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     Conférences et seminaires SST en 2005
  juin 2005

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Pour ajouter votre activité en santé et en sécurité à cette liste, veuillez en envoyer tous les détails à l'adresse suivante : events@ccohs.ca.

2 jui
The Fundamentals of WSIB Claims Management
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
Employers' Advocacy Council
5 Alden Court
St Catharines ON L2T 3X2
Phone: 905-680-2511
Fax: 905-680-5032

2 jui
Managing Workplace Risk - Breakfast Seminar
Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Gowling Lafleur Henderson
Suite 4900, Commerce Court West
Toronto ON M5L 1J3
Phone: 1-866-862-5787 ext 83645

E-mail : olga.jordache@gowlings.com
Web : http://www.gowlings.com

2-2 jui
Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM)'s Annual Conference and Municipal Expo
St John's, Newfoundland, Canada
Federation of Canadian Municipalities
24 Clarence Street
Ottawa ON KlN 5P3
Phone: 613-244-6045
Fax: 613-241-2126

Web : http://www.fcm.ca

3 jui
2nd Annual Health Care Provider Conference
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Workers' Compensation Board of BC
Health Care Services
PO Box 5350 Stn Terminal
Vancouver BC V6B 5L5
Phone: 604-232-7787 or 1-888-967-5377

Web : http://www.worksafebc.com

4-5 jui
Applied Risk Communication Skills
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
39 River Street,
Toronto ON M5A 3P1
Phone: (416) 646-1600
Fax: (416) 646-9460

E-mail : csseinfo@associationsfirst.com
Web : http://www.csse.org

6-10 jui
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) World Safety Conference and Exposition
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
National Fire Protection Association
1 Batterymarch Park
Quincy MA 02169-7471
Phone: 617-770-3000
Fax: 617-770-0700

Web : http://www.nfpa.org

6-11 jui
International Trade Fair for Rescue Services, Fire Prevention, Disaster Relief, Safety and Security
Hannover, Germany
Co-Mar Management Services Inc
90 Glenmount Park Road
Toronto ON M4E 2N2
Phone: 416-690-0331 or 1-800-727-4183
Fax: 416-690-1244

E-mail : info@hf-canada
Web : http://www.ht-canada.com

7 jui
Supervision and Safety
North Battleford, Saksatchewan, Canada
Occupational Health and Safety Division
Saskatchewan Ministry of Labour
Phone: 306-787-4496

Web : http://www.labour.gov.sk.ca

7-9 jui
3rd International Conference on Whole-Body Vibration Injuries
Paris, France
Dept of IET
DONATI / WBV 2005, AVenue de Bourgogne
BP 27, 54501 Vandoeuvre Cedex, France

E-mail : wbv2005@inrs.fr
Web : http://www.inrs.fr

7 jui
Ergonomic Workshop
Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
2100 Ellesmere Rd, Suite 326
Scarborough ON M1H 3B7
Phone: (416) 298-3421
Fax: (416) 298-6329

E-mail : lstinson@iapa.ca
Web : http://www.iapa.ca

8 jui
Workplace Hazardous Materials and Information System
Regina, Saksatchewan, Canada
Occupational Health and Safety Division
Saskatchewan Ministry of Labour
Phone: 306-787-4496

Web : http://www.labour.gov.sk.ca

9 jui
Introduction to the Workplace Safety & Insurance System in Ontario
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Employers' Advocacy Council
5 Alden Court
St Catharines ON L2T 3X2
Phone: 905-680-2511
Fax: 905-680-5032

9 jui
Warehouse Safety Management
Rexdale, Ontario, Canada
Industrial Accident Prevention Association (IAPA)
6700 Finch Avenue West, 8th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M9W 5P5
Tel: 416-798-0220
Fax: 416-798-0233

E-mail : lstinson@iapa.ca
Web : http://www.iapa.ca

10 jui
Pre-Start Health and Safety Review
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Educational Program Innovations Center (EPIC)
5759 Coopers Avenue
Coopers Business Centre
Mississauga ON L4Z 1R9
Phone: 1-888-374-2338
Fax: 1-800-866-6343

