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Pan-Canadian Health Human Resource Strategy: 2004/2005 Annual Report

Aboriginal HHR Projects Initiated in 2004/2005

Health Human Resources

Amount/ Duration

$70,000, 2004/05


National Indian and Inuit Community Health Representatives Organization (NIICHRO)


Consult with stakeholders to identify and assess the best means to develop competency-based occupational standards for Community Health Representatives (CHR’s).

Develop a five-year action plan under the Health Human Resource Strategy.

Develop and initiate a communications strategy for a broad base of support with the CHRs and Aboriginal community for occupation standards and accreditation.

Formulate and implement a data collection strategy to gather, organize and analyze the elements necessary for the development of occupation standards.

Assess impact and use by CHRs of new technologies within the health field.

Identify means to formalize the CHR job title and develop a National Occupation Code.


Compile and assess the various recommendations put forth from historical documents for presentation and guidance from stakeholders.

Develop an organizational development plan covering 2005 to 2010.

Facilitate a meeting and teleconference with stakeholders.

Develop and initiate a print communication strategy to include posters, pamphlets, newsletters and Web site updates, as well as other promotional tools.

Undertake a telephone campaign to inform CHRs of the initiative, conduct interviews from all regions to identify daily tasks, issues, concerns and prepare a tabulation of the duties of a CHR from all regions to support development of a core curriculum for CHR training, as well as the development of a national occupational code.

Anticipated Results

A detailed activity report of the project containing a copy of the final report outlining the five-year development plan, the outcome of the meeting with stakeholders and the outcome of the telephone interviews for the development of a core curriculum for CHR training.

Contact Information

National Indian and Inuit Community Health Representatives Organization
P.O. Box 1019
Kahnawake QC
J0L 1B0
Telephone: (450)-632-0892 Ext. 24

Blueprint for the Future (BFF)

Amount/ Duration

$50,000, 2004/05


National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation (NAAF)


The BFF is a series of one-day career fairs held in two different major Canadian cities each year. These career fairs are focused on Aboriginal youth (aged 13-18) in grades 10 to 12.

Each BFF attracts roughly 1,000 Aboriginal youth. To date, the program has assisted approximately 25,000 youth who have attended career fairs in Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Toronto and Halifax.


Provide Aboriginal youth with a forum where they are exposed to a variety of educational and employment-related information specific to health.

Increase awareness of employment opportunities and associated training requirements in the health sector of the Canadian workforce.


Plan, organize and deliver two career fairs, in Saskatoon, in November 2004 and Ottawa, in February 2005, including, but not limited to:

  • Finding suitable speakers to deliver presentations to the youth.
  • Organizing Aboriginal youth from across the host cities and province to attend the career fairs.
  • Coordinating the logistics for the career fairs.
  • Developing and distributing information in order to promote the career fairs.
  • Coordinating the registration of speakers, booth participants and speakers.

Anticipated Results

Two career fairs held in November 2004 and February 2005.

Contact Information

National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation
Suite 33A, 70 Yorkville Avenue
Toronto, ON
M5R 1B9
Telephone: (800) 329-9780


Health in The Classroom

Amount/ Duration

$300,000, 2004/05


National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation (NAAF)


Industry in the Classroom is an initiative comprised of interactive educational modules designed to encourage youth to stay in school and to educate them in the wide variety of career opportunities. Health in the Classroom is one module that highlights five health professions as well as showing other health careers that make up the teamwork in health care. Objective Develop the Health in the Classroom Module, which is comprised of a video and an interactive curriculum.


Produce a video highlighting five health careers: physicians, nurses, midwives, dieticians, and physiotherapists.

Consult with experts to develop the curriculum related to these professions.

Focus test the module.

Anticipated Results

A Health in the Classroom module that will be implemented in Aboriginal community schools and urban schools with a high Aboriginal population.

Contact Information

National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation
70 Yorkville Avenue
Suite 33A
Toronto, ON
M5R 1B9
Telephone: (416) 926-0775

Inuit HHR-Specific Initiative

Amount/ Duration

$75,000, 2004/05


Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK)


Engage Inuit in providing information on Inuit needs in HHR.

Determine models of education that will provide relevant education to Inuit and allow them to succeed.

Communicate with other Aboriginal organizations, Health Canada, professional health organizations and educational institutions to ensure a strong, multidisciplinary support system for health professionals of all ancestry serving the Inuit.

Ensure the ongoing recruitment, training and support of health care providers serving Inuit.


Gather information from key stakeholders as identified by the National Inuit Committee on Health. Stakeholders will include the Land Claims Organizations, Pauktuutit, National Inuit Youth Council (NIYC), educational institutions and employers. Due to distance, the majority of discussions will occur by telephone.

Update content on ITK Web site.

