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Best Practices - Early Intervention, Outreach and Community Linkages for Women with Substance Use Problems


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Copello, A., & Orford, J. (2002). Addiction and the family: Is it time for services to take notice of the evidence? Addiction, 97, 1361-1363.

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Friedmann, P.D., D'Aunno, T.A., Jin, L., & Alexander, J.A. (2000). Medical and psychosocial services in drug abuse treatment: Do stronger linkages promote client utilization? Health Services Research, 35(2), 443-465.

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Friedmann, P.D., Lemon, S.C., Stein, M.D., Etheridge, R.M., & D'Aunno, T.A. (2001). Linkage to medical services in the Drug Abuse Treatment Outcome Study. Alcohol & Alcoholism, 39(3), 284-295.

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Jacobs, K., & Gill, K. (2002). Substance abuse in an urban Aboriginal population: Social, legal and psychological consequences. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 1(1), 7-25.

Jarvis, T.J., Copeland, J., & Walton, L. (1998). Exploring the nature of the relationship between child sexual abuse and substance use among women. Addiction, 93(6), 865-878.

Karzuntos, G.T., Dunlap, L.J., Zarkin, G.A., & French, M.T. (1998). Designing an employee assistance program (EAP) intervention for women and minorities: Lessons from the Rockford EAP study. Employee Assistance Quarterly, 14(1), 49-67.

Kearney, M.H. (1998). Truthful self-nurturing: A grounded formal theory of women's addiction recovery. Qualitative Health Research, 8(4), 495-513.

Kirby, K.C., Marlowe, D.B., Festinger, D.S., Garvey, K.A., & LaMonaca, V. (1999). Community reinforcement training for family and significant others of drug users: A unilateral intervention to increase treatment entry of drug users. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 56, 85-96.

Koss, M. (2000). Blame, shame, and community: Justice responses to violence against women. American Psychologist, 55(11), 1332-1343.

Lapham, S.C., Gregory, C., & McMillan, G. (2003). Impact of an alcohol misuse intervention for health care workers - 1: Frequency of binge drinking and desire to reduce alcohol use. Alcohol & Alcoholism, 38(2), 176-182.

Loeber, R., Farrington, D., & Petechu, D. (2003). Child delinquency: Early intervention and prevention. Child Delinquency: Bulletin Series. U.S. Department of Justice. Office of Justice Programs. OJJDP. Washington, D.C.

Marsh, J.C., D'Aunno, T.A., & Smith, B.D. (2000). Increasing access and providing social services to improve drug abuse treatment for women with children. Addiction, 95(8), 1237-1247.

Maslin, J., Graham, H.L., Cawley, M., Copello, A., Birchwood, M., Georgiou, G., et al. (2001). Combined severe mental health and substance use problems: What are the training and support needs of staff working with this client group? Journal of Mental Health, 10(2), 131-140.

McLellan, A.T., Hagan, T.A., Levine, M., Gould, F., Meyers, K,, Bencivengo, M., et al. (1998). Supplemental social services improve outcomes in public addiction treatment. Addiction, 93, 1489-1499.

Melchior, L.A., Huba, G.J., Brown, V.B., & Slaughter, R. (1999). Evaluation of the effects of outreach to women with multiple vulnerabilities on entry into substance abuse treatment. Evaluation & Program Planning, 22(3), 269-277.

Meyers, R.J., Miller, W.R., Hill, D.E., & Tonigan, J.S. (1999). Community reinforcement and family training (CRAFT): Engaging unmotivated drug users in treatment. Journal of Substance Abuse, 10, 291-308.

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Miller, W.R. (2003). A collaborative approach to working with families. Addiction, 98, 5-6.

Miller, W.R., Meyers, R.J., & Tonigan, J.S. (1999). Engaging the unmotivated in treatment for alcohol problems: A comparison of three intervention strategies. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 76, 688-697.

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National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism [NIAAA]. (1999). Are women more vulnerable to alcohol's effects? Alcohol Alerts, 46.

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Smith, W.B., & Weisner, C. (2000). Women and alcohol problems: A critical analysis of the literature and unanswered questions. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 24(8), 1320-1321.

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Last Updated: 2006-08-03 Top