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Lignes directrices en matière de biosécurité en laboratoire
Deuxième édition 1996

[Table des matières]



  1. Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens. Categorization of pathogens according to hazards and categories of containment. Revised edition in preparation. London, England: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1990. ISBN 011-879-54.(HMSO, Publication Orders, P.O. Box 276, 51 Nine Elms Lane, London SW8 5DQ, England; round the clock telephone orders: (011 44 1) 873-9090). Price not yet announced.

  2. Advisory Committee on Genetic Manipulation. Guidelines for the Large Scale Use of Genetically Manipulated Organisms. London, UK, 1988. Available from Health and Safety Executive, Baynards House, 1 Chepstow Place, London UK.

  3. A Guide to Eyewash Systems in a Health Care Facility. Toronto: Health Care Occupational Health and Safety Association (OHA), 1990. L-AP-208. (Ontario Hospital Association, 150 Ferrand Drive, Toronto, Ont. M3C 1H6; Tel: (416) 429-2661).

  4. * American Chemical Society. Safety in Academic Chemistry Laboratories. 3rd ed. Washington, D.C.: ACS, 1976.

  5. American National Standard. Nuclear Air-Cleaning Systems. New York: American National Standards Institution, 1980. ANSI/ASME N510. (Fournisseur canadien: Le Conseil canadien des normes, 350 rue Sparks, Ottawa (Ontario) K1R 7S8; tél. (613) 238-3222 et 1-800-267-8220).

  6. American National Standard for Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment. New York: ANSI, 1981. Ansi Spec Z35-81. (Fournisseur canadien: Le Conseil canadien des normes, 350 rue Sparks, Ottawa (Ontario) K1R 7S8; tél. (613) 238-3222 et 1-800-267-8220).

  7. * ASHRAE Handbook: Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning Systems and Applications, Atlanta, Georgia: American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers, 1991 (1995 edition in press).

  8. Bather, R., Baker, B.C., Contreras, G., and Furesz, J. Heterotransplantation Studies with Tissue Culture Cell Lines in Various Animal and in vitro Host Systems. J. Biol. Standardization, 13: 13-22, 1985.

  9. Mobilier de confinement biologique: installation et essais sur le terrain, Rexdale (Ontario): Association canadienne de normalisation, 1987. CAN/CSA Z316.3-M87. (178 Rexdale Boulevard, Rexdale, Ont. M9W 1R3: Tel: (416) 747-4044).

  10. Conseil canadien de protection des animaux. Manuel sur le soin et l'utilisation des animaux d'expérimentation, 2e édition, vol. 1, 1993; vol.2 sous presse Ottawa (Ontario), CCPA. (Place de la Constitution, Tour 2, 315-350, rue Albert, Ottawa (Ontario) K1R 1B1; tél: (613) 238-4031). Publication gratuite.

  11. Centers for Disease Control and National Institutes of Health. Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories. 3rd ed. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1993. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, HHS no.(CDC) 93-8395. GPO S/N 017-040-00523-7. (Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402-9325, U.S.A.)

  12. * Chatignay MA. Protection against Infection in the Microbiological Laboratory. In: Umbreit WW, ed. Advances in Applied Microbiology. New York: Academic Press, 1961;3:131-92.

  13. # Chatignay MA, Clinger DI. Contamination Control in Aerobiology. In: Dimmick, RL, Akers AB, eds. An Introduction to Experimental Aerobiology. New York: Wiley Interscience, 1969:194-263.

  14. * Collins CH. Laboratory-Acquired Infections: History, Incidence, Causes and Prevention, 3rd ed. London, England and Toronto: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1993.

  15. * Collins CH, Hartley EG, Pilsworth R. The Prevention of Laboratory Acquired Infection. London, England: HMSO, 1977. Public Health Laboratory Service Monograph no. 6.

  16. * Collins CH, Lyne PM, Grange JM. Collins and Lyne's Microbiological Methods, 6th ed. London, England and Toronto: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1989.

