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Aging and Seniors

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June 1, 2006: 

"The true way to render age vigorous is to prolong the youth of the mind."
Mortimer Collins
June 2, 2006:  People aged 60 and over have the highest death rates of any age group during disasters. (Center for Disease Control-ARC, 1997)
June 3, 2006:  "Our civilization's greatest victory is that it has conquered disease. Its greatest failure is that it has not conquered fear of aging."
Jacques Séguéla
June 4, 2006:  Seniors with chronic conditions are at risk for falls during a disaster. More than 80% of those who died from falls or complications from falls resulting from Hurricane Andrew (1992) were at least 60 years of age. (Lew and Wetli, 1996)
June 5, 2006:  "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter."
Mark Twain
June 6, 2006:  A number of studies have shown that over the longer term, age may provide a protective role in the face of disasters -- many seniors have a resiliency based on a lifetime of experience and seem to recover well from their psychological effects. (Aging in Manitoba, 1999)
June 7, 2006: "Being eighty years old means being ten years old eight times. We learn at each age."
Gaby Mayer
June 8, 2006: Ageism and the discrimination it creates can increase the vulnerability of older adults. Assumptions about old age may result in symptoms of trauma being mistaken for age-related illness. (HelpAge International, 2003)
June 9, 2006: "And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."
Abraham Lincoln
June 10, 2006: In 2001, 57,000 grandparents were raising their grandchildren on their own, a 20% increase over the previous decade. (Statistics Canada, 2001 Census)
June 11, 2006: "Knowing how to grow old is the height of wisdom and a delicate step in the art of living."
June 12, 2006: In the 2000 federal election, 89% of seniors voted. This is well above the national voting rate of 61%. (2003, General Social Survey, Statistics Canada)
June 13, 2006: "If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit should not grow old."
James A. Garfield
June 14, 2006: Between 44% and 62% of abused older adults experience some level of depression. Up to 6% of abused older adults become severely depressed. ("Abuse of Older Adults:
Signs and Effects," Federal / Provincial / Territorial Ministers Responsible for Seniors in Canada)
June 15, 2006: "Abuse hurts at any age."
June 16, 2006: More seniors than other age groups have become ill or have died as a result of new infectious diseases such as the West Nile Virus and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). (Interim Report Card - Seniors in Canada 2003, National Advisory Council on Aging)
June 17, 2006: "Age only matters when one is aging. Now that I have arrived at a great age, I might just as well be twenty."
Pablo Picasso
June 18, 2006: Most seniors do not smoke. Only 9% of seniors are daily smokers, compared to about 20% for 20-64 year olds. (2005 Canadian Community Health Survey, Statistics Canada)
June 19, 2006: "I am that part of me that has survived. I need to leave traces of myself."
Jacques Grand'Maison
June 20, 2006: Seniors consume more fruits and vegetables than other Canadian adults. However, half of the seniors surveyed do not eat fruits and vegetables in sufficient quantity to maintain good health. (2003 Canadian Community Health Survey, Statistics Canada)
June 21, 2006: "The wise man doesn't expect to find life worth living; he makes it that way."
Ancient Greek Proverb
June 22, 2006: 55% of seniors are regularly engaged in physical activity for more than 15 minutes, however, 62% of seniors have insufficient physical activity levels. (2005 Canadian Community Health Survey, Statistics Canada)
June 23, 2006: "Old age is a night traveller: the earth is hidden to her; she has only the sky upon which to gaze."
François René de Chateaubriand
June 24, 2006: Although most seniors enjoy good mental health, as many as 20% of them suffer mild to severe depression. (Expression Vol. 13, No. 3, National Advisory Council on Aging)
June 25, 2006: "Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty -- they merely move it from their faces into their hearts."
Martin Buxbaum
June 26, 2006: The highest suicide rate tends to be among men age 85 and over. (Statistics Canada, 2002)
June 27, 2006: "Growing older is still the only way that has been found to live a long time."
Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve
June 28, 2006: In 2003, 8% of seniors suffered an injury that caused physical limitations. Women over age 75 are most at risk for an injury (10%). (2003, Canadian Community Health Survey)
June 29, 2006: "Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many."
Author Unknown
June 30, 2006: Five percent of seniors had a fall in 2003. (2003 Canadian Community Health Survey, Statistics Canada)
Last modified: 2006-06-30
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