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Welcome to the University of Toronto homepage Nursing student researches mindfulness meditation. Linda Nguyen relishes the opportunity to conduct research that directly relates to her field of study.

President's Message

The approaching holiday break allows all members of the University of Toronto community a welcome pause. . . more



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December - January Events

University holiday closure: The U of T will be closed from 5pm Thurs Dec 21, 2006 to the commencement of the working day, Thurs Jan 4, 2007 when normal activities resume. Some buildings will remain open during this period. St George closures or  UTSC closures or UTM closures

Mélodies pour l'hiver: Voice performance class, Walter Hall, Jan 9, 12:10pm

A neural network that learns to see: University Professor Lecture Series featuring Geoffrey Hinton, computer science, Jan 30, George Ignatieff Theatre, 7:30-9:30pm

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