  17. * Department of Health and Social Security et al. Code of Practice for the Prevention of Infection in Clinical Laboratories and Post-Mortem Rooms. London, England: HMSO, 1978.

  18. Drury P. Sécurité au laboratoire. Directives de l'ACTL, 2e édit., Hamilton (Ontario): l'Association canadienne des technologistes de laboratoire, 1986. (C.P. 2830, Succursale A, Hamilton (Ontario) L8N 3N5; tél: (416)528-8642).

  19. Frommer, W., Archer, L., Brunius, G. et al. Safe Biotechnology. III. Safety Precautions for Handling Microorganisms in Different Risk Classes. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 30: 541-552. 1989.

  20. Frommer, W. and P. Kramer. Safety Aspects in Biotechnology-- Classifications and Safety Precautions for Handling of Biological Agents. Drugs made in Germany, 33 (4) : 128-132. 1990.

  21. * Furr AK, ed. CRC Handbook of Laboratory Safety. 3rd ed. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 1989.

  22. Genetic Manipulation Advisory Committee. Guidelines for Large Scale Work with Genetically Manipulated Organisms. Canberra, Australia. 1990. Aailable from Genetic Manipulation Advisory Committee. GPO Box 2183, Canberra ACT 2601.

  23. Giorgio, R.J. and Wu, J.J. Design of Large Scale Containment Facilities for Recombinant DNA Fermentations. Trends Biotechnol., 4 (3) : 60-65. 1986.

  24. Government of Canada. Biotechnology Regulations: A Users Guide (1991). Supply and Services Canada, Hull, Québec K1A 0S9.

  25. Gugel, E.A. and Sanders, M.E. Needle-stick Transmission of Human Colonic Adenocarcinoma. New England Journal of Medicine, 315: 1487,1986.

  26. Guidelines for the Handling and Disposal of Biomedical Wastes from Health Care Facilities and Laboratories. Toronto, Ont.: Ontario Ministry of the Environment, 1986. (Public Information Centre, 1st floor, 135 St.Clair Avenue West, Toronto, Ont. M4V 1P5; Tel: (416) 323-4321).

  27. Manipulation des déchets dans les établissements de soins médicaux, Rexdale (Ontario): Association canadienne de normalisation, 1988. CAN/CSA Z317.10-88 (178, boul. Rexdale, Rexdale (Ontario) M9W 1R3; Tel: (416) 747-4044).

  28. + Hellman A, Oxman MN, Pollack R, eds. Biohazards in Biological Research. Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1973. Conference on Biohazards in Cancer Research (1st).

  29. * Hubbert WT, McCulloch WF, Schnurrenberger PR. Diseases Transmitted from Animals to Man. 6th ed. Springfield, llinois: CC Thomas, 1975.

  30. Israeli, E. Biosafety in Biotechnological Processes. In: Advances in Biotechnological Processes 6, pp. 1-30. l Alan R. Liss Inc., New York, 1986.

  31. * Keith LH, Walters DB, rédacteurs. The Compendium of Safety Data Sheets for Research and Industrial Chemicals, Parts 1-6. Deerfield Beach, Florida: VCH Publishers, 1985-87.

  32. Levenbrook, I.S., Petricciani, J.C. and Elisberg, B.L. Tumorigenicity of Vero Cells. J. Biol. Standardization, 12: 391-398, 1984.

  33. * Manufacturing Chemists' Association. Guide for Safety in the Chemical Laboratory. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1972.

  34. Marx, J.L. Tumors: a mixed bag of cells. Science, 215: 275- 277, 1982

  35. Medical Research Council of Canada 1977. Guidelines for the Handling of Recombinant DNA Molecules and Animal Viruses and Cells.

  36. * Melby EC Jr, Altman NH, eds. CRC Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science. Vol. 1. Cleveland, Ohio: CRC Press, 1974.

  37. * National Institutes of Health. Biohazards Safety Guide. Washington, DC:GPO, 1974 S/N 1740-00383.