E-mail : epic@epic-edu.com
Web : http://www.epic-edu.com

10 jui
Violence in the Workplace: Working Alone
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
University of Alberta
Faculty of Extension
Phone: 780-492-8924

Web : http://www.extension.ualberta.ca

12 jui
ILO World Day against Child Labour
International Labour Office
Dept of Communication
Geneva Switzerland
Phone: +41 22 799 7912

E-mail : communication@ilo.org
Web : http://www.ilo.org

12-15 jui
American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) Annual Conference and Exhibition
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Customer Service
1800 East Oakton St
Des Plaines IL 60018-2187
Phone: 847-699-2929
Fax: 847-296-3769

Web : http://www.asse.org

12-15 jui
Occupational and Environmental Exposures of Skin to Chemicals - 2005
Stockholm, Sweden
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Cincinnati, USA
Phone: 1-800-35-NIOSH (1-800-356-4674)
Outside the U.S. 513-533-8328
Fax: 513-533-8573

Web : http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/skin/OEESC2/conference_info.html

13-14 jui
Health & Safety Training for Managers and Supervisors Course
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Irene Brelsforth
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety (CCOHS)
135 Hunter Street East
Hamilton ON L8N 1M5
Phone:(905) 572-2981 x4467
Fax: (905) 572-2206

E-mail : ireneb@ccohs.ca
Web : http://www.ccohs.ca

13-14 jui
Occupational Health at Work
London, UK
The Registration Secretary
The At Work Partnership Ltd
17 Trinity Road
Wood Green London N22 8LB
Phone: 020 8888 1431
Fax: 020 8888 4022

E-mail : conferences@atworkpartnership.co.uk

13-17 jui
1st International Course on Work-related Violence in Different Organisational Settings
Palanga, Lithuania
Gunilla Rasi, NIVA
Nordic Institute for Advanced Training
In Occupational Health
Topeliuksenkatu 41 aA
FIN-00250 Helsinki Finland|
Phone: +358 9 4747 2349
Fax: +358 9 4747 2497

E-mail : gunilla.rasi@occuphealth.fi
Web : http://www.niva.org

14 jui
All About X-ray Safety Course
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Radiation Safety Institute of Canada (RSIC)
1120 Finch AVe W, Ste 607
Toronto ON M3J 3H7
Phone: 416-650-9090 ext 28
Fax: 416-650-9920

E-mail : tdegeus@radiationsafety.ca
Web : http://www.radiationsafety.ca

14 jui
The Fundamentals of WSIB Claims Management
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
Employers' Advocacy Council
5 Alden Court
St Catharines ON L2T 3X2
Phone: 905-680-2511
Fax: 905-680-5032

15 jui
Education Is The Key - IAPA Regional Conference & Trade Show
London, Ontario, Canada
207 Queens Quay West
Suite 550
Toronto ON M5J 2Y3
Phone: 416-506-8888 ext 282
Fax: 416-506-8631

Web : http://www.iapa.on.ca

15-16 jui
SafeStart Safety Awareness Training Workshop
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Electrolab Training Systems
3353 University Avenue
Belleville ON K8N 5A5
Phone: 1-877-962-9577 or 613-962-9577

Web : http://www.safestart-safetrack.com

16 jui
5th European Behavioural Safety Users' Conference
Manchester, UK
Congress Administration
Edgbaston Park
353 Bristol Rd
Birmingham B5 7ST
Phone: 0870 777 2171
Fax: 0121 248 2115

E-mail : events@rospa.com
Web : http://www.rospa.com

16 jui
The Fundamentals of WSIB Claims Management
Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Employers' Advocacy Council
5 Alden Court
St Catharines ON L2T 3X2
Phone: 905-680-2511
Fax: 905-680-5032

18-21 jui
Psychotraumatology - The 9th European Conference on Traumatic Stress (ECOTS)
Stockholm, Sweden
The Swedish National Association for Mental Health
Box 3445
SE-103 69 Stockholm
Phone: 460-834-7065
Fax: 3288 75

E-mail : info@sfph.se

20-24 jui
Comprehensive Industrial Hygiene: Practical Applications of Basic Principles
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Harvard School of Public Health
677 Huntington AVe
Boston MA 02115
Phone: 617-384-8692
Fax: 617-384-8690