Determine, through stakeholder discussion, what educational models Inuit support.

Examine, with stakeholders, problems and possible solutions in recruitment and retention. Determine solutions that are supported by both service providers and Inuit.

Perform ongoing communication and participation in meetings, working groups and conferences relevant to Inuit-specific HHR strategies (e.g. working with NAHO and Pauktuutit).

Determine, with stakeholders, educational models that are more effective for Inuit.

Anticipated Results

Participation in national discussions on Aboriginal HHR priorities

A final report on the findings from stakeholder consultations.

Contact Information

Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
170 Laurier W
Suite 510
Ottawa, ON
K1P 5V5
Telephone: (613) 238-8181


First Nations Health Human Resources

Amount/ Duration

$ 69,732, 2004/05


Assembly of First Nations (AFN)


Initiate the development of a First Nations Health Human Resources Strategy that would be based on Federal/Provincial/Territorial/First Nations agreements and measurable targets to address issues of access, training, recruitment, and retention in order to increase the availability of culturally competent HHR for on- and off-reserve First Nations.


Conduct a scan to inform the development of a strategy that includes a document review and a comparative analysis of national and international models in Aboriginal/indigenous HHR development.

Consult with First Nations health technicians at the regional and national levels via the National First Nations Health Technicians Network (NFN HTN) and the National Policy Summit, as well as First Nations health professional organizations (e.g. Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada, National Indian Community Health Representatives Organization) in order to:

  • obtain information on existing documentation and best practices;
  • propose a process for strategy development that would build on existing regional strategies for institutional access to training, professional licensing, and support of First Nations health professionals.

Complete a gap analysis based on the information collected.

Further elaborate a proposal for the development of a First Nations Health Human Resources Strategy in alignment with the document review, comparative analysis, and gap analysis, and develop a process based on recommendations by national and regional First Nations health technicians.

Validate the proposal with the NFNHTN and Chiefs Committee on Health.

Participate in discussion with FNIHB on Aboriginal HHR issues.

Anticipated Results

Final report including results of the gap analysis, consultations with First Nations Health Technicians, and a proposal for the development of a First Nations HHR Strategy.

Contact Information

Assembly of First Nations
1 Nicholas Street, Suite 900
Ottawa, ON
K1N 7B7
Telephone: (613) 241-6789

Vision 20/20

Amount/ Duration

$10,000, 2004/05


Six Nations Grand River


Introduce the long-term goal of graduating a larger number of Aboriginal physicians over the next 15 years.

Encourage participants to make commitments to forward the agenda of the 2020 Vision Strategy.

Agree on steps needed to implement the 2020 Vision Strategy.

Encourage partnership to advance First Nations health care needs.


Host of the 2020 Vision Symposium.

Anticipated Results

A detailed annual program activity report including a full and final agenda of the 2020 Vision Symposium and a report outlining the objectives achieved through the 2020 Vision Symposium.

Contact Information

Six Nations
1695 Chiefswood Road
P.O Box #5000
Ohsweken, ON
N0A 1M0
Telephone: (519)445-2201


Promotion of Health Sciences to Aboriginal Youth

Amount/ Duration

$3,000, 2004/05


Canadian Aboriginal Science and Technology Society (CASTS)


To reach out to Aboriginal students and assist them in the pursuit of Science and Technology, including Health Studies and Careers.


Provide information to Aboriginal students on Science and Technology resources at the Canadian Aboriginal Festival.

Provide a copy of the outcomes report to Health Canada. Anticipated Results A detailed activity report of the project including a copy of the outcomes report.

Contact Information

Canadian Aboriginal Science and Technology Society
875 Bank Street, Suite 3
Ottawa, ON
K1S 3W4
Telephone: (613) 233-2701

Aboriginal Health Task Group Meeting to Develop Recommendations for the Medical Schools Initiative

Amount/ Duration

$23,780, 2004/05


Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC)


To form effective working relationships among Task Group members and the Social Accountability Initiative Steering Committee and the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada.

To share experience and expertise among faculty, student and community representatives, and between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal members.

To finalize Terms of Reference and time line for the group’s work.

To discuss issues and concerns related to Aboriginal medical education; health human resources, curriculum change and other relevant priorities and issues.

To begin to formulate an action framework and specific recommendations to the deans of medicine.


Coordinate travel, accommodations, booking of meeting room and equipment rental.

Hold a pre-meeting teleconference.

Develop the agenda, facilitation plan and meeting materials.

Draft minutes and framework to participants for comments.

Finalize working framework.

Anticipated Results

A detailed activity report of the project containing the minutes of the meeting and the working framework.

Contact Information

Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada
773 Echo Drive
Ottawa, ON
K1S 5P2
Telephone: (613) 730-0687

Last Updated: 2006-01-31 Top