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Aging and Seniors

leaf Archive 2000

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December 2000

No new items

November 200

[2000-11-10]: International Year of Volunteers

Senior Volunteers: Showing the Way...

international year of volunteers banner

The United Nations has declared Year 2001 as the International Year of Volunteers. The Division of Aging and Seniors has created a poster calendar for the Year to raise awareness about seniors' voluntary contributions to their communities.

[2000-11-10]: Health Canada / Veterans Affairs Canada Falls Prevention Initiative

A new community-based health promotion initiative to help identify effective falls prevention strategies for veterans and seniors.

October 2000

[2000-10-26]: Newsletter of the National Advisory Council on Aging

Expression 13-4: 20 Years of Action...
birdThis issue of Expression is both a look back on NACA's first 20 years and a look forward into the future. On this 20th anniversary, NACA invites all Canadians to contribute to the reflection and action needed to adapt our society to the inevitable changes brought on by the aging of Canada's population.

[2000-10-26]: Heart Disease:

Info-sheet Info Sheet for Seniors
This information sheet answers some of the questions seniors and their families frequently ask about heart disease. It lists the warning signs and symptoms of a heart attack, suggests ways to reduce risk and presents resources where seniors can find more information. It also features a list of practical tips to healthy eating and a section about medication.

[2000-10-26]: Stroke:

Info-sheet Info Sheet for Seniors
This information sheet answers some of the questions seniors and their families frequently ask about stroke. It lists the warning signs and risks factors, recommends ways to reduce risk and presents resources where seniors can find more information.



Naca Position #21 Enhancing the Canadian Health Care System

[2000-10-01]: International Day of Older Persons

International Day of Older Persons

September 2000

[2000-09-21]: Seniors Guide to Federal Programs and Services - Year 2000 edition Updated

Now available in HTML format.

This guide seeks to present accurate, up-to-date information on programs and services offered to Canadian seniors by the federal government and to better enable seniors to access them.

August 2000

[2000-08-31]: Global Embrace

Global Embrace 2000
Around-the-clock, around-the-world series of walks coordinated by the World Health Organization's (WHO) Global Movement for Active Aging project.

[2000-08-04]: News Release

Health Canada and Veterans Affairs target falls prevention in new health promotion alliance

July 2000

[2000-07-17]: Newsletter of the National Advisory Council on Aging

Expression 13-3: Dealing with Depression

Expression 13-3: Dealing with Depression

While most Canadian seniors enjoy good mental health, many of those who suffer from depression do not seek treatment either because they see the symptoms as signs of weakness or because they are leery of mental health professionals. The medical profession can also fail to diagnose the illness because practitioners are not familiar with the characteristics of depression in seniors. This issue of Expressiondescribes the warning signs of depression in seniors and the most common treatments applied. It offers seniors and their caregivers tips to prevent depression and to foster mental health. Finally, it recommends better diagnostic training for health professionals and the strengthening of community resources.

June 2000

No new items

May 2000

[2000-05-26]: Arthritis:


Info Sheet for Seniors

[2000-05-10]: NACA Communiqué:


[2000-05-10]: Now available!

NACA Position on Home Care #20
In preparing this position paper, NACA examined the research, conference proceedings, briefs and recommendations of many other voluntary, academic, care delivery and seniors' organizations. It has come to the conclusion that while some progress has been made on the road to universal home care, the subject needs to remain at the forefront of discussions on how to revitalize the health care system.

April 2000

[2000-04-18]: Newsletter of the National Advisory Council on Aging

Expression 13-2: Seniors of Tomorrow

Much concern has been expressed about the wave of babyboomers soon to enter their senior years. How will their numbers affect the system and Canadian society? This issue of Expression looks into the crystal ball. It recognizes that change is so prevalent and the population so diverse that the future will require, more than anything, that flexibility become the trademark of institutions, governments and individuals alike. There is time to prepare, to adjust and to ride the wave comfortably if we make the right moves now.

March 2000

[2000-03-31]: Seniors Guide to Federal Programs and Services - Year 2000 edition

Now available in HTML format.

This guide seeks to present accurate, up-to-date information on programs and services offered to Canadian seniors by the federal government and to better enable seniors to access them.

February 2000

[2000-02-21]: News Release

Government of Canada releases new and updated Seniors Guide on Federal Programs and Services

[2000-02-15]: Volunteer Canada

International Year of Volunteers

Many people interested in IYOP are also connected to volunteering. Did you know 2001 will be International Year of Volunteers?

January 2000

[2000-01-27] Now Online:
A new section on: The National Framework on Aging
The NFA is a conceptual tool useful in guiding current and future policy and program development. Designed to address the priorities of seniors and to assist policy makers in reviewing proposed policy changes, the NFA reflects the changing demographic reality of a maturing Canadian society.

[2000-01-27] Now Online:

Seniors Policies and Programs Database

The SPPD is a database of government policies and programs for which seniors are the primary beneficiaries. It was developed and is maintained by federal, provincial and territorial governments.

[2000-01-27] HTML Version Now Online:
Expression 13-1: Senior friendly communities

Canadian seniors across the land express the wish to grow older in their familiar surroundings. How can our society accommodate them? What can municipalities, governments, businesses, organizations and individuals do to help our communities adapt to the aging of their population? This issue of Expression discusses the benefits of adapting to the new demographics to ensure that seniors continue to participate in community life. It offers advice and tools to help make your own community senior friendly.

[2000-01-14] Now Online:
Seniors Info Exchange Fall 1999 - Incontinence: Silent No More.

Expression 13-1: Senior friendly communities

Canadian seniors across the land express the wish to grow older in their familiar surroundings. How can our society accommodate them? What can municipalities, governments, businesses, organizations and individuals do to help our communities adapt to the aging of their population? This issue of Expression discusses the benefits of adapting to the new demographics to ensure that seniors continue to participate in community life. It offers advice and tools to help make your own community senior friendly.

[2000-01-14] HTML Version Now Online:
Communicating with Seniors : Advice,Techniques and Tips

a "how-to" manual aimed at businesses, governments, communities, professionals and all others who have an interest in seniors and their well-being. The publication provides facts about current and future seniors and information on the effects of the aging process on message reception. It looks at the proliferation of electronic, telephonic and other media over the last decade and examines their effectiveness in reaching seniors. It considers the negative, unintentional messages that a lack of senior friendliness implies. More importantly, it provides advice and techniques to ensure that communications adapt to this vital part of our population.

Bruno and Alice: A love story in twelve parts about seniors and safety
This illustrated series follows the whimsical romance of two active seniors who end up in a few dangerous situations that almost causes them to miss their rendez-vous with love. The stories offer insight into some of the personal preventive measures seniors can take to make their environment safer and prevent injuries. A great read!

Last modified: 2006-01-20 15:34
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