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Environment and Workplace Health

Priority Substances List Assessment Report for Releases from Primary and Secondary Copper Smelters and Copper Refineries - Releases from Primary and Secondary Zinc Smelters and Zinc Refineries

Environment Canada
Health Canada
ISBN: 0-662-29871-3
Cat. No.: En40-215/62E

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Releases from Primary and Secondary Copper Smelters and Copper Refineries - Releases from Primary and Secondary Zinc Smelters and Zinc Refineries (PDF version will open in a new window) (919K)

Canadian Environmental Protection Act 1999

Table of Contents

List of Tables

  • Table 1 Copper production facilities whose releases were assessed
  • Table 2 Zinc production facilities whose releases were assessed
  • Table 3 Releases of SO2 to the atmosphere in 1995
  • Table 4 Releases of metals to the atmosphere in 1995
  • Table 5 Releases of total particulate (TP) matter, particulate matter less than or equal to 10 mm (PM10) and particulate matter less than or equal to 2.5 mm (PM2.5) to the atmosphere in 1995
  • Table 6 Releases of carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4) and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to the atmosphere in 1995
  • Table 7 Annual loading rates of effluent components
  • Table 8 Factors applied to annual effluent loadings to estimate maximum short-term loading rates (maximum monthly and four-day mean loadings)
  • Table 9 Concentrations of metals and other constituents in undiluted effluents
  • Table 10 Growing season average SO2 concentrations at monitoring stations located near copper and zinc production facilities
  • Table 11 One-hour average SO2 concentrations during the growing season at monitoring stations located near copper and zinc production facilities
  • Table 12 Annual summary of 24-hour ambient air concentrations of SO2 near copper smelters and refineries and zinc plants in Canada
  • Table 13 Wet sulphate deposition rates in selected regions of eastern Canada for 1990-1993 estimated using the Integrated Assessment Model (IAM)
  • Table 14 Wet sulphate deposition rates at monitoring stations located near two of the receptor areas considered in deposition modelling
  • Table 15 Deposition of soluble metals in the vicinity of copper and zinc production facilities - based on dustfall sampling
  • Table 16 Percent contribution of dry metal deposition to total metal deposition
  • Table 17 Deposition of soluble metals in the vicinity of copper and zinc production facilities - based on total suspended particulate sampling
  • Table 18 Deposition of soluble metals in the vicinity of copper and zinc production facilities - based on snowpack and combined ("wet plus dry") deposition sampling
  • Table 19 Water-soluble metal fractions used in the estimation of bioavailable deposited metals
  • Table 20 Estimation of annual regional background soluble metal deposition for the Canadian Shield
  • Table 21 Mass emission rates of trace metals used in dispersion modelling assessment of releases to air from generic facilities
  • Table 22 Trace metal release partitioning among high- and low-elevation and fugitive releases to air
  • Table 23 Maximum distance from facility where the modelled total soluble deposition rate exceeds the critical load
  • Table 24 Annual average concentration of As, Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb in ambient air near copper smelters and refineries and zinc plants in Canada
  • Table 25 Summary of estimated or measured concentrations of PM10 (m g/m3) near copper smelters and refineries and zinc plants in Canada
  • Table 26 Modelled annual average exposure concentrations for 1995 effluent discharges from the MUC-WWTP, and the percentage of each concentration attributable to CCR
  • Table 27 Modelled maximum short-term exposure concentrations for 1995 effluent discharges from CEZinc, and the percentage of each concentration attributable to CEZinc
  • Table 28 Modelled maximum short-term exposure concentrations for 1998 effluent discharges from Cominco-Trail, and the percentage of each concentration attributable to Cominco-Trail zinc operations
  • Table 29 Acute and chronic CTVs and ENEVs for SO2 derived for terrestrial vegetation
  • Table 30 Background soil pore water metal concentrations and ENEVs derived for terrestrial endpoints
  • Table 31 Critical loads of soluble metal for different terrestrial assessment endpoints
  • Table 32 Background surface water metal concentrations and ENEVs derived for aquatic endpoints
  • Table 33 Critical loads of soluble metal for different aquatic assessment endpoints
  • Table 34 Results of whole-effluent toxicity tests
  • Table 35 Estimated No-Effects Values (ENEVs) for aquatic organisms exposed to effluents
  • Table 36 Risk quotients for exposure of vegetation to ambient SO2 as a function of distance from copper and zinc production facilities
  • Table 37 Risk quotients for wet sulphate deposition for four receptor areas in eastern Canada
  • Table 38 Risk quotients for metal deposition as a function of distance from copper and zinc production facilities
  • Table 39 Risk quotients for biota in the St. Lawrence River based on exposures calculated for annual average loadings from the MUC-WWTP, which receives effluent from the Noranda-CCR facility
  • Table 40 Risk quotients for aquatic biota based on exposures calculated for maximum monthly or four-day average effluent loadings from the Noranda CEZinc facility to the Beauharnois Canal
  • Table 41 Risk quotients for aquatic biota based on exposures calculated for maximum monthly or four-day average effluent loadings from the Cominco-Trail facility to the Columbia River
  • Table 42 Summary of adverse health effects associated with particulate matter (epidemiological studies)
  • Table 43 Total Exposure Potency Index for lung cancer mortality at sites near Canadian copper smelters and refineries and zinc plants

List of Figures

  • Figure 1 Map of Trail, B.C., showing the outfalls and sampling locations considered in the assessment of aquatic releases from the Cominco facility
  • Figure 2 Fiftieth percentile of total soluble deposition rates (mg/m2/a) estimated by dispersion modelling for copper emitted from a generic copper smelter
  • Figure 3 Ninety-fifth percentile of total soluble deposition rates (mg/m2/a) estimated by dispersion modelling for copper emitted from a generic copper smelter
Last Updated: 2004-10-01 Top