E-mail : contedu@hsph.havard.edu
Web : http://www.hsph.harvard.edu

21-23 jui
The Eastern Ergonomics Conference & Exposition
New York City, NY, USA
Continental Exhibitions Inc.
370 Lexington Avenue, Suite 1407
New York NY 10017-6503
Phone: 212-370-5005 or 1-800-222-2596
Fax: 212-370-5699

E-mail : information@ergoexpo.com
Web : http://www.ergoexpo.com

21 jui
Supervisor's Responsibilities
Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
Industrial Accident Prevention Association (IAPA)
6700 Finch Avenue West, 8th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M9W 5P5
Tel: 416-798-0220
Fax: 416-798-0233

E-mail : lstinson@iapa.ca
Web : http://www.iapa.ca

22 jui
Bill C-45 and Contracting Out Seminar
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP
Commerce Court West, Suite 4900
Toronto, Ontario
M5L 1J3
Telephone: 416-862-5787
FAX: 416-862-3538

E-mail : olga.jordache@gowlings.com
Web : http://www.gowlings.com

22-23 jui
Industrial Noise Exposure Evaluation Workshop
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
ALARA Industrial Hygiene Services Ltd
Phone: 416-759-9579

E-mail : m.pilger@alara.ca
Web : http://www.alara.ca

22-23 jui
Return-to-Work Rehabilitation
Sydney, Australia
International Quality & Productivity Centre (IQPC)
Level 6, 25 Bligh Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: 02 9223 2600
Fax: 02 9223 2622

E-mail : registration@iapc.com.au
Web : http://www.iqpc.com.au/HumanresourcesIQ

22-24 jui
2nd Annual Western Canadian Conference on Event Preparedness
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Canadian Information Exchange
Suite 300
434 Queen Street East
Toronto, Ontario
M5A 1T4
Phone: 1.866.516.7833
Fax: 416.352.1460

E-mail : info@informationexchange.ca
Web : http://www.informationexchange.ca

23-25 jui
Leadership for Safety Excellence
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA)
#101, 13025 St. Albert Trail,
Edmonton, Alberta, T5L 5G2
Ph. (780) 453-3311
Fax (780) 455-1120

E-mail : edmonton@acsa-safety.org
Web : http://www.acsa-safety.org

23 jui
Effective Return to Work
St Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Employers' Advocacy Council
5 Alden Court
St Catharines ON L2T 3X2
Phone: 905-680-2511
Fax: 905-680-5032

24 jui
Back Pain and Rehabilitation for Work
London, UK
The Registration Secretary
The At Work Partnership Ltd
17 Trinity Road
Wood Green London N22 8LB
Phone: 020 8888 1431
Fax: 020 8888 4022

E-mail : conferences@atworkpartnership.co.uk

27-30 jui
24-Hour Laboratory Safety Workshop
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Escalade Services Group
320 Hawkcliff Way NW
Calgary AB T3G 2W7
Phone: 403-818-8118

E-mail : cjodouin@escalada.ca
Web : http://www.EscaladeTraining.ca

28 jui
Managing Substance Abuse Programs in the Workplace
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Univesity of Alberta
Faculty of Extension
Phone: 780-492-8924

Web : http://www.extension.ualberta.ca

28-29 jui
Alberta Temporary Traffic Control
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA)
#101, 13025 St. Albert Trail,
Edmonton, Alberta, T5L 5G2
Ph. (780) 453-3311
Fax (780) 455-1120

E-mail : edmonton@acsa-safety.org
Web : http://www.acsa-safety.org

30 jui
Industrial Equipment Safety and CE Marking
Coventry, UK
Customer Service
Croner Training
4th Floor, North West Wing
Bush House, Aldwych
London WC2B 4PJ
Tel: + 44 0845 120 9602
Fax: +44 0845 120 9612

E-mail : services@cronertraining.co.uk
Web : http://www.cronertraining.co.uk

30 jui
Workstation Health and Safety
London, UK
Customer Service
Croner Training
4th Floor, North West Wing
Bush House, Aldwych
London WC2B 4PJ
Tel: + 44 0845 120 9602
Fax: +44 0845 120 9612

E-mail : services@cronertraining.co.uk
Web : http://www.cronertraining.co.uk

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