next recent developments at CIHR in relation with Ethics and gave a brief update on the development of the RFA on NeuroEthics to be launched in June. Most rewarding for INMHA to be seen as taking the leadership in that important research field.

Lunch followed with scientific presentations by two young scientists from the University of Calgary, Drs David Hodgins and Patrick Whelan. Both gave excellent summaries of their research on gambling and addiction (Hodgins), and spinal cord functional organization (Whelan). Stimulating and thought provoking for all board members.

The afternoon begun with summaries of recent activities of various focus groups of the IAB (government affairs, NGOs, Training and Education; M. Phil Upshall & Dr M. Reimer, respectively) followed by a meeting with Dr Keir Pearson, Director, Centre for Neuroscience at U of A, on recent developments in brain research and training at the University, and challenges and opportunities for INMHA. Focus was on the need to adequately support individual operating grants, a concern unanimously shared by the IAB. A presentation by Ms Grace Ennis, Coordinator, and Hiromi (Grade V high school student) on the WISEST program followed. This program aims to promote and demystify careers in research for young women. INMHA is interested to learn more about such program with the view to eventually support high school training programs in neurosciences, mental health, and addiction. Dr Robert Sutherland, Director, Behavioral Neuroscience Centre, U. Lethbridge, presented an update on this Centre. This is a unique Centre in Canada with state-of-the-art facilities focusing on detailed analysis of various behaviors. Exciting opportunities exist to promote further links and collaboration between this excellent team and other scientists in the country and abroad. Dr Robert Lee, Executive VP, Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences summarized next the activities of the CCNS and potential opportunities to partner with INMHA to promote neurological research in Canada, and to facilitate links with VHOs in this sector. The final event of the day was a 'Meet and Greet' hour with the U of A's community.

The 2nd day began with an excellent presentation on the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research by Dr Matt Spence, President. Dr Spence summarized the history and recent developments at AHFMR, and highlighted possible avenues for collaboration with INMHA-CIHR. He also discussed challenges soon to confront CIHR. Overall, a most stimulating discussion that hopefully will lead to the development of strong links with AHFMR. We then had a brief update from the committee (chaired by Dr M. Steinbach) responsible for the organization of the 2nd annual meeting of INMHA to be held in November 22 and 23. in Toronto. Various ideas were discussed as to lay and scientific Plenary speakers, format, invitees, presentations by trainees and NGOs, etc. A preliminary program should be available for the next IAB in early June in Montreal. Dr S. Kutcher then presented a brief update on International activities focusing on opportunities in the Carrebean and Central America. The Scientific director discussed opportunities with Japan, IBRO and WHO.

Lunch followed with two scientific presentations by young scientists from U of A, Dr Vivian Mushahwar and Jean-Michel LeMelledo. Vivian focused on spinal organization and injuries while Jean-Michel summarized his clinical research activities on panic and anxiety-related disorders. Again, most stimulating for all of us and excellent comments and suggestions as to ways for CIHR-INMHA to promote early career developments for young scientists.

An update on peer-review processes, especially in regard to the Thorngate and FAIRR reports, was then summarized by the SD followed by an update from the Focus Group on budget by Drs Peter Scholefield & Richard Briere. Discussion centered on financial requirement needed in FY 2003-04 to support a sufficient number of NET and Block Training Awards, a challenge since applicants to our Institute were very high ranked in the last competition. A motion was voted by the Board to sensitize President Bernstein to our unique situation (THAT, bearing in mind the outstanding ratings awarded to several neuroscience applications in the most recent competition for training grants and the potential that sufficient funds will only be available to support one or two of them, the Advisory Baord encourages the Scientific Director to seek all possible sources of supplementary external support and strongly urges the President and his colleagues to seek supplementary sources of support within the CIHR budget). Updates were then given by the Scientific Director and the two Assistant Directors on RFAs to be launched in June by our institute alone or in partnership. These include Neuroethics, Tobacco Abuse and Nicotine Addiction, and Regenerative Medicine-Nanomedicine, the latter two being cross-cutting CIHR initiatives championed by our Scientific Director. Drafts of these three RFAs will be circulated for comments to all IAB members over the next few days.

M. Justin Kingsley, Head of Communication and Government Relations, presented an update on Communication and INMHA's communication strategy including a re-design of the Web site. Key here is a close collaboration with CIHR head office in Ottawa. The Scientific Director then reviewed the process for IAB renewal and strongly encouraged all IAB members to be proactive in suggesting names of scientists and NGOs as potential future members for our IAB. He also thanked everyone for his or her strong commitment and involvement with INMHA. The meeting closed with a brief discussion on upcoming IAB meetings (Montreal, June 8 and 9 joint with the Institute of Aboriginal Peoples' Health; Toronto, November 21, 22 & 23 joint with our 2nd Annual meeting).

Created: 2003-07-12