  38. * National Institutes of Health. Laboratory Safety Monograph: a supplement to the NIH Guidelines for Recombinant DNA Research. Washington, DC: GPO, 1979. US Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service.

  39. * National Institutes of Health. Recombinant DNA Research: Actions under Guidelines. Guidelines for Research involving Recombinant DNA molecules. Federal Register, parts V & VI, 1984, November 23; 46256-46291.

  40. National Institutes of Health. Recombinant DNA Research: Actions Under the Guidelines. Federal Register 56 (138) : 33174. 1991.

  41. National Institutes of Health U.S.A. Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules. Federal Register 51(88): 16958. 1986.

  42. * National Sanitation Foundation. Standard no. 49 for Class II (Laminar Flow) Biohazard Cabinetry. Ann Arbor, Michigan: NSF, 1987.

  43. Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development. Recombinant DNA Safety Considerations. Paris, France. 1986. Available from OECD Publications Service, 2 rue André Pascal, 75775 Paris, CEDEX 16, France.

  44. § Perkins JJ. Principles and Methods of Sterilization in Health Sciences. 2nd ed. Springfield, Illinois: CC Thomas, 1982.

  45. * Pike RM. Laboratory Associated Infections: Summary and Analysis of 3921 Cases. Health Laboratory Science 1976;13:105- 114.

  46. Scanlon, E.F., Hawkins, R.A., Fox, W.W. and Smith, W.S. Fatal Homotransplanted Melanoma. Cancer, 18: 782-789, 1965.

  47. Shin, S. and Freedman, V.M. Neoplastic Growth of Animal Cells in Nude Mice. In: Proc. 2nd Intl. Workshop on Nude Mice, Stuttgart, 337-349. Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1977.

  48. Southam, C.M. Homotransplantation of Human Cell Lines. Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med., 34: 416-423, 1958.

  49. Southam, C.M., Moore, A.E. and Rhoads, C.P. Homotransplantation of Human Cell Lines. Science, 125: 158-160, 1957.

  50. La travailleuse enceinte. Document de référence à l'intention des professionnels de la santé. Ottawa: Santé et Bien-être social Canada, Direction générale de la protection de la santé, Direction d'hygiène du milieu, 1987. (Publications de la Direction d'hygiène du milieu, Centre d'hygiène du milieu, Pré Tunney, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0L2, tél.: (613) 954-0292.

  51. Transporatation of Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations. Registration SDR 85-77. Available from the Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Department of Supply and Services, Ottawa, ON K1A 0S9

  52. U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Health and Safety Administration, Occupational Exposure of Bloodborne Pathogens; FinalRule. 29 CFR Part 1910.1030, Dec. 6, 1991.

  53. U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Health and Safety Administration, Occupational Exposure of Bloodborne Pathogens; OSHA 3127, 1992.

  54. WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization. Requirements for Poliomyelitis vaccine (inactivated). Tech. Rep. Series 673. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1982.

  55. Organisation mondiale de la santé. Manuel de sécurité biologique en laboratoire, 2e édition, Genève, Suisse: OMS, 1993. (Fournisseur canadien: l'Association canadienne de santé publique, 1565 avenue Carling, Ottawa (Ontario), K1Z 8R1; tél. (613) 725-3769, 26,00$, affranchissement et emballage 2,50$ plus TPS.

    * Indique que l'on peut obtenir la publication de l'Institut canadien de l'information scientifique et technique, Conseil national de recherches du Canada, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0R6, par prêt entre bibliothèques.

    # L'article 13 se trouve à la bibliothèque du ministère de l'Environnement Canada, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0H3.

    + L'article 28 se trouve à la bibliothèque de l'Université Carleton, Ottawa (Ontario) K1S 5J7.

    § L'article 44 se trouve à la bibliothèque des Sciences de la santé de l'hôpital général de Victoria, Halifax (Nouvelle-Écosse) B3H 2Y9.


[Précédente] [Table des matières] [Prochaine]

[Lignes directrices en matière de biosécurité en laboratoire]

Dernière mise à jour : 1996-06-10 début